
Homemade recipes for the top ten classic dishes of the Northeast

author:Yu loves food
Homemade recipes for the top ten classic dishes of the Northeast

Northeastern cuisine pot wrapped meat

In the Qing Dynasty, the bannerman Zheng Xingwen came to Beijing with his father at the age of 6, and gradually became interested in cooking, and then paid homage to Chen Caibao, the heir of Huaiyang cuisine. In 1907, Zheng Xingwen went to Yamen, Binjiang Road, Harbin, and became an official chef to cook meals for Daotai Du Xueying. Foreign guests, especially Russian guests, are often entertained in the dotai house. Since foreigners like to eat sweet and sour taste. Du Xueying ordered the chef in the house to change the taste of the dishes. Zheng Xingwen changed the original salty and fresh taste of "burnt pork strips" into sweet and sour dishes, which made Harbin the origin of pot wrapped meat.

This dish is very much liked by Russian guests and they order it every time they eat. Because it stir-fry quickly over a rapid heat, heat the iron pot, pour the juice into the pot, and soak it into the meat, so it is called "pot popping meat". Russians pronounce "burst" as a bag, and after a long time, "pot popping meat" evolves into "pot bun meat".

Before the Xi'an Incident, the three eastern provinces were under the jurisdiction of the Zhang family, and many dishes in Daotai Prefecture belonged to forbidden dishes and private dishes. After Japan invaded Heilongjiang, some folk crafts and gourmet recipes gradually flowed out, and pot-wrapped meat also began to circulate in Harbin and outside. Liaoning people have transformed the pot bun meat, and the last step is to use tomato sauce or tomato sauce, which looks like Harbin's "cherry meat" and reduces the original crispy golden color of the pot bun meat.

Dish features: Pot wrapped pork with pork tenderloin and starch, fried twice, one fried, two fried, and garnished with coriander when it comes out of the pan. The appearance is red and white, the meat is charred and tender, slightly sour and slightly sweet.

Instructions for consumption

Nutritional value: pork tenderloin contains high-quality protein, fat, vitamins, etc. required for human growth and development, and the meat is tender and easy to digest. In addition, heme (organic iron) and cysteine, which promotes iron absorption, can improve iron deficiency anemia.

Pork mainly treats fever and injury, thirst and thinness, kidney weakness, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, deficiency, nourishing yin, moisturizing, nourishing liver and yin, moisturizing the skin, facilitating urination and quenching thirst.

Pairing taboos:

1. Pork cannot be eaten with licorice, eating it together will cause poisoning. But you can eat mung bean soup to relieve poisoning.

2. Pork and plum cannot be eaten together, and eating together may cause poisoning. If poisoning can be treated with ground pulp water.

3. Coriander is also known as coriander, spicy and warm, consumes gas and hurts the spirit. Pork is greasy and helps to produce phlegm due to humid heat. The two are fed and are harmful to the body.

4. Cang surgery can strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, and can remove moisture from the body. However, pork helps the body to increase saliva secretion and increase moisture, so their effect is opposite, so they cannot be cooked together.

5. Beans and pork should not be matched, because the content of phytic acid in beans is very high, and it often forms a complex with protein and mineral elements, which affects the availability of the two and reduces the utilization efficiency; There is also because beans combine with minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, etc. in lean meat, fish and other meat foods, thereby interfering with and reducing the body's absorption of these elements.

Image promotion:

In 2014, Harbin's century-old dish "Pot Bun Meat" was unveiled in its "born" restaurant with three Q versions of "Chef Zheng", "Du Daotai" and "Vasily", and this local famous dish had its own promotion image for the first time.

The three Q versions of the images are based on Zheng Xingwen, the founder of "Pot Bun Meat", the first Daotai Du Xueying of Daotai Prefecture, and the Russian image, which are displayed in cartoon form, lively and interesting.

The Q version of the promotion image was designed for pot bun meat, aiming to let this famous dish show its deep history and cultural connotation, and reproduce the background of the era when pot bun meat was produced.

Detailed approach:

Ingredients: 1/2 pork tenderloin, 2 slices of ginger, 1 clove of garlic, 10g green onion, 1/2 spoon of salt, a little chicken essence, 1 spoonful of vinegar, an appropriate amount of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 egg, 120g starch, an appropriate amount of water, a little concentrated orange juice.


1. Prepare various materials. There are no green onions at home, so I use green onions.

2. Tear off the fascia on the surface of the pork loin and cut it into 3 mm thick pieces with a top knife. Finely slice the green onion and ginger, slice the garlic and set aside.

3. Pour cornstarch, a little water, salt, chicken essence, egg and tenderloin into a large bowl, grasp well with your hands so that the surface of the meat is coated with a thin layer of slurry, marinate for a while and then fry. In this way, the meat quality is not easy to lose moisture, and it is more tender and flavorful.

4. Pour an appropriate amount of vegetable oil into an iron pot, cook until it is 50% hot, spread the meat slices one by one, and fry them in the oil pan.

5. First use 50% hot oil, fry the meat slices until golden brown, and remove the excess oil.

6. Continue to heat the oil in the pan to 70%, pour the meat slices into the pan and fry.

7. Fry the surface of the meat hard, fry the inside thoroughly, and remove for later use. It is very important to re-fry once, and the surface must be fried hard, so that when the sweet and sour sauce is finally returned to the pot, the surface is crispy, not easy to soak soft, and the taste is better.

