
Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

author:Dr. Lynn popular science

Introduction: Vitamins are indispensable important substances in the human body, is necessary to maintain the balance of human metabolism, vitamin deficiency, will cause some body changes, affect daily work and life, very harmful to health, most of the vitamins are the human body can not synthesize, even if the total amount of the human body is relatively small, its supplement can not be ignored.

Generally speaking, vitamins are obtained through the daily diet, human development, growth, hormone metabolism, health are inseparable from the role of vitamins, vitamins can usually ensure a reasonable and balanced diet, vitamins can not be lacking.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

Now people's living standards have improved significantly, many people have begun to have the concept of health preservation, will take care of their bodies in various ways, especially the elderly various physical functions gradually declined, in order to slow down the aging of the body, they will use a variety of health care products to maintain the body.

Vitamin supplementation is something that many people like to do, people of any age should have experience in supplementing vitamins, in fact, vitamin supplementation should be carried out under the necessary conditions, when the body does lack vitamins, vitamin supplementation works best.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

Some people's daily vitamin supplements are uncontrolled, and they often eat various vitamins, which is easy to increase physical stress and may lead to sub-health problems.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

The so-called vitamin refers to a trace organic substance that the human body must obtain from food to maintain normal physiological functions, and it is also a necessary substance to maintain health, but the vitamin itself does not participate in the formation of human cells, nor does it provide energy for the human body, its essence is a regulatory substance, which plays an important role in material metabolism.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

Vitamins are divided into many kinds, in addition to endogenous vitamins produced in the body, other vitamins can be obtained from food, when the body is completely healthy, do not need to supplement additional vitamins, if blind supplementation of vitamins, especially the following four vitamins, not only is not good for the body, but also may cause liver damage.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

Doctor: 4 vitamins are not recommended for long-term consumption, it is recommended to understand

Since vitamin B is a water-soluble vitamin, if taken in large quantities, it is likely to cause certain damage to the gastrointestinal tract of the human body, in addition, vitamin B is also easy to make the gastrointestinal tract secrete a large amount of gastric acid, thereby causing gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

Not only that, if you take too much vitamin B in daily life, it will also lead to headaches, loss of appetite, fatigue, so in order to avoid causing certain damage to the body, it is recommended that you take vitamin B in moderation in daily life, if it is necessary to supplement vitamin B, it is recommended that you choose to supplement through diet.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

Although vitamin D is also an essential nutrient for the human body, but this vitamin should not be supplemented excessively, especially in people with a bad liver, excessive vitamin D supplementation in daily life may lead to increased blood calcium levels and urea nitrogen, in addition, long-term supplementation of a large amount of vitamin D will also increase the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the intestine, resulting in high calcium content in the blood, resulting in poisoning.

In order to avoid liver damage and poisoning, it is recommended that everyone must supplement vitamin D in their daily lives in moderation, and do not supplement in excess.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

Vitamin E is also an essential nutrient for the human body, but in daily life, if the dose is not controlled in the process of supplementing vitamin E, there will be dizziness, limb weakness and other adverse reactions, although vitamin E supplementation in daily life can inhibit the oxidation of fatty liver, but excessive supplementation will lead to poisoning, in addition, excessive vitamin E supplementation will also lead to thrombosis or high blood pressure.

In order to reduce the occurrence of the above situation, it is recommended that you must control the dose when supplementing vitamin E, and do not overdose for a long time.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

In addition to the above vitamins, excessive vitamin A supplementation can also lead to chronic poisoning and acute poisoning, especially for people with poor liver, once vitamin A supplementation is excessive, it is likely to lead to more serious liver damage, and even the possibility of liver fibrosis.

Once vitamin A is over-intaked for a long time, it will lead to abdominal pain, joint pain and swelling pain, especially middle-aged women, it is likely that menstrual flow will be less, in order to prevent unnecessary damage to the liver, it is recommended that everyone usually pay attention to the dosage when supplementing vitamins.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

Read the extension - how to regulate the liver if it is not good

1. Diet: If your liver is not good, you must pay attention to your diet, eat more fresh food, such as vegetables, fruits or a variety of fish, fresh food must not be eaten, including pickled, spicy, barbecue or salted foods containing nitrosamines containing more preservatives and additives, you must also quit smoking and alcohol.

2. Exercise: Be sure to exercise appropriately, promote blood circulation, improve metabolism, so as to effectively regulate immunity, in addition, also pay attention to daily habits, do not stay up late.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

3, mentality: relaxation is also very important, the mentality must be peaceful, not too nervous, too worried, too depressed, too depressed, the recovery of the liver is not good, in addition, people with a bad liver are easy to be irritable, irritable, irritable, they should also control their emotions, appropriately reduce life pressure.

What are the precautions for vitamin use?

1. Use simple vitamins

Now many companies have launched a variety of vitamin drugs, some are sustained-release capsules, and some even produce vitamins that can maintain a stable supply for a long time, in general, these drugs are much more expensive than ordinary drugs, however, an expert meeting convened by the National Academy of Sciences believes that these special drugs are no better than ordinary drugs, so remember that the most expensive is not necessarily the most effective.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

2. Pay attention to gastrointestinal maintenance

If there are no special circumstances, vitamins should be taken at meals, in most cases, it is best to take vitamins when eating a full meal to ensure that the stomach is not empty, so as not to nausea stomach pain.

3. Fat-soluble vitamins are best eaten with high-fat foods

Vitamins A, D, E, and K are all fat-soluble vitamins that can only be best absorbed if the food contains fat, Mr. Bloomberg suggests, "Obviously, it's hard to find a meal without any fat for three meals a day, so you can take fat-soluble vitamins for breakfast, lunch or dinner."

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

4. Avoid vitamins of unknown origin

Many vitamin products start using some plant herbs including echinacea as a source of vitamin extracts, they claim that this vitamin preparation can provide a wide range of nutrients and make it easier for the body to benefit from it, however, in fact, there is no scientific basis to show that their claims are correct, and the Hopkins University School of Public Health and Pharmacy in Baltimore, USA, states that in fact, the more ingredients mixed together, the greater the risk of toxic side effects.

Can eating vitamins often hurt the liver?

5. Avoid taking vitamins while taking calcium ions

Calcium ions can be combined with certain vitamin subunits, thereby preventing vitamins from being absorbed by the body, occasionally eating once is no problem, but eating day after day is very different, it is possible that calcium ions will cause your body to lack vitamins, it is recommended to supplement vitamins every morning and calcium ions at night, so as to minimize the possibility of conflict between the two.