
One mile of cauliflower snake, ten miles of non-poisonous snake. Cauliflower snake is non-poisonous, why is it known as the "king of a hundred snakes"?

author:Bobcat talk

In places where cauliflower snakes are infested, poisonous snakes are rarely seen in a radius of several miles. Cauliflower snakes are not poisonous, but why can they be called the "king of a hundred snakes"? Why are venomous snakes afraid of cauliflower snakes?

One mile of cauliflower snake, ten miles of non-poisonous snake. Cauliflower snake is non-poisonous, why is it known as the "king of a hundred snakes"?

About cauliflower snakes

Cauliflower snake usually refers to the king jin snake, and he also has many domineering names, such as the king snake, the king snake, and in the north also likes to call it pine flower snake.

Cauliflower snake is a very fierce personality of large non-poisonous snakes, and a very strong sense of territory, in the face of other snakes that invade its territory, they will take the initiative to attack, and eat the invading snakes, is one of the few snakes that eat snakes. The vast majority of snakes are no match for it.

One mile of cauliflower snake, ten miles of non-poisonous snake. Cauliflower snake is non-poisonous, why is it known as the "king of a hundred snakes"?

The size of the cauliflower snake is among the snakes, except for pythons and snakes, it is almost the largest snake among snakes. The average body length of adult cauliflower snakes can reach more than 2m, and the body size is very thick and powerful, and it is very aggressive.

The cauliflower snake is not only large, but also very flexible, and can climb trees, so in its recipe, birds and bird's eggs are its favorite foods. In addition, the cauliflower snake, like other snakes, mainly feeds on frogs and mice. Sometimes, however, they hunt their own species and other snakes for food. This is one of the reasons why he can become the king of a hundred snakes.

One mile of cauliflower snake, ten miles of non-poisonous snake. Cauliflower snake is non-poisonous, why is it known as the "king of a hundred snakes"?

Why can the cauliflower snake be called the "king of a hundred snakes"

01: The cauliflower snake has a strong physique.

A 79-year-old rural man told me that snakes with the word "king" have the characteristic of eating snakes. There is some truth in saying this. The king cobra we know likes to attack other snakes, catch other snakes for food, and sometimes even catch the same kind. The scientific name of the cauliflower snake is called Wang Jin snake, which also has this characteristic.

The body length of cauliflower snakes is usually more than 2m, the heaviest cauliflower snakes can reach more than 10 kilograms, they have a very thick and powerful body, is the largest non-poisonous snake except pythons. When the cauliflower snake catches its prey, it kills its prey through its own strong strangling power. Under the stranglehold of the cauliflower snake, ordinary small animals have no ability to resist at all. The strength of other snakes is much smaller than that of the cauliflower snake, and it is hardly a match for the cauliflower snake.

One mile of cauliflower snake, ten miles of non-poisonous snake. Cauliflower snake is non-poisonous, why is it known as the "king of a hundred snakes"?

02: In addition to having a strong physique, the cauliflower snake also has a certain degree of anti-toxicity.

According to scientists' research, the reason why the cauliflower snake is not afraid of the five-step snake is because it has this anti-poison factor in its body.

Five-step snakes, bamboo leaf green and other blood toxins snakes, their toxins are dispensable for cauliflower snakes, and they don't play much role at all. Moreover, in front of cauliflower snakes, they have almost no chance of using toxins. As early as when the cauliflower snake found them, it subdued the poisonous snake through its agile speed and strong strangling ability. That's why the folk have "one mile of cauliflower snake, ten miles of non-poisonous snake." ".

One mile of cauliflower snake, ten miles of non-poisonous snake. Cauliflower snake is non-poisonous, why is it known as the "king of a hundred snakes"?

But. When facing king cobras, silver-ringed snakes and other snakes with neurotoxins, they will also be afraid of three points. Because cauliflower snake anti-toxicity, resistance is not too obvious in the face of neurotoxins.

03: The cauliflower snake is able to release a unique odor.

The cauliflower snake can produce a unique smell, and the body also exudes this stench all the time, and this stench is also one of the important reasons why other snakes feel very afraid of it.

We all know that snakes' sense of smell is very sensitive, and they are very resistant to pungent smells, and it is even more difficult to resist the odor emitted by cauliflower snakes.

In the folk, there is a saying "break the red practice, smelly cauliflower" refers to this characteristic of the cauliflower snake. The smell of cauliflower snakes is like putting rotten eggs in ammonia, producing a very pungent smell that can be smelled from far away. This is even more painful for snakes with a sensitive sense of smell, and when facing cauliflower snakes, they can't make it at all.

One mile of cauliflower snake, ten miles of non-poisonous snake. Cauliflower snake is non-poisonous, why is it known as the "king of a hundred snakes"?


The cauliflower snake is called the "king of a hundred snakes" because of its wide diet, most snakes are in its diet, and many snakes are not the enemy of the cauliflower snake. With its strong strength, sensitive posture, and certain anti-toxicity, the cauliflower snake can be fearless even in the face of poisonous snakes.

Although the cauliflower snake is the king of a hundred snakes and has a strong ability to survive, the number of cauliflower snakes is constantly decreasing due to human damage to the environment. Therefore, I believe that everyone should protect the environment, respect nature, and love animals, which is the way for our human sustainable development.