
A little talk about the rise and fall of the Chunlu people

author:Literary and Historical Dictionary

#历史开讲 #

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The Lu Guoqing clan is one of the Qing clans in the Spring and Autumn Period, and it is also the most important one among the Qing clan. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Lu Guoqing clan was mainly divided into five families: Jisun, Shusun, Mengsun, Zangsun and Dongmen.

These families controlled almost the political and economic lifeblood of the entire Lu Kingdom, influencing the development and progress of society at that time.

A little talk about the rise and fall of the Chunlu people

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I. Overview of the Lu Guoqing family

The Guoqing family was the main aristocratic family of the Lu state during the Spring and Autumn period of China, and the Qing family refers to the noble family that owned the caiyi. The history of the Lu Guoqing clan dates back to the late Zhou Dynasty, and over time, the status of these families gradually rose. During the Spring and Autumn period, the Lu Guoqing clan became the main ruling class of the country, wielding significant political and economic power.

2. "Born Ji Clan, Yiluhou"

"Born Ji clan, to be the Marquis of Ji", this is a typical aristocratic hereditary phenomenon in Chinese history. As one of the disciples of Confucius, the Jisun clan of the Lu State Qing clan has been the representative of the nobility of the Lu State since the Zhou Dynasty, and the rise and fall of the Ji clan in the history of the Lu State is also a microcosm of historical development.

First of all, the founder of the Jisun clan was Ji Wuzi, the younger brother of King Cheng of Zhou, who was sealed in the Gaotang Dynasty of the State of Lu and became the ancestor of the Ji clan. Later, with the support of successive kings and politicians of the State of Lu, the Jisun clan continued to grow and became the representative of the Qing family of the State of Lu.

A little talk about the rise and fall of the Chunlu people

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However, during the Ji You (Chengji) period, Ji was in its heyday, and during his tenure as prime minister of the State of Lu, he vigorously promoted agricultural production and made important contributions to the prosperity of the State of Lu. Under his impetus, the people of Lu gradually became richer and the national strength gradually increased.

However, over time, Ji's power gradually weakened. During the period of "government in the Ji clan", the Ji clan was still the representative of the Lu Guoqing clan, but the political status of the Ji clan was no longer as important as before. This is mainly because the rise of other Qing clans, as well as the division and strife within the Ji clan, led to the gradual weakening of the power of the Ji clan.

During the Huan Kang period, the Ji clan tried to protect their interests by uniting with other Qing clans, but ultimately failed. Duke Huan gradually took power into his own hands, which brought about major changes in the political pattern of the Lu state. At this time, the Ji clan was no longer the representative of the Lu Guoqing clan, and their power and status were gradually replaced by other Qing clan.

A little talk about the rise and fall of the Chunlu people

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3. "Blessing in disguise" - Uncle Sun

The Shusun clan is an important Qing clan of the State of Lu, and its ups and downs are also a microcosm of the history of the State of Lu. The history of this family can be divided into three stages: the supporting stage, the Mu Zhao period, and the rebellion of the retainers.

Although in the supporting role, the Shusun clan was not the core family of the Lu State, they still played an important role in the political life of the Lu State.

During the Mu Zhao period, the status of the Shusun family began to rise. Mu Zhao was a Ming ruler of the state of Lu, who held his uncle Sun highly in high esteem and appointed members of the uncle Sun clan to important positions.

Under the protection of Mu Zhao, the Shusun clan became one of the core forces of Lu state politics. This period was also the heyday of the Shusun clan, and the family's status and wealth reached a new height.

A little talk about the rise and fall of the Chunlu people

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However, over time, the status of the Shusun clan began to decline. This was mainly due to strife within the family and rebellion of the retainers. In the rebellion of the retainers, the Shusun clan suffered a huge blow.

Their property was looted and family members were exiled and executed. However, it was in this rebellion of the retainers that the Shusun clan achieved "blessing in disguise".

After the rebellion, the Kingdom of Lu fell into a long period of chaos and turmoil, and the power competition between the various families became increasingly fierce. At this time, the members of the Shusun clan used their wisdom and abilities to successfully survive this chaotic environment and re-establish the family's position politically. Members of the Shusun clan began to regain political power and gradually became one of the core families of the Lu state.

Therefore, the history of the Shusun clan is a good example of the truth of "blessing in disguise". Although they suffered great losses in the rebellion, the members of the Shusun clan succeeded in re-establishing the family's position through their own efforts and became an important force in the political life of the Lu state.

A little talk about the rise and fall of the Chunlu people

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4. "First up and then down" - Mengsun

The lineage of the Mengsun clan can be traced back to Mencius and is a descendant of Mencius. During the glory days of the Mengsun clan, they were once the powerful ministers of the Lu state and held important political and military power. However, this power gradually weakened during the later reign of the Mengsun clan, leading to their eventual decline.

The rise and fall of the Mengsun clan can be mainly divided into three periods. The first is the period of Qing's father's difficulties and Gongsun Ao Benju, which was the rise of the Mengsun clan.

In 482 BC, the Qingfu Rebellion broke out, and the Mengsun clan took the opportunity to gain a great deal of military and political power. In 475 BC, Gongsun Ao Benju and Mengsun further strengthened their power. During this period, the Mengsun clan was still relatively united, and there were not too many contradictions between the various branches.

This was followed by the Meng Xianzi period, which was the heyday of the Mengsun clan. Meng Xianzi was a representative of the Mengsun clan, and he wielded great political and military power.

