
Memories of home are overgrown walls of vegetables

author:A city full of persimmon girls
Memories of home are overgrown walls of vegetables

When I was a child, the walls of my home were my mother's vegetable patches, and from summer to autumn, a wall full of green, full of flowers, and full of vegetables. There are such walls in every house, as if it is the favorite of all mothers.

In the spring, my mother collected the dirt under the roots of the wall early and made a narrow vegetable table, and used half a brick to get up around.

Plant melons and beans before and after the valley rains. The rain in late spring is always generous, and the mother after the rain is always busy. Busy sowing seeds and planting seedlings in the field so that the days of hardship are more hopeful and not boring.

Just under the wall roots, my mother ordered a few racks of beans. Cover it with an old plastic sheet so you don't get seeded by the chicken. The little bean sprouts came out, and every day we had to look around them several times, sometimes crouching by the wall and telling them "grow up quickly" with words.

Probably afraid that they were alone, after a few days, my mother asked the neighbor's grandmother to bring three cucumber seedlings, five loofah seedlings, and a few pumpkin seeds. When the cucumbers and loofahs came, the vegetables could not be planted, so my mother threw the pumpkin seeds under the roots of the west wall.

Memories of home are overgrown walls of vegetables

As the sun warms up, the seedlings become tall seedlings. Mom picked up a few large branches from the field and leaned against the wall to make ladders for the vegetable seedlings, letting them climb along the wall.

The wind began to heat up, prompting the flowers to open the branches. The yellow flowers are cucumber loofah and pumpkin, and the white and purple flowers in the powder are carobs. At the moment, this wall is alive! Green branches clung tightly to the walls, wide leaves swayed on the walls, flowers bloomed hard there, and the touch of color was particularly conspicuous in this barren courtyard. The beauty that falls into the eyes is the hope planted in the heart. In those years, the color of this wall warmed the time.

Watching the flowers fall, the melons showed their heads. As the days passed, the flowers finally turned into cucumbers, loofahs, pumpkins, and beans. After working so hard for so long, my mother finally waited for the fruits of her labor. Pick a few cucumbers from the wall today and eat a cold noodle; tomorrow pick a pot of beans and add some bacon to stew a pot; the day after tomorrow, a few loofahs and fry; pumpkins are eaten more, stewed and steamed as you like. In the good old days, the dishes on the wall were also very lush, and my mother picked the dishes that could not be eaten and gave them to the neighbors, and these dishes had the taste of laughter and love again. Mom said, "Everyone eats together, these dishes are more flavorful." ”

Memories of home are overgrown walls of vegetables

The other day, I took my mother to the mountains to relax, and I accidentally walked into a small farm yard, and the walls were full of pumpkin loofahs and beans. Purple carob flowers and yellow loofah flowers were still blooming in the wall, and the huge pumpkin flowers had already climbed out of the wall. The hostess was very welcoming to pick the dishes from the wall and give them to us. Suddenly, the wind blew, the leaves on the wall were rattling, the flowers were swaying with the wind, and we smiled and thanked the host's family...

Did this wind blow from many years ago? At the end of summer, the sky in the mountains is still so blue...

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