8. Weigh out the right amount of sugar to mix the sweet and sour sauce. The ratio of sugar and vinegar is generally 1:1, and sugar can also be slightly more than vinegar, because the slightly acidic orange juice is used to enhance Titian.

9. Mix sugar, vinegar, a little orange juice concentrate and a little water.

10. Pour into a pot, heat over low heat until the sugar is completely melted and the soup is thick and frothy, add garlic slices, green onion and ginger slices and stir-fry well.

11. Pour in the fried meat slices, quickly turn well, let the juice evenly wrap on the meat slices, and serve. Using the method of mixing sweet and sour sauce, some methods will use tomato sauce to mix sweet and sour sauce, or hook again at the end, depending on personal taste.

Homemade recipes for the top ten classic dishes of the Northeast

Northeastern cuisine white meat blood sausage

As soon as the cabbage arrives in winter, it can't be put away, so people pickle it into "sauerkraut", and in the northeast countryside, almost every household has to pickle some; White meat, that is, pork belly; Blood sausage is made by adding pig blood to other ingredients and pouring it into the casing. Sauerkraut is cut into fine strips, and flying knives cut out neat white meat and blood sausages, which are also stewed wildly over high fire. If it is used for rice, put more salt, if you eat the dish directly, put less salt on hold.

White meat and blood sausage is famous as a local dish in the northeast. With pork and blood sausage as the main raw materials, it tastes fat but not greasy, lean but not woody, blood sausage is crisp and tender and soft, hot soup is fresh and mellow, and the ingredients are full of flavors, which is popular and has a history of hundreds of years in Jilin Food Garden.

Approach one


Ingredients: Pork ribs (pork belly) (1000g) Pork intestine (1000g) Pig blood (1000g) Sauerkraut (250g)

Seasoning: Abrasive kernel (8g) Cinnamon (8g) Salt (50g) Nutmeg (8g) Cloves (8g) MSG (5g) Soy sauce (20g) Chili oil (15g) Curd (red) (20g) Garlic (15g) Shrimp oil (10g) Sesame oil (10g) Coriander (15g)

The production process

1. Scorch the skin of pork belly with skin side down with open flame, soak in warm water for half an hour, scrape the charred skin, boil in a pot of boiling water, cook thoroughly over low heat, remove the ribs while hot, cool and cut thin slices and put on a plate.

2. The pig fat sausage is cleaned, the skin is turned inward, and one end is tied tightly.

3. Fresh pig blood is clarified, add 1/4 of water, salt, monosodium glutamate to the upper serum and stir well with sand kernels, cinnamon, pengbian cinnamon, crape and clove, pour into the pig intestines, tie and seal tightly, boil the water pot over low heat until it surfaces, take out the cool slices, blanch it in the pot like a soup bowl, add green onion, ginger shreds, monosodium glutamate and other spices and broth, and serve it with white meat.

Approach two


Ingredients: 1000 grams of pork belly, 1000 grams of pork intestine, 1000 grams of pork blood, 250 grams of sauerkraut

Seasoning: 50g salt, 20g soy sauce, 5g monosodium glutamate, 15g garlic, 8g cinnamon, 10g sesame oil, 10g dashi stock, 8g abrasive kernel, 8g nutmeg, 8g cloves, 15g chili oil, 20g curd (red), 10g shrimp oil, 15g coriander

Dish recipes

White meat preparation method:

1. Place the meat fork on the iron fork, roast over medium heat, bake the oil slick, and bake the hair

2. Soak the roasted meat in water for 10 minutes, brush 3~4 times with a brush to clean up the pollution, and lift it to wipe the sewage

3. The meat skin is down, turn on the underwater pot, after the water is boiled, move to low heat and cook until six or seven are ripe, draw out the muscles and bones, and cook again

4. Slice the cooked meat, each slice is 1.3~16 cm long and 0.5 cm thick

Blood sausage preparation method:

5. Add salt and vinegar to the pork intestines, stir until the foam appears, wash the foam and dirt with water, and put them in the refrigerator for use

6. Take the blood that flows when killing the pig, sit down twice, and separate the clear blood from the mixed blood

7. 125 ml each of mixed blood and clear blood with water, 10 grams of large bone broth, 10 grams of salt, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 20 grams of sand kernels, cinnamon, and meat curd; When using, you can first dissolve the large bone broth in water and add it together, so that the mixture is more even

8. Take the pig intestines out of the refrigerator, wash them with water, tie one end with a marin, fill blood from the other, and after filling, tie the mouth, and then tie it from the middle, divided into two sections

9. Turn on the pot under water and cook for about 10 minutes, see the blood sausage float and fish out. Put it in a cold water basin and cut the cooked blood sausage into 1.3~1.6 cm slices with a knife

10. Remove the outer layer of old leaves of sauerkraut, wash and cut into fine strips

11. Cook white meat, blood sausages and shredded sauerkraut for 3~4 minutes

12. Dip in seasoning: the seasoning is synthesized with soy sauce, leek flower paste, chili oil, curd, garlic paste, shrimp oil, sesame oil and minced coriander

Cooking skills

1. Use pork with tender meat, appropriate thickness and skin;

2. The grilled meat should be drained from acid in water. hot water in winter and warm water in summer;

3. When cutting the meat juice, cut it from the outside to the inside while it is hot, cool it back to the pot slightly, and then change to another piece of hot meat cut;

