
The second gas station for men

author:Zuo Kee Sandok Hall

If you want a smart baby, then the quality of sperm is the most important, there is a saying: "eugenics and fertility, from the seed"! So do you know when is the golden reproductive age of men, when is the highest quality of sperm for men?

The second gas station for men

The golden childbearing age for a 30-year-old man

We all know that men's growth and development are relatively late than women's, so sexual maturity, physical strength, and energy will reach their peak relatively late. Generally, between the ages of 24-29 is the golden age for women to have children, and the number and quality of eggs during this period are much higher. Women have a golden age to have children, and so do men.

Sperm quality in men peaks at the age of 30-35

According to relatively independent surveys in the United States, Switzerland and other countries: men in the 30s, sperm quality will reach the peak, and whether it is physical strength, energy, life experience are relatively rich, this period of male sperm motility is the strongest, the quality of genetic information contained is also the most superior.

The second gas station for men

30~35 years old is the best childbearing age for men, which is mainly manifested in these two aspects

1. Economy

Because this age group is when men are in their prime of life, in addition to the internal advantages of excellent physical fitness, there are also external advantages such as economic and career stability, superior material conditions for raising children, and mature psychological endurance.

2. Physiology

From the perspective of eugenics, even if a man has the ability to be a father for life, it is still better not to be more than 35 years old. A man's sperm quality peaks at the age of 30 and begins to decline after 5 years.

American scientists have found that men's sperm quality is a watershed at the age of 35, beyond which the fertility rate will begin to plummet. The prevailing belief was that professional women who were too focused on their careers were likely to sacrifice their ability to be mothers, because the quality of women's eggs gradually deteriorated with age.

What "things" are declining for men after the age of 35

Sperm quality declines after the age of 35: Although the sperm density of older men may be higher, the mobility of the ability to decline significantly, the number of immobile and malformed sperm increases by 20%, the speed of sperm metabolism also declines, and a lot of waste is produced, which also has adverse effects on offspring.

Sex hormone decay after the age of 35: After the age of 35, the male hormones in the body also begin to decay, and the secretion of testosterone decreases by 1% every year that passes. Therefore, like women, men also have reproductive biological clocks, but men's reproductive biological clocks are more elastic.

The function of testicular tissue begins to decline gradually from about the age of 30 and worsens with age. Spermatogenic cells at all levels decrease, sperm motility in semen decreases, the number of dead sperm increases, the volume of testicles gradually decreases, and hardness decreases.

If a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth early, the fetus competes with the developing mother for nutrition, which is not good for the mother's health and fetal development. The best fertility combination: Men are about 7 years older than women, so it is not difficult to see that the optimal age combination for male and female fertility should be the former about 7 years older than the latter. The father is older, the intelligence is relatively mature, and the "code" passed on to the next generation is more; The mother's young age and vigorous vitality will create a better breeding environment for the fetus, which is conducive to the development and growth of the fetus, so the offspring born by this "optimal combination" are prone to "genius".

Men's second spring, has long been no secret, many men in their 50s, because they know how to maintain, know how to take care of their bodies,

Although he is old, although the years are not spared, he is still vigorous and vigorous under the grind of the years. After long-term experiments by experts, these men, in addition to long-term exercise, more importantly, they eat sea cucumbers for a long time.

The second gas station for men

Sea cucumber, a gas station for men

Many people increase with the pressure of work and life and age. Extreme fatigue, distraction, insomnia, forgetfulness, dizziness, low mood, slow response, etc., which are all manifestations of kidney deficiency.

Sea cucumber recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Sea cucumber is warm, sweet and salty, and it is a black object, and the kidney tonic effect is the best." "Sea cucumber is rich in arginine, known as "arginine monopoly", arginine is the main component of male sperm cells, enhance the vitality of the body, strengthen the kidneys, improve the quality of life. The remarkable tonic effect of sea cucumbers has earned sea cucumbers the reputation of "men's gas station."

The second gas station for men

Sea cucumber, a beauty salon for women

For a long time, eternal youth, eternal appearance is the dream and pursuit of all female friends, women hope that they can always maintain the appearance of twenty years old, how to maintain?

Sea cucumber is rich in arginine, which can promote the regeneration of human cells and the repair of the body, and is also the main raw material for the synthesis of human collagen. Sea cucumber peptide can make the skin moist, smooth and delicate, reduce and prevent the occurrence of wrinkles, eliminate facial pigmentation to achieve youthful and permanent retention, achieve beauty effects, and the significant nourishing effect has won the name of "women's beauty salon".

Sea cucumbers, the golden house for children

Children are stressed to study, use the brain excessively, often insomnia, and even neurasthenia, delaying learning. Mothers should pay attention to replenishing their children's brains in a timely manner. So, what is good for children to eat for brain supplementation?

Studies have proved that sea cucumbers contain more than 50 kinds of nutrients needed by the human body, which are rich in amino acids, a variety of trace elements and active substances required by the human body, and long-term consumption has the effect of improving human immunity and anti-fatigue. The active substance DHA contained in sea cucumbers is commonly known as 'brain gold', and appropriate supplementation can improve memory and learning ability. Sea cucumber supplementation is a long-term process, generally do not eat more than one per day, do not rush.

The second gas station for men

Sea cucumber, a warm tonic for pregnant women

According to Chinese medicine medical books, sea cucumbers have high nutritional value. It is not only rich in sea cucumber protein, but also has the function of nourishing yin and nourishing blood. Generally, pregnant women need a large number of vitamins and trace elements in the body during pregnancy, and sea cucumbers have these conditions and must be the first choice of tonic for pregnant women. According to Wang Shixiong's "Recipes for Resting Residence" in the Qing Dynasty, it is recorded that "sea cucumbers not only nourish yin and blood, but also regulate menstruation, nourish fetus, and benefit production." At the same time, the benefits of pregnant women eating sea cucumbers can also supplement the loss of trace element iodine in their bodies, which can not only promote the physical development of the fetus, but also promote the intellectual growth of the fetus.

The social status of women and children is increasing day by day, while the attention and protection of pregnant women is increasing day by day. In many pregnant women's nutritional products, sea cucumber is sprung up, sea cucumber nutritional value is rich and without any side effects, is a good product for health care, the efficacy and role of sea cucumber is very high, it can be seen that eating sea cucumber in pregnancy has become a culture. Sea cucumber not only contains high protein in sea cucumber, but also contains a large number of vitamins and trace elements, which has the effect of nourishing yin and replenishing blood. At the same time, the trace elements in sea cucumber can promote the growth and development of the fetus and enhance the immunity of the mother and fetus.

Sea cucumber, a postoperative healing agent

Sea cucumbers are the best tonic for surgical patients. Sea cucumber arginine is the highest. Arginine is an important raw material for the synthesis of human collagen protein, which has a special effect on the repair of body damage. Someone has done a comparative experiment: two surgical patients with similar conditions, age and weight difference, patients who eat one sea cucumber a day, will fully recover about 20 days earlier than the other patient. Therefore, after surgery, patients, fracture trauma patients, blood donors or other people with excessive blood loss, eating sea cucumber to stop bleeding, replenish blood, restore vitality, and restore the body, can significantly shorten the recovery time. Sea cucumbers are known as the "head of a hundred supplements" and the "god of blood supplements".