
#Philately Love Toss#My Philatelic SEPAC2022Localbeverages Faroe Islands Background Information: The Faroe Islands are made up of 18 mountainous islands


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My philately

SEPAC 2022 Local beverages

Faroe Islands

Background data :

The Faroe Islands are an archipelago of 18 mountainous islands located between Iceland and Scotland in the North Atlantic. According to stories passed down from generation to generation, the first known settlers were Irish monks in the 6th century. Today, the island has a population of nearly 54,000 spread across 17 inhabited islands. The islands are connected by well-developed infrastructure, linked together by a comprehensive network of roads, tunnels and ferries.

Stamp Contents:

"Local Drinks"

The old Faroe Islands brewery Foroya Bjor (1888) has been supplying the Faroe Islands with beverages, both beer and various soft drinks, for almost a century and a half, and in recent years spirits have enjoyed great success in the domestic market.

The protagonist of the stamp is Simun iVagi, who founded the brewery and designed the iconic logo, and the Faroe Islands ram also appears on the stamp (background).

#Philately Love Toss#My Philatelic SEPAC2022Localbeverages Faroe Islands Background Information: The Faroe Islands are made up of 18 mountainous islands
#Philately Love Toss#My Philatelic SEPAC2022Localbeverages Faroe Islands Background Information: The Faroe Islands are made up of 18 mountainous islands
#Philately Love Toss#My Philatelic SEPAC2022Localbeverages Faroe Islands Background Information: The Faroe Islands are made up of 18 mountainous islands

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