
From March, rural burial cremation is "one-size-fits-all"? Central Document No. 1: Unified implementation of funeral reform

author:The sun is exactly j

#Headline Creation Challenge#Introduction

As the old saying goes, life is nothing important except death, for traditional Chinese, relatives must be solemnly buried after death, adhering to the traditional concept of entering the soil for safety, so many people will bury them after death. But later, with the continuous development of science and technology, the state vigorously promoted cremation, believing that cremation is a more reasonable and environmentally friendly burial method, so it has formed a parallel situation of burial and cremation today.

But when the country first introduced cremation, the public was not tolerant of it, because burial has a history of thousands of years. So in a short period of time, it is more difficult to change people's ideas. Now there is news that since March, rural burial cremation is "one-size-fits-all"? Central Document No. 1: Unified implementation of funeral reform, what is going on, let's find out together!

From March, rural burial cremation is "one-size-fits-all"? Central Document No. 1: Unified implementation of funeral reform

The mainland is a large country with a population of 1.4 billion, and there are different customs between regions, and the Han are the most populous of the 56 ethnic groups, and many traditional cultures have been handed down from ancient times to the present, including funeral culture that has lasted for thousands of years. Therefore, after thousands of years of development, the mainland has retained a relatively complete funeral system, and its main funeral method is burial.

In the traditional concept of Chinese, after the death of a loved one, burying it in the soil is the greatest respect for them. But later the state vigorously promoted cremation, mainly because of sustainable human development. Due to the large population of the mainland, but the land area is extremely limited, the burial method will occupy a lot of cultivated land.

From March, rural burial cremation is "one-size-fits-all"? Central Document No. 1: Unified implementation of funeral reform

As a result, people's food security is not protected. It's just that despite this, in China, especially in more remote rural areas, many people still cannot accept the form of cremation. Therefore, under such circumstances, the state clearly stated in the Central Document No. 1 that it is necessary to implement the reform of the rural funeral system. So is the news cremation cremation cremating across the Internet true?

According to past experience, the mainland is unlikely to use a one-size-fits-all form when implementing any system, because the continent is vast, has a large population, and there is a certain gap between regions, so if the system is implemented one-size-fits-all, then it is likely to be one-sided and extreme.

From March, rural burial cremation is "one-size-fits-all"? Central Document No. 1: Unified implementation of funeral reform

Therefore, after the issuance of Central Document No. 1, various regions will carry out actions one after another, so what are the main core tasks of reform? In fact, it is divided into the following two aspects, one is demolition, first of all, the demolition of living tombs in rural areas and luxury tombs. The reason why living tombs exist in rural areas is that under the influence of feudal thinking, many people repair their graves when they are still alive, so as to achieve the effect of preparing for rainy days.

But in fact, such an approach is not in line with materialist thinking, so we should abandon it. Secondly, the existence of luxurious tombs is the result of the gradual prevalence of the trend of comparison in rural areas, and people used to live similar lives, so their thoughts were always relatively simple.

From March, rural burial cremation is "one-size-fits-all"? Central Document No. 1: Unified implementation of funeral reform

But with the improvement of people's material level, now the countryside is full of the wind of comparison, even the graves must be divided into three, six and nine, and the better the descendants repair the graves, the more powerful their own families are. But such a culture is not advocated, so now the state has decided to rectify it.

The second is clearance. The main content of the work is to eliminate some bad funeral customs in rural areas, such as sky-high prices for funeral supplies and large-scale funeral activities. Nowadays, some bad businesses raise prices, raise the price of funeral supplies, take advantage of the death of loved ones, people are addicted to grief, can not take into account the price, so make a big profit, thereby disrupting market prices, causing adverse effects, for such behavior the relevant departments will now take action.

From March, rural burial cremation is "one-size-fits-all"? Central Document No. 1: Unified implementation of funeral reform

In addition, for the behavior of funerals in rural areas, relevant departments will also take action to rectify. It stands to reason that there are relatives in the family who have passed away, and the descendants hold a grand funeral to express their condolences, which is understandable. However, such behavior will directly lead to the prevalence of comparison in rural areas, so that the waste of social resources is not worth advocating.

In fact, whether it is the construction of a luxurious tomb or the act of making a big deal with the funeral, it is some of the compensation made by descendants for their deceased relatives in order to show their filial piety. But from a realistic point of view, after the death of a loved one, no matter what the descendants do, they cannot make up for it. The only thing that can be done is to spend more time with your loved ones while they are alive, which is more precious than anything else.

From March, rural burial cremation is "one-size-fits-all"? Central Document No. 1: Unified implementation of funeral reform


There are indeed many traditional cultures worth inheriting in China for 5,000 years, but in traditional culture, there are essences and wastes, and what we have to do is to take the essence and remove the waste, so as to better promote Chinese culture. So do you have your own views on the funeral system in the countryside?