
Whitening is not an overnight thing, stick to night whitening care to make your skin brighter

author:Star Face Notes

Have you ever had such a problem: busy working during the day, staying up late at night, dull skin, and using a bunch of whitening products without effect? In fact, if you want to have fair and translucent skin, it is not enough to apply whitening products, you also need to master the correct night whitening care methods. Why? Because:

Night is the golden hour for skin repair and renewal. When we enter a deep sleep, the body secretes growth hormone and melatonin, which promote cell division and metabolism and help repair damaged skin tissue. During this process, the skin's ability to absorb external stimuli and nutrients will also be enhanced.

Whitening is not an overnight thing, stick to night whitening care to make your skin brighter

Night is the best time for the body to detoxify. Between 11:00~2:00 at night is the peak period of lymphatic drainage, and toxins throughout the body are metabolized at this time, and the skin is no exception. If we can clean and moisturize the skin during this time period, we can effectively prevent problems such as pigmentation and acne.

So if we want to really whiten, we need night whitening care. So how to do a good night whitening care? Here are four simple and effective ways to teach you:

Remove makeup thoroughly and cleansed. Removing makeup is the first and most important step in nighttime whitening skincare. If makeup is not removed or removed thoroughly, cosmetic residue can clog pores, affect breathing, irritate the skin, and accelerate aging. So no matter how tired or sleepy you are, you must carefully remove your makeup and cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser.

Whitening is not an overnight thing, stick to night whitening care to make your skin brighter

Choose a highly effective whitening serum. Serum is the highest concentration, smallest molecule, and most easily absorbed product in skin care products. Choose a whitening serum containing vitamin C, niacinamide and other ingredients, pat onto face after cleansing and massage until completely absorbed.

The whitening effect applied out. Face masks are good whitening products, use whitening masks to make the face skin better absorbed, promote metabolism, and make the skin brighter and more translucent. Of course, the mask is not a fairy medicine, not one or two tablets can be effective immediately, you have to stick to a period of time to have a real effect!

Drink a glass of milk to help you sleep and replenish calcium. Milk is rich in calcium and tryptophan, which can help us fall asleep and promote sleep quality. Sleep is the key to whitening, and only adequate sleep can allow the skin to be fully rested and repaired. In addition, calcium can also help the skin resist ultraviolet damage and prevent melanin precipitation.

Drinking milk is one way to help you fall asleep, but it's not the only way. If you find it difficult to fall asleep with milk, you can try other options, such as:

Do relaxing activities such as listening to music, reading, meditation, etc.

Avoid using electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers, TVs, etc., as they emit blue light, which affects your sleep hormone secretion.

Whitening is not an overnight thing, stick to night whitening care to make your skin brighter

Adjust your sleeping environment, such as lowering temperature, reducing noise, blocking light, etc.

Establish a regular sleep routine and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

If necessary, you can take some safe and effective sleep aids or supplements, such as melatonin, lavender essential oil, etc.

The above are the four ways of night whitening care, have you learned? In fact, whitening is not difficult, as long as you stick to these steps every day, you can have snowy clear skin. Of course, if you want faster and more visible results, you can also choose some professional aesthetic techniques to help you reach your goals. For example:

Laser whitening: irradiates the surface or deep layer of the skin through laser beams, destroys melanin particles or stimulates collagen proliferation, so as to achieve whitening, freckle removal, firming and other effects.

Microneedle whitening: Countless micro-wounds are formed on the skin through tiny needles, and some whitening ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, etc. are injected to promote the skin's self-repair and absorption of nutrients.

Whitening is not an overnight thing, stick to night whitening care to make your skin brighter

Water light injection: A liquid containing a variety of nutrients and moisture is injected into the bottom layer of the skin through a syringe to make the skin hydrated and translucent.

These techniques are performed and supervised by professional doctors to create flawless skin in a safe and effective manner.

