
She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

author:Slow time
She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Slowtime | Slow time

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry


Slow time original, reprint please contact

"Handsome than men, beautiful and unparalleled."

If you describe a person in this way, who is the first thing that comes to mind?

Perhaps many people will nominate Lin Qingxia.

Lin Qingxia's unique beauty and temperament have always been unique in the entertainment industry.

Even Qiong Yao, who has always been picky, couldn't help but praise:

"I have never met a second woman who can compete with Qingxia."

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

In "Smiling Proud of the River", as soon as the Oriental Undefeated she played appeared, she surprised countless people with a red robe, both heroic and charming, more handsome than the male protagonist in the film.

Therefore, Lin Qingxia's version of the East is undefeated, has always been the most classic version of the gods in everyone's heart, and no one can beat it.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

And the protagonist to be introduced today, like Lin Qingxia, is a queen who is more handsome than a boy - Tianhai Youxi.

In "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji", she is also a boy, with a heroic appearance and a straight body, dumping countless girls.

Therefore, she is also known as the undefeated of Japan's East.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

There is a popular saying in Japan:

"Men all over Japan have to thank Tenkai Yuki for not liking women."

Over the years, many girls still feel shy because she is too handsome when they face her.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

And her most attractive point is not her appearance, but more of her talent and cultivation.

She is not only the youngest male lead actor of the Takarazuka Opera Company, but also has the courage to break through herself at the peak of her career and pursue her dream of being an actor from scratch.

After that, through repeated attempts and transformations, he won countless awards and became a well-deserved "queen of acting" in everyone's eyes.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

From her, I saw the most beautiful appearance of a woman:

Independent and resolute, do not set limits for yourself, and are not afraid of age, brave to be the best of yourself.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

When will you get married?

Leave me alone!

This year, Tenkai Yuki is 54 years old.

But you don't feel the passage of time at all, taking away the beauty on her face and the temperament on her body.

On the contrary, through the increase of experience, she became more attractive and mature.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

One of the most controversial issues in her today is that she is not married.

So very often everywhere she goes, she is faced with the question of when she will get married.

On the show, when someone praises her, she will always turn a corner to pity her:

"It would be nice to find a lover."

Whenever this happened, Tianhai would respond stiffly:

"Leave me alone!"

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

If you touch the question over and over again, she will unceremoniously reply:

"No knot, no knot, trouble, said eight hundred times."

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

For marriage, Tianhai gave its own attitude very early:

"I choose not to get married, it's purely my way of life, I don't like the presence of another person in the family, I'm not willing to change my lifestyle." 」

She did not resist love, and she had experienced two relationships, but in the end they were both disappointed.

For love, she has already seen it, after all, there is nothing more important than being happy in life.

And today's single life, she enjoys it.

Her life is very easy and happy now, and she will continue to be happy in the future.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Therefore, she also does not want herself to be kidnapped by "marriage".

Because in life, in addition to marriage, there are more valuable and meaningful things.

Having good feelings is of course the icing on the cake, but there is no need to force it.

The rest of your life is short, and you don't need to be constantly wrapped up in age prejudice and worldly vision, but to be brave enough to speak your mind and live your rhythm.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Perhaps many years ago, hearing these controversies and arguments, she would still take it to heart.

But now, with the increase of experience and the enrichment of ideas, she understands more and more that whether a person's happiness lies not in whether you are married, but in whether your current life is what you want.

So now, she is always generous and confident and full of smiles on the show.

And when faced with those malicious marriage remarks, she directly sent them a sentence of "leave me alone.".

She has money, beauty, work, and a full and wonderful life, which is her confidence.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Everyone's life is wonderful, and there are no rules and regulations on what to do at any age.

I hope that everyone can be brave enough to be themselves and say no to prejudice.

When you meet someone kidnaps you with age, please confidently dump them: Leave me alone!

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry


It's something I've always wanted to stick to!

In 1967, Yuki Tenkai was born into a wealthy family in Tokyo, his grandmother was a beautician, and his mother also inherited the family business after marrying her father and became a beautician.

Therefore, the grandmother has been looking forward to it in her heart, and when Tianhai grows up, the beauty salon will be handed over to her.