4. Use the flavor of pig blood to be good, when enemas, stir the blood up and down;

5. When making leek flower paste, in addition to leek flowers, add an appropriate amount of tender leeks, apples, pears, gherkins, etc., which are fragrant and delicious, and have special flavor; To make chili noodles with chili peppers, first wipe the dust with a clean cloth, cut into fine circles with scissors, and fry them together with powder into pepper oil, which has a paste aroma;

6. The traditional production of blood sausages is added to the bone broth made by yourself, which is long and difficult to grasp; Nowadays, it has been rarely used, it is recommended to use Anqi bone soup, which is easy to use, natural, nutritious, healthy, and very easy to use;

7. During the production of blood sausage, 50 grams of salt and 100 grams of vinegar need to be pickled to remove white foam and dirt.

Recipe nutrition

Pork belly: pork is rich in high-quality protein and essential fatty acids, and provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine that promotes iron absorption, which can improve iron deficiency anemia; It has the effect of nourishing kidney and blood, nourishing yin and dryness; However, due to the high cholesterol content in pork, obese people and people with high blood lipids should not eat more. Pig large intestine: Pig large intestine has the effect of moisturizing, replenishing deficiency, quenching thirst and stopping bleeding, and can be used to treat weak thirst, prolapse, hemorrhoids, blood in the stool, constipation and other diseases.

Pig blood: pig blood contains a variety of trace elements, which are beneficial to malnutrition, kidney diseases, cardiovascular disease and post-disease maintenance, can prevent iron deficiency anemia, and can effectively prevent middle-aged and elderly people from coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and other diseases; Pig blood can also better remove the damage caused by dust and harmful metal particles in the human body; Pig blood should not be consumed too much, so as not to increase cholesterol in the body; Avoid eating during illness.

1. Pig blood has a high iron content, and exists in the form of heme iron, easy to be absorbed and utilized by the human body, children in the growth and development stage and pregnant or lactating women eat more dishes with animal blood, can prevent iron deficiency anemia, and can effectively prevent middle-aged and elderly people from coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and other diseases;

2. Cobalt contained in pig blood is an important trace element to prevent the growth of malignant tumors in the human body, which is difficult to obtain in other foods;

3. Pig blood contains vitamin K, which can promote blood clotting, so it has hemostatic effect;

4. Pig blood can also provide a variety of trace elements for the human body, which is beneficial to malnutrition, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and post-illness maintenance, and can be used to treat dizziness, vomiting blood, leakage blood halo, injury bleeding and convulsive epilepsy;

5. In addition, pig blood can also better remove the damage of dust and harmful metal particles in the human body; Modern medical research has found that the protein in pig blood can produce a disinfection and intestine moisturizing substance after being decomposed by gastric acid, which can biochemically react with dust and harmful metal particles entering the human body, and then take these harmful substances out of the body through excretion, which can be called the "scavenger" of human dirt.

Applicable population: The general population can eat

1. Suitable for anemia patients, the elderly, women, people engaged in dust, textile, sanitation, mining and other work; It is suitable for people with blood deficiency and dizziness; It is suitable for patients with intestinal parasites with bloating and noisy consumption;

2. Patients with hypercholesterolemia, liver disease, hypertension, and coronary heart disease should eat less; Avoid eating during illness; Patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding stage should not eat.

Sauerkraut: The lactic acid in sauerkraut can be appetizing and refreshing, sobering up and getting tired, but also can enhance appetite, help digestion, and promote the body's absorption of iron. At the same time, cabbage becomes sour, and the nutrients it contains are not easy to lose. But sauerkraut can only be eaten occasionally, if the human body lacks vitamin C should eat less, long-term bulimia, may cause urinary system stones, so that red blood cells lose the ability to carry oxygen, resulting in tissue hypoxia, skin and lips bruises, headache and dizziness, nausea and vomiting, palpitation and other poisoning symptoms, severe cases can also cause death.

Recipes are compatible

Pork ribs (pork belly): pork should not be eaten with plum, licorice, crucian carp, shrimp, pigeon meat, field snails, almonds, donkey meat, mutton liver, coriander, turtle, water chestnut, buckwheat, quail meat, beef.

Pig blood: pig blood should not be eaten with soybeans, otherwise it will cause indigestion; Avoid eating kelp with kelp, which can lead to constipation.

Sauerkraut: Sauerkraut should not be eaten with persimmons, which can cause gastrolithiasis.

Health tip: Pork is sweet, salty and flat. The protein content is 16.1~16.7%, and it also contains fat and ash. Carbohydrates, calcium. Phosphorus. Iron, vitamin B1, B2, C, niacin and other ingredients, with the effect of nourishing yin and dryness, suitable for heat and injury, thirst, win thinness, dry cough, constipation, etc.; Pig blood has the effect of tonifying blood and benefiting the middle, suitable for stroke vertigo. Abdominal distention, noise, cervical erosion, anemia, etc.; Pig intestine has the function of replenishing weakness and strengthening the spleen and stomach, and is suitable for weakness and weakness, diarrhea, diarrhea, thirst, frequent urination, children's hoarding, etc.

Homemade recipes for the top ten classic dishes of the Northeast

Northeastern dish chicken stew with mushrooms

Chicken mushroom stew requires careful selection, and the hazelnut mushrooms used are wild. The soup is fresh and thick, and the chicken is crispy.

