
Not seen in 42 years! On the bench, Howard humbled into the dust

author:Black Eight Sports

With the push of the thick eyebrow brother in the second quarter, the game became boring.

Everyone knows that the Lakers lost this game. And what's even more frightening than losing is that there are problems inside the Lakers.

Six straight losses in preseason and two straight losses in the regular season. How can you be happy if you keep losing?

The push of the thick eyebrow brother seems to be abrupt, but in fact, it is not the outbreak of the thick eyebrow brother's emotions after losing consecutively.

Not seen in 42 years! On the bench, Howard humbled into the dust

Should the thick-browed brother push like this? Of course not. If there is any problem, it should be solved privately. Bringing the contradictions to light during the game is obviously a very irrational move.

Howard has been miserable lately. The NBA officially announced the 76th, Howard did not qualify. Justice is in the hearts of the people, and everyone is upset with Howard, even Lillard said that Howard should be selected. 1 career championship, 8 All-Stars, 5 rebounding kings, 3 block kings, 8 best teams, 5 best defensive teams, 3 times best defensive players. The NBA's selection of the 76 should look at the honor of the player, not the current strength. Howard's honor should definitely be included in the 76th.

Not seen in 42 years! On the bench, Howard humbled into the dust

With Howard's credentials and honors in the NBA, young players should respect him a little more. Not to mention, Brother Thick Brow is Howard's teammate. The magician said on social media: "Dwight and AD worked on the bench, in my 42 years with the Lakers, I have never seen anything like this, alas..."

What happened to the conflict between Brother Thick Brow and Howard? Judging from the live video and the post-match interview, it seems that there was a problem with communication during the game. During the timeout, the thick-browed brother wanted to call Howard to discuss the discussion, but Howard did not know whether he did not hear or how, and after greeting his teammates, he went straight back to the bench.

Not seen in 42 years! On the bench, Howard humbled into the dust

This is not a big problem, if the Lakers have not been losing, and the Suns have not been playing very well, this conflict will not have happened at all. But because the Lakers have lost too many goals, the thick-browed brother is anxious.

The good news is that at halftime, Thick Brow and Howard resumed communicating. In an interview after the game, both parties said that the matter had been turned upside down.

Howard really changed, if it was when he was young, he was pushed and shoved by the thick eyebrow brother, pointing at the nose and talking, it is estimated that he directly did it with the thick eyebrow brother. But this time in the midst of the conflict, Howard has been backing away. After the game, he also said that Brother Thick Brow is his brother and that he will always support Brother Thick Brow. With Howard's status, he didn't have to be so humble.

Not seen in 42 years! On the bench, Howard humbled into the dust

Howard lowered his stance and made the conflict less serious. But whether this matter is really turned over depends on the performance of the Lakers after that.

If the Lakers are on the track of victory and start winning, it will naturally turn the page. But if the Lakers continue to win a victory, then don't talk about the contradiction between Brother Thick Brow and Howard, more contradictions will erupt.

The Lakers continue to play the Grizzlies at home in their next game. The Grizzlies opener beat the Cavaliers 132-121 and Morant Athletic was in very good form. The Grizzlies played the Clippers on the 24th, and the Lakers on the 25th. For the Lakers, the time and place are all there, depending on whether they can get the first win of the season and harvest people.

If the Lakers can win the Grizzlies, the crisis will be temporarily lifted. But if the Lakers continue to lose, the consequences are unimaginable.

The Lakers' team formation this offseason is full of controversy. People in the industry generally believe that Wei Shao and the Lakers are not compatible, but they still find Wei Shao. After that, the Lakers found a lot of veterans, laying a huge hidden danger of injury.

I thought that Wei Shao and the Lakers were no longer compatible, at least playing the regular season was enough. But Wei Shao didn't even play well in the preseason and was in very bad shape. Coupled with the impact of the injury tide, the new season has only played 2 rounds, and the Lakers have erupted into a conflict.

Not seen in 42 years! On the bench, Howard humbled into the dust

The Lakers have now exposed so many problems, which is certainly not a happy thing. But from the perspective of benefits, the new season has just started, and no matter how many problems are exposed, there is still time to solve.

If Westbrook really can't integrate into the Lakers, then trading will become the only option. Unless the Lakers want to give up this season.

However, if Wei Shao is traded as a loser, what the Lakers can get back is not optimistic.