But Tianhai has had an actor dream since he was a child and is not interested in beauty at all.

So, when her grandmother asked her, "What do you want to do when you grow up?" ”

She replied without hesitation: "I want to act when I grow up." ”

But I didn't expect that after this sentence was said, I was immediately splashed with cold water by my grandmother.

"A skinny, dark-skinned guy like you, who looks like burdock, can't be an actor."

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

This sentence from her grandmother struck Tianhai Youxi hard, and she couldn't help but cry.

When her mother saw this, she immediately pulled her into the kitchen and comforted her:

"You have to do what you want, the beauty salon at home, it doesn't matter if it closes down at my hands."

Mothers who have given up their dreams because of the family business do not want their daughters to follow in their footsteps.

Therefore, she has been encouraging Tianhai to always be herself and do what she wants to do.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

It is precisely because of his mother's encouragement and support that Tianhai has always unswervingly adhered to his dream.

In junior high school, she joined the school's drama department and began to learn how to act.

She also secretly hid from her family and signed up for the film company's draft.

With his outstanding appearance and hard work, he went through five levels and slashed six generals, reached the final, became a representative player in Tokyo, and conducted a national final.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

But at this time, Tianhai was only 14 years old, which was the age of simple ignorance, and if she stepped into the complex environment of the entertainment industry at this time, she might not be able to withstand various temptations.

So her parents resolutely forbade her to participate in this national election and did not allow her to participate in various acting-related activities.

Tianhai was very upset, but he couldn't fight his parents.

Fortunately, at this time, her teacher Zhong Chun came to her house and suggested that Tianhai apply for the Takarazuka Music School.

Takarazuka Music School is a special school established specifically for the training of Takarazuka Opera Troupe members, and it is said that "there is Todai (University of Tokyo) in the east and Takarazuka in the west", which is very prestigious.

Therefore, it is not easy to get admitted.

But the seed of the actor has taken root in Tianhai's heart, as long as she can realize her dream, no matter how hard and tired she is, she can grit her teeth and insist.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Every day, after class, she would rush to the dance studio in a hurry to practice ballet.

From 6 p.m. until 10 p.m., she jumped non-stop, no matter how much sweat you sweated and whether your feet were worn or not, she never stopped.

One minute on stage, ten years offstage.

Her efforts were finally recognized.

When I went to Takarazuka Music School for an interview, when the performance was over, the interviewer sitting opposite couldn't help but excitedly say to her mother:

"You gave birth to such a wonderful daughter!"

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

In this way, Tenkai successfully entered the Takarazuka Music School and began to take the first step of her dream.

Even after successfully entering the school, she was still the hardest and most diligent one in their class.

While others were playing, she was still in the dance studio, tiptoeing and sweating.

The Emperor Tian did not pay off, and the skills she accumulated through daily hard practice became her biggest bottom card.

After graduating, she was successfully accepted by the Takarazuka Opera Company, became an actress in the opera troupe, and began to appear on stage.

Because of the tall man of 173, in the opera troupe, she played an actor in a male role, called "male servant".

And every time I see her perform on stage, I just want to describe it in one word, absolutely!

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry
She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Her melodious posture and solid dance steps make her stand out among the male servants.

With a variety of excellent performances, Tianhai broke the record of 10 years, and in only 6 years, he became the chief male servant in the troupe.

She became one of the most favored and respected chief male servants in the troupe.

If this momentum continues, her future will be immeasurable.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

However, at the peak of her career, she chose to quit the Takarazuka Opera Company.

Everyone envies her achievements, but she has never forgotten the dream of an actor that she has planted in her heart since she was a child.

So, she submitted her resignation and began to compete in the show business circle.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Life is only once,

I want to live according to my own decisions!

Giving up a great career and starting from scratch is not an easy task.

Tianhai himself knew it.

Many people felt sorry for her, but she said:

"I still want to decide according to myself, after all, life is only once, no matter what happens, it is up to me to bear it, and I will continue to live with my head up and my chest up."

This year, Tianhai was 28 years old and began to enter the path of an actor that he had in mind.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Like the opera troupe, the path of the actor was not easy at first.

At first, she couldn't hide from the scene of running the dragon suit.

