
China's high-quality development brings greater opportunities to the world

"High-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way." Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, stressed on the afternoon of the 5th when participating in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation to the first session of the 14th National People's Congress where he belongs, that "the new development concept must be implemented completely, accurately and comprehensively", "the effective improvement of quality and the reasonable growth of quantity must be better planned", "reform and opening up must be unswervingly deepened, and the development mode must be deeply transformed", and "it must be the starting point and foothold to meet the people's growing needs for a better life". It will point out the direction for China to stride forward along the road of high-quality development.

The international community is keenly concerned about the positive signals released by President Xi Jinping's important speeches at the two sessions of China, highly applauds China's achievements in promoting high-quality development, and unanimously believes that China's progress towards high-quality development will bring greater opportunities for all countries to achieve common prosperity and development.

"It's a leading bellwether"

"China's two sessions are being held enthusiastically. When participating in the review of the Jiangsu delegation, President Xi Jinping stressed that he firmly grasped the primary task of high-quality development. Hermi, a member of the Egyptian Foreign Affairs Commission, said in an interview with this reporter that China has repeatedly stressed the need to persistently promote high-quality development, which not only has a positive impact on China's economic and social development, but also has obvious benefits to ensure the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain, promote the development of global trade, and stimulate world economic growth.

After years of continuous struggle, China has completed the goal of poverty alleviation in the new era as scheduled and built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. China's economic development has shifted from quantitative expansion to qualitative improvement, and the results of development will be more reflected in improving people's livelihood. Leung Chi Wah, secretary general of Malaysia's Belt and Road Commission, said that President Xi Jinping's emphasis on firmly grasping the top priority of high-quality development shows that China, as the world's second largest economy, will continue to promote high-quality development, "which is a leading wind vane that will provide useful references for the development of Southeast Asian countries."

"This year's Two Sessions are another major political agenda after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is of extraordinary significance to clarify the path for China's economic and social development." Puyana, chairman of the Colombian-Chinese Friendship Association, has long paid close attention to the two sessions in China. He said: "President Xi Jinping pointed out that accelerating the construction of a new development pattern is a strategic base point for promoting high-quality development. This is good news for Latin American countries, which will further promote international cooperation and promote the common development of all countries. ”

Since the beginning of this year, international organizations and investment institutions have raised their economic growth forecasts one after another, optimistic about the bright prospects of China's economy. Chemonil, president of the Cambodia-China Relations Development Association, said that China's comprehensive performance in economic and social development is eye-catching, which will help stimulate regional economic growth and inject strong impetus into the stability and prosperity of the world economy.

Former Polish Deputy Prime Minister Grzegořz Kołodko said that China has a huge economic scale, domestic market and global influence. China's economy has withstood a series of tests in the past few years, showing strong endogenous driving force, especially the proposal and practice of new development concepts, allowing the world to see the great potential of China's economy.

"China's contribution to world scientific and technological innovation is widely recognized"

President Xi Jinping pointed out that accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement is the only way to promote high-quality development.

Volker Czapke, honorary chairman of the Prussian Society in Berlin, Germany, warmly congratulated the opening of the two sessions of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He believes that China has continued to implement the innovation-driven development strategy in depth and has achieved extraordinary scientific and technological achievements. In many ways, China has become a pioneer in global technological development. "Expressways, fast and convenient high-speed railways, new airports and overseas Belt and Road projects... China has adopted many world-leading technologies to promote scientific and technological innovation to better benefit mankind. Chapke said.

"In recent years, China has relied on self-reliance and independent innovation, and its scientific and technological strength has leapt to a new level." Baba Tuende, a researcher at the Nigerian Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, said that China has played an important role in promoting international scientific and technological cooperation while developing a high-tech and modern industrial system from the perspective of improving the well-being of all mankind. Through international cooperation platforms such as the Africa-China Cooperation Forum and the Belt and Road Initiative, China shares technology and experience with African countries, bringing tangible benefits to Africa.

"China has accelerated the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and has achieved many new scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs. In the fields of artificial intelligence, 5G, electric vehicles, and new energy, China has made remarkable achievements, and related technological breakthroughs have had a profound impact on the world. "China's contribution to the world's scientific and technological innovation has been widely recognized. Economic growth and social progress brought about by scientific and technological progress not only promote China's own development, but also provide more growth opportunities for the world. ”

Marcela Musabelyu, executive director of the Albanian Institute of Globalization, said that China has always attached great importance to innovation-driven development, and its development in new energy, digital technology and other fields has reached the world's advanced level. While improving the living standards of its own people, China has also expanded cooperation with other countries to help all countries in the world make common progress.

Kovodeko believes that in the future, with the high-quality development of China's economy, China will pay more attention to scientific and technological innovation, and new industries, new formats and new models will continue to lead China's economy to continue to move forward.

"A prosperous China will contribute to global sustainable development"

"When President Xi Jinping participated in the review of the Jiangsu delegation, he mentioned promoting high-level opening up, which led me to think of the Cambodian Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (hereinafter referred to as the 'Xigang Special Economic Zone') established by the Cambodian Communist Party. China's high-level opening up has brought important development opportunities to Southeast Asian countries, including Cambodia. Today, Seamonil said, the Westport Special Zone has become the "engine" of local economic growth. With the commissioning of the "Belt and Road" projects such as the China-Laos Railway, Southeast Asian countries such as Laos and Cambodia have become increasingly close in trade with China and continue to benefit the local people.

In Hermi's view, China's continued promotion of high-level opening-up will bring broad opportunities for the prosperity and development of the world economy and all countries, promote global cooperation and development, and will help promote the formation of a closer and more stable global economic system.

"China's acceleration of the construction of a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic and international dual circulation promoting each other will help promote the sustainable development of neighboring countries." Liang Zhihua said that through high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", the mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation between China and the joint countries will be deepened.

Puyana said that China has become the second largest trading partner in Latin America, and economic and trade exchanges between the two sides have continued to increase. China adheres to a high level of opening up and promotes the high-quality development of the "Belt and Road", creating a platform for win-win cooperation for Latin American countries. He cited the Bogotá Metro Line 1 project in Colombia, which was built by Chinese enterprises, as an example, saying that Latin America-China cooperation has brought new opportunities to Latin American countries and benefited more local people.

Ignacio Martínez, a researcher at the Center for International Relations at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, believes that high-quality development has become the key word for China's future development. At a time when many developing countries are facing headwinds in development, it is more important than ever for China to promote high-quality development.

"A prosperous China will contribute to global sustainable development." Musabeliu said that in the context of unprecedented challenges facing the world, China continues to deepen reforms, expand domestic demand, and continue to achieve stable economic growth, while putting forward global development initiatives, calling on all parties to work together to promote sustainable development and jointly create a better future.

(Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, Rio de Janeiro, Berlin, Cairo, Mexico City, Warsaw, Abuja, Rome, and Bangkok, March 6 -- Reporter Che Bin, Zhang Niansheng, Wu Jie, Liu Zhonghua, Huang Peizhao, Peng Min, Yu Yang, Jiang Xuan, Xie Yahong, Liu Hui, Zhao Yipu)

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