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Under his rule, the Kingdom of Lu achieved political stability and economic prosperity. However, this period was also a period of intensification of internal contradictions within the Mengsun clan. After Meng Xianzi's death, constant internal strife within the Mengsun clan, coupled with external wars and pressures, led to the gradual decline of Mengsun's power.

Finally, there is the period of decline of the Mengsun clan, which mainly refers to the 4th century BC. The decline of the Mengsun clan has a lot to do with the general background of the Warring States period. The state of Lu gradually declined during the Warring States period, and the Mengsun clan lost its political and military foundation.

5. "Knowledgeable Gifts" – Zang Sun

The Zang Sun clan was a member of the Qing clan of the State of Lu, whose members were known as "Zhishu Dali". The lineage of the Zang Sun family dates back to the Zhou Dynasty, and its ancestor was a minister of King Wu of Zhou. The ancestors of the Zang Sun clan established a family in the state of Lu, which was later promoted by their descendants holding official positions in the state of Lu.

A little talk about the rise and fall of the Chunlu people

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The rise of the Zang Sun clan in the Kingdom of Lu began during the reign of the Duke of Luding. Members of the Zang Sun clan gathered around Lu Dinggong and became his confidants. The reuse of the Duke of Luding laid the foundation for the rise of the Zangsun family, whose members gradually rose in the politics of the Lu state. The representative figures of the Zang Sun clan include Zang Cang, Zang Wuzhong and others.

Zang Cang was a representative figure of the Zang Sun clan during the Duke of Lu Guoding. He performed well in front of Dinggong and was reused by Dinggong. Zang Cang showed great talent in politics, and he assisted Dinggong in implementing policies, which enabled the stable development of the state of Lu at that time. Zang Cang's talent led him to be named "Shibo" and became one of the leaders of the Lu state.

Zang Wuzhong was the second generation leader of the Zang Sun clan. He served as a Xiangbang during the reign of Duke Wen Xuan of the State of Lu and had a high status. Zang Wuzhong showed great political talent and management ability during the Wen Xuan Gong period.

He implemented a series of policies politically, which played a great role in promoting the development of Lu State. Zang Wuzhong's talent was valued by Wen Xuan Gong, making Zang Sun's peak during the Wen Xuan Gong period.

A little talk about the rise and fall of the Chunlu people

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However, Zang Sun's glory during the Wen Xuan Duke period soon came to an end. Zang Wuzhong's successor, Zang Wuzhong's son Wuzhong, was deposed by Duke Wen Xuan because of his debauchery. After Wu Zhonghou was deposed, the status of the Zang Sun family began to decline. Although Zang Sun still had a certain position in the politics of the Lu state, it no longer had its previous glory.

6. "Killing the Emperor" - Dongmen Clan

Among the Lu Guoqing clan, the Dongmen clan is quite a special existence. Its rise and fall are closely linked to the development of Lu politics. The rise of the Dongmen clan originated from the decentralization of power among the Lu monarchs in the late Spring and Autumn period and the reform of the Caiyi system.

The rise of the Dongmen clan occurred in 609 BC, when the Lu monarch was in a weak position, the Caiyi system was abolished, and the Caiyi was owned by the government, thus creating an opportunity for the Dongmen clan to seize political control.

A little talk about the rise and fall of the Chunlu people

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During the Dongmen clan's seizure, although the Lu state was governed to a certain extent, some serious problems also arose. The Dongmen clan carried out political reforms and introduced new systems, but in practice they often made mistakes.

For example, the system of "Xiangbang" they promoted was not very suitable for the political environment of Lu at that time, so it was not well implemented. In addition, the Dongmen clan also collected a large number of taxes and forced the people to perform hard labor, which had a serious impact on the economy of the Lu state, resulting in the poverty of the people.

After the fall of the Dongmen clan, although the political reforms promoted by the Dongmen clan were unsuccessful, their impact on the political, economic and social affairs of the Lu state was far-reaching.

The failure of the Dongmen clan aggravated the division and internal friction of the Lu state, and also caused the strength of the Lu state to gradually decline. In the history of the Lu Guoqing clan, the rise and fall of the Dongmen clan is a journey full of lessons and revelations.

A little talk about the rise and fall of the Chunlu people

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VII. Conclusion

Through the study of the history of the rise and fall of the Lu Guoqing clan, we can see that under the feudal system in ancient China, the status and influence of the Qing clan played a decisive role in a country's political pattern. Under this feudal system, the rise and fall of the Qing clan is often caused by a series of complex factors.

In the Lu Guoqing clan, the Tian clan, the Gongsun clan, the Meng clan and the Dongmen clan have all experienced a process of ups and downs. The Tian and Gongsun clans achieved the stability and development of their own power through strict family management and reasonable political means;

Marshi led to its decay through a series of mistakes and internal contradictions. The Dongmen clan, on the other hand, seized power under the political strategy of "killing and standing up", but eventually lost its status and influence due to diplomatic mistakes and internal political divisions.

A little talk about the rise and fall of the Chunlu people

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Through the study of the history of these Qing families, we can find that the rise and fall of the Qing family is closely related to the strength of a political group, and the strength of a political group depends on many factors, such as family management, political strategy, diplomatic means, and so on.

Therefore, a country's political system should avoid the power of the Qing ethnic group as much as possible, and achieve the balance of political power and democratic development by establishing a relatively independent and stable political system.

In short, the history of the rise and fall of the Lu Guoqing clan provides an important reference for us to understand China's ancient feudal system and political culture. At the same time, it also reminds us that in contemporary society, we should pay attention to the establishment of a stable political system and a balanced political power structure in order to achieve long-term peace and stability and democratic development of the country.