Instructions for consumption

nutritive value

1. Mushrooms contain inducers of interferon, which can increase the level of interferon in the human body. Interferon can interfere with the protein synthesis of the virus and inhibit the growth and reproduction of the virus. In addition, mushrooms also contain polysaccharides, the active substance that improves the effect of human immunity.

Chicken, mushrooms, garlic, green onions, ginger, onions, white radish, coriander and other foods can enhance human immunity and have antiviral effects. Especially in the dish of chicken stewed mushrooms, combining mushrooms with chicken stew, while reusing green onions, ginger and coriander that also have virus-inhibiting effects, will make the antiviral and immunity-enhancing effect of chicken broth and chicken more significant.

Suitable for the population

When people with kidney deficiency cook this dish, they can add some chestnut to accompany the dish, which not only tastes better, but also has the effect of curing diseases. However, chicken stewed mushrooms are easy to catch fire, so gout patients and yang deficiency physique, often cold and cold intolerance, people with warm limbs should eat less.

Chicken soup contains more purines, so people suffering from hyperuricemia and gout should not eat. People with renal insufficiency and hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, and peptic ulcers should eat with caution and eat less. Chicken skin contains more fat, and obese people should not eat chicken skin when eating this dish.

Food is compatible

1. Chicken and plums are compatible, and food is diarrheal. Rescue: Eat chicken urine white.

2. Chicken and garlic. Garlic is poisonous and toxic, and the main gas is eliminated, wind removal, and antivirus. And chicken sweet acid warm supplement, the two functions match, and garlic smell, from the perspective of seasoning, it is also incompatible with chicken.

3. Chicken and carp. Chicken sweet and warm, carp ganping. Chicken replenishes the middle and helps the yang, carp under the air and water, the sexual taste is not reversed, but the function is multiplied. Fish is rich in protein, trace elements, enzymes and various bioactive substances; The composition of chicken is also extremely complex.

4. Chicken and plums are compatible, and food is diarrheal. Rescue: Eat chicken urine white.

5. Chicken with chrysanthemums. Generally speaking, chicken and chrysanthemum eaten together will cause poisoning reactions. Do not eat together. Eating it together may cause symptoms such as chest tightness and vomiting. Rescue: A penny of fine spices, and a five-point fried water in Chuanlian.

6. Chicken and glutinous rice. The main function of glutinous rice is to warm the spleen and stomach, so some people with spleen and stomach deficiency and frequent diarrhea can have a good therapeutic effect when eaten, but eating with chicken will cause physical discomfort.

7. Chicken with mustard. If these two foods are eaten together, they will hurt vitality. Because mustard is a hot thing, chicken is a warm tonic product, which may contribute to the heat and is not beneficial to health.

8. Chicken and dog kidneys are compatible and can cause dysentery.

Allusions and legends

According to legend, the unpretentious stew was the emperor's main diet. In Qianlong, Guangxu, Xuantong, and Cixi's imperial meal list, there is a dish of "mouth mushroom fat chicken", which is chicken stewed mushrooms.

It is said that in the Northeast stew list, the top of the list is always chicken stewed mushrooms. In the early years of Shenyang, chicken stew with mushrooms was the main dish of Chinese New Year's Eve'er and the signature dish for entertaining guests. There is an old saying: "When an aunt enters the door, the chicken breaks its soul." "That is to say, the new aunt accompanies his daughter-in-law back to her mother's house, and the old man's family must make chicken stew mushrooms."

Ingredients needed

Food: Chicken, shiitake mushrooms

Excipients: dark soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, light soy sauce, sugar, green onion, star anise, dried red pepper

How to make it:

1. Wash the chicken and chop it into small pieces.

2. Soak the dried hazelnut mushrooms in warm water for 30 minutes, wash and squeeze out the water repeatedly.

3. Heat the oil in a wok over high heat, add the chicken nuggets and stir-fry.

4. Stir-fry the green onion, garlic cloves, dried red pepper and star anise until the chicken changes color until fragrant.

5. Add the seasoning, stir-fry well and add boiling water that can cover all the solid food.

6. After the soup boils, skim off the foam, add the hazelnut mushrooms and simmer for another 50 minutes.

Eating instructions: Due to the high cholesterol content in chicken, it is recommended that people with high blood lipids eat less.

Homemade recipes for the top ten classic dishes of the Northeast

Northeastern cuisine De Morley fish stew

Make raw materials

Ingredients: grass carp, blue fish or carp, a piece of brine tofu, a handful of vermicelli, Chinese cabbage, a few pieces of pork belly, a few hazelnuts or shiitake mushrooms, one or two potatoes

Ingredients: 2 green peppers, small dried red peppers (must have, if you are afraid of spicy, you can put less), 1 green onion, 1 piece of ginger, half a head of garlic

Seasoning: salt, cooking wine, sugar, soy sauce, peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon

Note: Legend has it that the stewed fish seasoning is also Suzi leaves, Artemisia annua (Lotus), and mountain peppercorns (Schisandra).

How to make it

1. Over oil: wash the fish, change the knife, control the water, and fry for three or four minutes over oil or on high heat.

2. Soup mixing: master the amount of salt according to your taste; Cut the green onion into segments, do not chop, this can increase the beauty of the whole dish; Slice the ginger and peel the garlic. Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. At this time, the hazel mill should be washed and immersed in water. Cut the potatoes into chunks and set aside.