Usually there are not many scenes for her to shoot, and she has always been tepid and has no representative works.

From the chief male servant of the Takarazuka Opera Company to the unknown young actor today, the gap can be imagined.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Tianhai, who has a hard work and does not accept defeat, is not willing to accept this, and she vows that if she wants to do it, she must do the best.

Everyone felt that her image of a male servant was deeply rooted, so she would no longer take on the role of "male" and challenge the roles of various women.

Workplace elites, teachers, singers, housewives...

Each role she chooses is as different as possible to prove more possibilities for herself.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Finally, after ten years of unremitting efforts, her gold finally shone.

In 2004, "Divorced Female Lawyer" made her a hit.

The following year, she starred in "The Queen's Classroom", which became a big hit of the year, making her win numerous awards.

The continuous soaring of word of mouth and popularity has made her resources hang all the way, all kinds of popular dramas have found her, and she has collected various awards, and is known as the "Queen of Japanese Drama".

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

She finally realized her dream and let herself shine on the path of being an actress.

In an interview, she was asked why she could achieve so much from scratch, and she replied:

"Don't be a replica of someone else, don't be influenced by others, don't bind yourself to one corner.

Because the world is not only a value, there is not only one way of life, and the path of life is very broad. ”

Don't forget your original intention, don't be swayed, be brave enough to be yourself, and always be.

That's the unique secret to her success.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Please help yourself as you should help me,

Your life will be very exciting!

One of the things that has always touched me is that no matter whether she is at a low point or at a peak, she always faces work and life with enthusiasm and hope.

Then use your own strength to make work climb and make life wonderful.

Not only that, she also encourages fans to love themselves and love life.

After leaving the Takarazuka Opera Company that year, she looked at the fans' various sadness and reluctance, and she advised the fans:

"Life is only once, if there is time waiting for me, please use your time to plan your own life, instead of wasting it on me."

Star chasing is never the whole of life, because you are your own sun, and you don't need to rely on the light of others. ”

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

After becoming the "Queen of Japanese Drama", fans expressed their love for her at the meeting and cried with excitement.

Tianhai comforted her and said, "Please help yourself as you should help me!" Your life will be very exciting! ”

Yes, she not only wants to become the light, she also hopes that everyone can love themselves and become their own sun.

Because, when you start to love yourself, the whole world will love you.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

She knows this very well, so she always faces every day of her life with enthusiasm.

Even though there is a lot of talk in the outside world, she never cares what others say, and only cares about her own life.

What about living alone without getting married?

She enjoys being alone and enjoying the moments of being friends with herself.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

She exercises regularly, not only to keep herself healthy, but also to stay in shape and maintain her perfect state.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Exercise can make a person live younger and younger

So you see, she went to kick off a baseball game, and this youthful look, where does it look like a person in her 50s?

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

She also enjoys her work and realizes her greatest value in her work.

She always insists on being herself and living according to her own ideas, which is really beautiful.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

After 8 years at Takarazuka Opera, she became the best lead male servant and won numerous awards in the entertainment industry for 25 years.

She perfectly interprets a line she once said in the play:

Be yourself and you are the Queen.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

But she was still tall and radiant.

Even in 2015, she was voted the number one on the list of "most wanted people" for Japanese women.

Who says 50+ women are not attractive, and who says you have to get married to be perfect?

Tenkai Yuki is like we proved that as long as you have enough ability, and then be brave enough to be yourself, live according to your own ideas, you can live to be your own queen.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Perhaps, the true beauty of women, that's it.

Not swayed by the outside world, bravely walk at your own pace, and always strive to surpass yourself in the last second.

Don't be pretentious, don't compromise with age, and walk out of your own elegant path in the world.

Then, you can also live the most wonderful you.

She is Japan's Lin Qingxia, who refuses to marry with an annual income of 400 million, and the 54-year-old is the first queen of the entertainment industry

Click "Watching", I hope that you and I can love ourselves and live our own light like Tianhai Youxi.

Then live your life freely, freely, and happily.

* Author: Tu Yu, a slow time columnist, likes novels, likes words, wishes to know the world, and is always kind. This article is original from the public number: slow time (id: manshiguang3), please contact the authorization to reprint.

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