Night whitening treatment is an effective way to improve the whiteness of the skin, in addition to the four methods introduced, there are some other valuable suggestions, such as:

Choose whitening products that suit your skin type and needs, such as whitening serums, whitening creams, whitening masks, etc. These products provide the skin with the necessary nutrients and moisture, promote melanin metabolism and inhibit tyrosinase activity.

Lymphatic drainage massage is performed between 11:00~2:00 at night, which is the best time for body detoxification. You can gently press or scrape with your fingers or a massager along the neck, face, behind the ears and other lymph nodes to help excrete toxins and waste products from the body.

Apply some natural whitening ingredients, such as lemon, cucumber, milk, etc. These ingredients are rich in vitamin C, fruit acids and other ingredients, which can lighten dark spots and increase skin radiance4. However, it should be noted that it should be cleaned in time after applying and apply moisturizer.

Whitening is not an overnight thing, stick to night whitening care to make your skin brighter

Exfoliate regularly and do facial cleansing. Exfoliation removes aging stratum corneum and dirt, leaving skin smoother and more refined; Doing a facial cleansing removes oil and dirt from your pores and prevents blackheads from forming5. It is recommended to do it 1~2 times a week.

Whitening is not something that happens overnight, insist on night whitening care to make your skin brighter. So, why is night whitening care so important? And what should be done to achieve the best results?

We need to understand that night whitening treatment is not simply about applying a layer of whitening cream. To truly achieve whitening results, you also need to pay attention to the following points:

Clean and remove makeup. This is the first and most important step in nighttime skincare. Only by thoroughly removing impurities such as makeup, dirt, and oil on the face can pores be unblocked and a good foundation for subsequent absorption.

Whitening is not an overnight thing, stick to night whitening care to make your skin brighter

Toner. Toner can help regulate the skin's acid-base balance, replenish moisture, soften the stratum corneum, and more. Choose a toner that contains whitening ingredients or moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid to enhance the skin's absorption of serums or creams.

Whitening serum or cream. This is the most central and effective step in night whitening treatment. Choose products that contain vitamin C, kojic acid, arbutin and other ingredients that inhibit melanin production or lighten dark spots, and are suitable for your skin type and needs.

Whitening mask. Masks provide a closed environment for whitening ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin, locking in moisture and nutrients. It is recommended to apply the mask two to three times a week and choose ingredients that contain pearl powder, hyaluronic acid and other ingredients that can brighten and moisturize.

In addition, when choosing whitening products, you can consider the following aspects:

Your skin type and complexion. Different skin types and skin tones require different whitening products, such as refreshing whitening serum or lotion for oily skin, moisturizing whitening cream or cream for dry skin, mild whitening products for sensitive skin, etc. In addition, if your skin is yellow or dull, you can choose whitening products containing vitamin C or kojic acid, which can inhibit melanin production and lighten pigmentation; If your skin is red or inflamed, you can choose whitening products that contain ingredients such as glycyrrhizic acid or allantoin, which can be anti-inflammatory and calm the skin.

Whitening is not an overnight thing, stick to night whitening care to make your skin brighter

Your purpose and needs of use. Different purposes and needs require different whitening products, for example, if you want to brighten the overall skin tone, you can choose whitening products containing ingredients such as pearl powder or hyaluronic acid, which can increase skin radiance and moisture; If you want to lighten local pigmentation, you can choose whitening products that contain ingredients such as arbutin or quercetin, which can specifically intervene in melanin.

Your preferences for product brand, price, word of mouth, security, etc. These aspects will also influence your decision when choosing whitening products, for example, some well-known brands may be more trustworthy, but they may also be more expensive; Some influencer brands with low prices but rave reviews may be more attractive, but there may also be security risks; Some brands that have been rigorously tested and certified and have received professional recommendations and user reviews may feel more comfortable using them.

Night is the perfect time for us to have a whitening treatment and for us to show off our charms. The above is the valuable advice of night whitening care that I introduced to you, please choose the right method according to your own situation and stick to it. I'm sure you'll see visible results soon!