3. Stewed fish: After the fish is oiled, pour out the excess oil, pour the adjusted soup on the fish, and add pork belly; Add boiling water, the amount of water is less than the side of the large spoon, and simmer; Boil for 35 minutes, then reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. (Note: The amount of water should not be too small, one is to stew for a long time, and the other is to have noodles and noodles later.) )

4. Ingredients: After the fish is simmered in the pot for about 25 minutes, add the vermicelli, potatoes and hazel mill, and the vermicelli should not be tightly attached to the bottom of the pot to avoid sticking to the pan. After 10 minutes, add the tofu and cabbage cut into large pieces, the cabbage can be put in the whole slice, and after five or six minutes, turn off the heat and get out of the pan. Be sure to serve it in a slightly larger bowl so that it tastes atmospheric enough.

nutritive value

Nutritional effect: Carp contains high-quality protein, minerals, vitamins, etc., which has the effects of nourishing and strengthening the stomach, reducing swelling, milking, clearing heat and detoxification. The noodles are rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, niacin and minerals. Tofu is rich in protein, soy lecithin and plant active ingredients, which can prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis, breast cancer and prostate cancer, reduce blood lipids, protect blood vessel cells, and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Source saying

There is a small village called Demoli in Fangzheng County, a suburb of Harbin, and Demoli fish stew is the village's specialty.

The word "Demolly" is a transliteration of the Manchu word for "ferry", and the origin of this dish is Demoli Village (Yihantong, transliteration of the Manchu "old cow island") in Yihantong Township, Fangzheng County, a suburb of Harbin, which has a history of more than 100 years. Since the village is bordered by the Songhua River to the north, when there are many fish, the villagers here rely on fishing to make a living. In the early 80s of the 20th century, an elderly couple in the village opened a small restaurant on the side of the road to entertain passers-by who stopped to eat on the road. They stewed local live carp (you can also use catfish, crucian carp, and quack fish) with tofu and wide vermicelli, which were delicious.

Homemade recipes for the top ten classic dishes of the Northeast

Pig-killing dishes

Pig-killing dish was originally a stew eaten in rural areas in Northeast China every year when they were close to the New Year Pass to kill pigs. In many places in the northeast, pig-killing dishes are opened all year round, forming a major feature of the northeast diet. The authentic "pig-killing dish" is a general term for a series of dishes composed of a variety of dishes.

While maintaining the original flavor, the preparation method of "pig-killing dish" has been improved, and the taste is rich, and almost all parts of the pig are made into dishes. Pork bones, head meat, pulled pork, pork belly, pork blood sausage, sauerkraut white meat, and "lantern hanging" (full set of pig water).

Specialties of the dishes

In addition, the really exquisite restaurants are selected from the countryside with grain, hogweed captive formation of "stupid pig", this kind of pig has the purest natural meat aroma.

And the most representative of the "pig-killing dish" is the following flavors -

White meat with garlic paste: large pieces of pork are cooked and cut into large pieces, dipped in salt noodles or garlic sauce to eat, degreasy and flavorful, the most original fresh aroma.

Garlic paste heart meat: is the part of meat between the heart and liver of the pig, the taste is gluten, and it is also good to be dipped in garlic sauce.

Chai bone meat is also known as chai bone meat: pure lean meat that is cut from large bones. By saying "disassemble", it means that large pieces of lean meat should be torn apart by hand; I say "chai" because the meat is clearly shredded and looks good after cooking. The dipping sauce is made of soy sauce, vinegar, chili oil, garlic paste, mustard, curd, sesame paste, etc.

Sauerkraut stewed white meat blood sausage: sauerkraut should be made of northeastern cabbage by natural fermentation and sour, and the color is slightly yellow and translucent; White meat is a large piece of pork belly with skin; Blood sausage should be made with fresh pig blood, add green onion, salt and other ingredients to taste and pour into the casing, when cooking, the palm pot should take a long needle, from time to time in the blood sausage in the prick, wait until the needle eye does not blood immediately out of the pot to ensure the freshness of the blood sausage. These three flavors are stewed out in a pot, and the fat oil in the pork has been cleaned by sauerkraut.

How to make it

raw material

Ingredients: 100g fresh fat pork, 150g pork blood, 50g pork liver, 50g pork intestine, 100g white tofu, 100g sauerkraut, vermicelli.

Seasoning: lard, ginger, salt, green onion, coriander, peppercorn noodles, soy sauce, paste chili noodles.


1. Cut cooked pork belly into slices; It is better to add some bone meat; Cooked pork intestines cut into pieces; Blood sausage cut diagonally into slices; Wash the sauerkraut and cut it into fine strips; Soak the dried vermicelli with boiling water and cut into long knots; Cut the frozen tofu into slices.

2. Put the wok on the fire, put in mixed oil to heat, add ginger slices, green onion and fry fragrant, add shredded sauerkraut to stir-fry for flavor, mix with pork bone broth, add pork belly, pork intestines, vermicelli and frozen tofu, boil and skim the foam, add fine salt, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, chicken essence, etc., simmer for about 7 minutes on low heat, then use a slotted spoon to take out the stewed vegetables in the pot and put them into the soup.

