
A Spring of Life and Death – The Movie 1917

author:Musical monologue

This is a story of sending letters from the front, sending letters, very simple stories, what tricks can be filmed? You think so, I think so, but the director does not think so, the repeated background and tone contrast, spliced long shots bring the first perspective of the perception experience, a twist and turn of the plot design, so that a simple letter delivery story ups and downs stretch and relax, every minute is not boring.

A Spring of Life and Death – The Movie 1917

Echoing backgrounds and tone contrasts, the vitality of life and the darkness of death.

Meadows, which appear many times. In the first act, two soldiers are snoozing on the vibrant green grass under the trees. When Blake died, he was lying on a green meadow. In the green forest, the soldiers sat together and listened quietly to the folk songs, how poetic the scene would be if there had been no war. Schofield ran through the field full of wildflowers under fire, trying to convey the message of life.

A Spring of Life and Death – The Movie 1917

Cherry blossoms (small white flowers) appear many times. Cherry trees full of small white flowers in front of the farmhouse were cut down and could bear fruit if not vandalism. Drifting in the river and about to lose consciousness, Schofield saw the little white flowers fall, land on his face and hands, and land on the river, thinking of Blake (who told him that there were many varieties of flowering cherry trees that had been cut down) struggled to get up and approach the shore. On the artillery-filled frontline positions, green grass and small white flowers (wildflowers) intertwined, and soldiers lost their lives in the vibrant land.

A Spring of Life and Death – The Movie 1917

Echoing this are gray shell craters, stinky puddles, and human and animal carcasses everywhere.

A Spring of Life and Death – The Movie 1917

Red, appears many times. The soldier entered the war room, the general informed the messenger mission, and the red light shone on the faces of the general and the two soldiers, dark and terrifying. When the German plane crashed, the two rescued the pilot, and the pilot stabbed Blake, spurting blood. Schofield is shot down in the town, the camera is dark for ten seconds, and he stands up to see the red flames of the bombs, reflecting the corpses of German soldiers.

A Spring of Life and Death – The Movie 1917

Multiple stitched long shots, the first-angle lens language brings an immersive look and feel experience.

Set off, two soldiers advance in a narrow trench, the camera trembles slightly with nervousness; The stinky puddle slowly moves forward step by step, and the camera captures it tightly; Schofield dodged German shooting in the town, and the camera followed the street twice. The protagonist's every move is in full view, and the audience seems to become the protagonist, as they breathe, with their fear, with their despair, with their heroism.

A Spring of Life and Death – The Movie 1917

The plot design of a twist and turn, two hours of ups and downs, tension and relaxation.

Main plot: Crossing the barbed wire to the German trenches, Blake Farmhouse is assassinated, Schofield arrives alone in the town to circle with the Germans, jumps into the river and struggles to survive, forest folk songs are chanted, and the colonel is found through the trenches of combat to complete the mission.

The side plots that are added to the main plot are meaningful. To escape the German soldiers, Schofield broke into the home of a French woman, dimly lit, thin woman, hungry baby, because it was a baby that had been picked up, and there was no milk to drink. Schofield left all the food and drink.

A Spring of Life and Death – The Movie 1917

The setting of the two protagonists is also interesting. At first, it was Blake who led, perhaps because the delivery of the letter was related to the life and death of his brother, or perhaps because he was young and immature, for example, he had been sorry that the schofield medal had been lost, and when he learned that he had exchanged a bottle of wine with the French soldiers, he still felt sorry that he thought that the medal should be brought to his family. In the second half, Schofield, with the instructions of his comrades-in-arms, bravely transformed into a tall hero. From the initial complaint "why choose me to go with you", doubting "we should go again after dark", to cautiously following, after Blake's death, a person who resolutely went forward to complete the task "Time is running out, I must go now", the death of his comrades makes this task heavier.

A Spring of Life and Death – The Movie 1917

Finally, the mission was completed, and the exhausted Schofield rested against a large tree with his eyes closed, as if nothing had happened at the beginning.

A Spring of Life and Death – The Movie 1917

Dying Blake: Tell me you know how to get there?

Schofield: I know, go south-east, reach Exeter, cross the town, reach the east, go all the way to Croisier Forest, find Derweng 2 and get the news to them. Then I found your brother, who looked a lot like you, a little older than you.

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