
Siem Reap Night Market Christmas Night View, Angkor Smile Millennium Survival - Tour Miracle Angkor Wat (1

Siem Reap Night Market Christmas Eve View, Angkor Smile Millennium Survival - Tour Miracle Angkor Wat (12) End Chapter

On the afternoon of December 20th, we had half a day of independent travel time, taking pictures of tropical scenery, flowers and birds in the hotel, and swimming back in the hotel. Near the evening, the guide picked us up at a gemstone sales point, which is said to be the source of red sapphires, just like Myanmar. Then we came to a unique floating restaurant, the whole restaurant is built on a piece of water, a few wooden pillars and grass roofs, connected by a meandering water cloister, ventilated on all sides. Under the eaves of the corridor, there are hanging chic wind lanterns, and there is a pot of hanging orchids, and there is a lantern fountain on the water surface, which is a good scenery. After dinner, drive to Angkor Night Market for shopping. The night market is located on a river and has hundreds of shops and bars. The night market is very neatly planned and the environment is clean and comfortable. The night market has silk products, wood carvings, cowhide carvings, aromatherapy oil and local specialties, such as dried bananas and dried durians, as well as restaurants, small fish foot massages, etc. We hurriedly browsed the stalls in the night market and bought two bunches of rosewood bracelets and two packs of cashew nuts. The strange thing is that many of the stall owners here are actually Beijingers, and it is said that many rosewood and rosewood products sold in Panjiayuan also come from here. Then we came to the river, and there are two bridges on the water to connect the night market streets on both sides. About to welcome Christmas, there are many beautiful silhouette lights and light sculptures on the bridge and the river, and there are also colorful lanterns in the river. There is also a group of light sculptures at the head of the bridge, there are Christmas trees and Santa Claus, and various animal shapes are very beautiful. We walked around the riverbank to take pictures, and there was a stone sculpture of Lord Shiva with four arms along the river. Colorful lights reflect on the surface of the water. The tall trees along the river look old and green under the brilliant lights. Siem Reap's unique night market is stunning.

The 21st was our last day on five, after visiting Lychee Mountain and Beng Mile, hurried back to Siem Reap. When I first came to Cambodia, I felt that this is a beautiful country, whether it is rural or urban, with a beautiful environment and advocating natural life. There is no domestic rush for quick success, over-exploitation and environmental damage. People live peacefully and naturally, enjoy the gifts of nature leisurely, and envy such a life. Along the way, I also took pictures of many beautiful rural and urban scenes in Cambodia, which felt very charming.

In the evening, we drove to the suburbs to eat at the venue where "Angkor's Smile" was performed, but unfortunately, due to the flight back to China at 10 o'clock, we needed to get to the airport before 8 o'clock, and we did not have time to watch the performance, which was a pity. This is a large-scale cultural tourism residency performance that comprehensively displays the Cambodian Angkor Dynasty, and the whole play selects the most representative cultural imagery among the cultural treasures of Angkor and combines modern techniques to express it. The performance lineup is huge, magnificent, and the content is wonderful, co-created by Cambodian and Chinese artists, using modern high-tech techniques to condense all the essence of the Angkor Dynasty and magically present a multi-dimensional three-dimensional space. It was praised by the audience as "Cambodia's living cultural art museum". Awarded the "Cambodia Tourism Special Contribution Award" by the Cambodian government

After a hasty dinner, farewell to Angkor City, we took a flight from Tianjin Airlines back to China. Flying over Cambodia and Thailand is a darkness below. It wasn't until a few hours later, back in China, that I could see the patches of lights.

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