3. Put the blood sausage into the pot, blanch until the intestine slices are curled, and then use a slotted spoon to remove and put in the soup? On top of the stewed dish, add MSG to the soup in the pot, and pour the soup into the pot? Inside, sprinkle the coriander festival at the end and serve with the garlic sauce dish.

Homemade recipes for the top ten classic dishes of the Northeast

Northeastern dish pork stew vermicelli

The northeast region has a vast territory and a large population, and as the saying goes, turnip cabbage has its own love. The dish of pork stew vermicelli has derived countless different ingredients due to the different tastes of each family, and while retaining the advantages of pork stew vermicelli dishes, it has also derived some dishes with richer taste levels. For example, cabbage pork stew vermicelli, pork vermicelli stew tofu, radish cabbage stewed pork noodles, etc. Depending on the ingredients, the seasoning changes accordingly. More ingredients are added to enrich the nutrition and color and aroma of dishes, and can adapt to the tastes of more people.

nutritive value

Pork ribs (pork belly): pork is rich in high-quality protein and essential fatty acids, and provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine that promotes iron absorption, which can improve iron deficiency anemia; It has the effect of nourishing kidney and blood, nourishing yin and dryness; However, due to the high cholesterol content in pork, obese people and people with high blood lipids should not eat more pork if it is properly cooked, it can also become a "medicine for longevity". After pork is stewed for a long time, the fat will be reduced by 30%-50%, the unsaturated fatty acids will increase, and the cholesterol content will be greatly reduced.

Noodles: Noodles are rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, niacin, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and other minerals. The noodles have good flavor, it can absorb the taste of various delicious soups, coupled with the tenderness and tenderness of the noodles themselves, it is more refreshing and pleasant, but because the noodles contain aluminum a lot, it is not suitable to eat too much at one time.

Sauerkraut: The lactic acid in sauerkraut can be appetizing and refreshing, sobering up and getting tired, but also can enhance appetite, help digestion, and promote the body's absorption of iron. At the same time, cabbage becomes sour, and the nutrients it contains are not easy to lose. But sauerkraut can only be eaten occasionally, if the human body lacks vitamin C should eat less, long-term bulimia, may cause urinary system stones, so that red blood cells lose the ability to carry oxygen, resulting in tissue hypoxia, skin and lips bruises, headache and dizziness, nausea and vomiting, palpitation and other poisoning symptoms, severe cases can also cause death.

Directions for consumption

Do not eat together

Pork ribs (pork belly): pork should not be eaten with plum, licorice, crucian carp, shrimp, pigeon meat, field snails, almonds, donkey meat, mutton liver, coriander, turtle, water chestnut, buckwheat, quail meat, beef.


Energy (3310.94 kcal) Protein (48.42g) Fat (325.73g) Carbohydrates (49.59g) Dietary Fiber (3.21g) Vitamin A (57.85 mcg) Carotene (47.10 mcg) Thiamine (0.49mg) Riboflavin (0.24mg) Niacin (12.80mg) Vitamin C (2.35mg) Vitamin E (24.31mg) Calcium ( 124.44 mg) Phosphorus (539.05 mg) Sodium (1820.64 mg) Magnesium (120.85 mg) Iron (10.62 mg) Zinc (9.19 mg) Selenium (21.10 mcg) Copper (0.49 mg) Manganese (0.84 mg) Potassium (1217.48 mg) Iodine (8.08 mcg) Vitamin B6 (0.01 mg) Folic acid (0.69 mcg) Vitamin K (0.35 mcg) Cholesterol ( 545.05 mg)

Pork ribs (pork belly): pork is rich in high-quality protein and essential fatty acids, and provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine that promotes iron absorption, which can improve iron deficiency anemia; It has the effect of nourishing kidney and blood, nourishing yin and dryness; However, due to the high cholesterol content in pork, obese people and people with high blood lipids should not eat more pork, and if it is cooked properly, it can also become a "longevity medicine". After pork is stewed for a long time, the fat will be reduced by 30%-50%, the unsaturated fatty acids will increase, and the cholesterol content will be greatly reduced.

Noodles: Noodles are rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, niacin, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and other minerals. The noodles have good flavor, it can absorb the taste of various delicious soups, coupled with the tenderness and tenderness of the noodles themselves, it is more refreshing and pleasant, but because the noodles contain aluminum a lot, it is not suitable to eat too much at one time.

Sauerkraut: The lactic acid in sauerkraut can be appetizing and refreshing, sobering up and getting tired, but also can enhance appetite, help digestion, and promote the body's absorption of iron. At the same time, cabbage becomes sour, and the nutrients it contains are not easy to lose. But sauerkraut can only be eaten occasionally, if the human body lacks vitamin C should eat less, long-term bulimia, may cause urinary system stones, so that red blood cells lose the ability to carry oxygen, resulting in tissue hypoxia, skin and lips bruises, headache and dizziness, nausea and vomiting, palpitation and other poisoning symptoms, severe cases can also cause death.

Historical legends

Pork stew vermicelli is one of the representatives of Northeast cuisine, originated in Sichuan, during the Tang Dynasty Xue Rengui was very fond of Sichuan cuisine, after Xue Rengui was sent to the northeast by the government, he also brought Sichuan cuisine to the northeast, and developed it into northeastern cuisine according to the local style: northeastern cuisine - northeastern cuisine includes dishes from Liaoning, Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces. It is also a local cuisine with a long history and characteristics in the mainland, which has been famous throughout the country since ancient times and is deeply loved by people from the north and south.

Ingredients: pork belly, green onion, ginger (sliced), peppercorns, star anise, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, rock sugar, vermicelli

Production steps:

1: Cut the pork belly into large pieces.

2. After the water in the pot boils, put in the pork belly, skim off the foam when the water is turned on again, take out the pork belly, and rinse with warm water to clean up the blood stain.

3. After the oil is heated in the pot, add green onion, ginger, peppercorns and star anise, add pork belly and stir-fry evenly.

4. Add cooking wine, dark soy sauce and rock sugar and stir-fry until colored.

5. Add an appropriate amount of warm water to cover the pork belly, which is slightly more water than braised pork. Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer for an hour.

6. Wash the vermicelli without soaking it softly, so that the noodles can absorb the taste of the soup more when put into the pot.

7. Put the vermicelli into the pot, cover the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, and continue to cook for 15 to 20 minutes on low heat until the vermicelli is soft and rotten.

Homemade recipes for the top ten classic dishes of the Northeast

Pork segments

The main ingredients are pork tenderloin, green pepper, etc., and the auxiliary ingredients are oil, salt, soy sauce, garlic, carrot, etc. Boiled pork is a home-cooked dish loved by ordinary people, and the preparation is simple and delicious.

How to make it

Approach one

Ingredients: pork, green pepper, starch, oil, salt, soy sauce, garlic, carrot

Practical steps

1. Cut the meat into small pieces, add water starch, and grasp well with oil.

2. Boil the oil until 70% hot, fry the meat until slightly yellow and floating, and fish out the control oil.

3. When the oil is 90% hot, put the fried meat into the re-frying and fish out.

4. Pour the oil in, fry the pepper and carrot with the base oil in the pot, then put the meat into it, and then pour in the juice mixed with soy sauce, salt, starch and garlic water and stir-fry it out of the pot.

Approach two

Material preparation

200g pork (lean), 1/2 red pepper, 1/2 pepper, 1/2 onion, 1 tablespoon wheat flour, 1 egg white; The seasonings are: 1/2 tsp salt, 3g chicken essence, 1 tsp ginger, 1 tsp garlic, 2 tsp cooking wine, 3 tbsp light soy sauce, 1/2 tsp dark soy sauce, 1/3 tsp sesame oil, 4 tbsp starch, 1 tbsp water starch, 1 tbsp spring onion, 1 tbsp sugar, 2/3 tbsp white vinegar, 500g vegetable oil, water to taste

Practical steps

1. Prepare the raw materials

2. Wash and cut the pepper into diamond-shaped pieces; Peel the onion, wash it and cut it into diamond-shaped pieces for later use

3. Wash and cut the pork into 1*2cm strips, add marinade and mix well for 15 minutes to taste, then mix and stir the batter raw materials, and put in the marinated meat pieces to hang the batter

4. Heat a wok and pour in about 500 grams of plants, heat the oil until 6, and fry the meat cubes with hanging pulp

5. When the meat is fried to golden brown, take it out, then continue to heat the oil, and when the oil temperature rises, put the fried meat pieces into hot oil, re-fry once with high heat, and fry for about 10-15 seconds to take out the drained oil

6. Pour out the excess oil in the pot, leave an appropriate amount of base oil to heat, fry the minced green onion and ginger until fragrant, then pour in the onion and stir-fry a few times

7. Pour in the chili pepper and red pepper cubes and stir-fry slightly

8. Add cooking wine, light soy sauce, sugar, salt and stir-fry well, then cook white vinegar along the side of the pot

9. Pour in clean water and bring to a boil

10. Pour in water starch and cook until sticky, add some chicken essence to taste

11. Pour in the pieces of meat

12. Quickly stir-fry evenly, let the juice evenly wrap each piece of meat, and pour sesame oil before starting

Cooking skills

1. If you want the fried meat to taste more charred and crispy, it is best to re-fry the fried meat pieces, and then carry out the step of wrapping the juice, remember that the oil temperature during re-frying is higher than the oil temperature of the first frying, but the frying time should not be too long, and the color of the appearance is slightly darkened;

2. The final step of stir-frying the juice should be fast to ensure the taste of the finished dish on the outside and tender on the inside;

3. Hanging the pulp for the meat segment is the key to this dish, and the starch paste added to the egg white is more viscous and not easy to fall off;

4. In order to facilitate the operation, the seasoning can be mixed into a bowl of juice in advance, poured into the pot at one time, and then cooked until viscous for wrapping the juice.

Approach three

Ingredients: 300 grams of lean pork, a little green and red pepper horn, 1 egg. 1000 grams of seasoning oil (about 75 grams), 1 tbsp each of shoji wine and soy sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1/2 tsp each of vinegar and sugar, 1/4 tsp each of refined salt and monosodium glutamate, a little green onion, minced ginger, garlic slices, starch.

Practical steps

1. Cut the pork into diamond-shaped segments, add refined salt, monosodium glutamate, wine, eggs, starch, hang "whole egg batter" into Qicheng hot oil and fry thoroughly, when it is golden brown, pour it into a colander; Add a little fresh soup, soy sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate and water starch to the bowl to make a sauce.

2. Heat a wok, add base oil, cook wine and vinegar in a pot with green onion, ginger and garlic, stir-fry for a while with eight green and red pepper horns, then add the fried meat segments, pour in the right potato juice, stir-fry evenly, drizzle sesame oil, and put on a plate.

Homemade recipes for the top ten classic dishes of the Northeast

Northeastern cuisine ginseng stewed chicken

Ingredients: 1 live hen (about 1.5 kg), 1 ginseng root (about 10 grams), 50 grams of mushrooms, 20 grams of green beans, 10 red dates, 20 grams of ginger, 10 grams of salt, 5 grams of sugar, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate.

The production process

Approach one

1. Fresh hens are slaughtered with blood, stripped, gutted, tail tips and paws, cut open from the abdomen (back to back), soaked in clean water for 4 hours, fished out, and controlled drying.

2. Put the ginseng into a bowl, add 100ml of water, cover, put it in the steamer, steam it for half an hour, so that the ginseng juice is dissolved in the soup and set aside.

3. After the mushroom is watered, remove the stem, wash and slice; Wash green beans and red dates; Peel the ginger, wash, slice and set aside.

4. Put the soaked and washed chicken in the porcelain pot, add water to submerge the chicken, and then add mushroom slices, green beans, red dates, ginger slices, salt, sugar, ginseng soup and monosodium glutamate. Put in a steamer, steam for 50 minutes over a high heat, remove and place the ginseng on the back of the steamed chicken.

5. When eating, ginseng can be temporarily sliced according to the number of diners.

Approach two

1: Cut the ginseng into thin slices, cut the chicken and wash the chicken.

2. Put the two flavors into a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, add ginger, green onion, cooking wine and peanut oil, bring to a boil, remove the foam on the soup noodles, and then simmer for 2~3 hours, and finally add salt.

Nutritive value:

Ginseng is flat, sweet, slightly bitter, and slightly warm. It can greatly replenish vitality, rejuvenate the pulse and solidify, replenish the spleen and benefit the lungs, rejuvenate and quench thirst, and calm the mind and intellect.

The chicken is sweet and lukewarm. It can warm up the spleen, nourish the blood, nourish the kidney and essence, and remove the evil qi of the heart.

However, due to the different effects of various ginsengs, attention should be paid to the choice of ginseng when making soup.

Directions for consumption

Chicken soup has the effect of stimulating gastric acid secretion, and patients with gastric ulcer, excessive stomach acid, and gastric bleeding should not drink chicken soup.

People with biliary diseases Because bile is required to participate in the digestion of fat in chicken soup, drinking chicken broth will stimulate gallbladder contraction, which is easy to cause cholecystitis.

However, it should be noted that some people do not eat ginseng stewed chicken soup, especially patients with renal insufficiency. Because the kidneys of such patients greatly weaken the filtering function of protein, and chicken soup contains a certain amount of protein, drinking ginseng chicken soup will aggravate the situation of renal insufficiency. In addition, the three high people are not suitable for eating ginseng stewed chicken.

Homemade recipes for the top ten classic dishes of the Northeast

Northeast sauerkraut white meat

Sauerkraut and white meat is a famous northeastern dish. The preparation is very simple, the soup is rich, and the meat has the aroma of sauerkraut. It melts in the mouth, fat but not greasy, and you can attach a plate of garlic paste soy sauce dipped in meat slices when eating. Sauerkraut absorbs the rich aroma of the meat, and the taste is crisp and tender, which is very refreshing.


Ingredients: 300g Northeast sauerkraut, 200g pork belly, 1 handful vermicelli

Excipients: green onion and ginger, 2 star anise, 4g salt, 3g pepper, 2g chicken essence


1 Prepare sauerkraut, pork belly and vermicelli.

2 Blanch the pork belly.

3 Bring to a boil in a soup pot, skim off the blood, add green onion, ginger and star anise.

4 Turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes.

5 Sauerkraut sliced from the middle.

6 Cut into fine strips and set aside.

7 Cook the pork belly until it can be gently pierced with chopsticks, then remove and let cool. 【Keep the original soup】

8 Cut the cooked pork belly into large pieces.

9 Add an appropriate amount of oil to a pot, fry chopped chives and ginger, add shredded sauerkraut and stir-fry evenly.

10 Pour in the original broth of boiled meat and bring to a boil, then add the vermicelli.

11 Add the sliced meat and cook until the vermicelli is transparently cooked.

12 Add salt, chicken essence and pepper to taste, drizzle with sesame oil and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Note: The heating time of sauerkraut should not be too long, otherwise the sauerkraut will not be crispy. If it is not acidic, you can add an appropriate amount of white vinegar, but it should be put in after ripening, and premature addition will make the sour taste of vinegar volatilize. Pepper powder is also volatile, so it should also be added after ripening.

Homemade recipes for the top ten classic dishes of the Northeast

Northeast multicolored facelift

Ingredients: 2 peels, 1 cucumber, 1 carrot, 2 eggs, fungus, lean meat

Seasoning: light soy sauce, salt, sugar, chicken essence, cooked sesame seeds, minced garlic, minced coriander, aged vinegar or clear vinegar (depending on taste)

Sauce mixing:

1. Cut the lean meat into shreds and scratch it with a small amount of wet starch.

2. Heat the wok and pour the oil, after the oil is hot, put the shredded meat into the stir-fry until the shredded meat turns white.

3. Add sesame seeds and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add light soy sauce, salt, sugar and chicken essence to a boil over high heat, turn off the heat, cool and set aside. (If you like spicy, you can also add some dried red pepper).