
ChromeLoader is spreading by cracking the game

author:Block software development

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Because Microsoft disabled macro code for Internet downloads by default, attackers began to increasingly use disk image files such as ISO and VHDs in malware distribution. Recently, researchers discovered that attackers were using VHD files to distribute ChromeLoaders. Judging by the file names, the attackers disguised the malware into cracked versions of Nintendo and Steam games. As shown below, some games are paid games.

ChromeLoader is spreading by cracking the game

The file name of the distribution

Searching on Google using the file names can uncover multiple websites distributing malware. A large number of cracked games and cracked paid applications are deployed, and downloading illegal programs from any source will be a trick.

ChromeLoader is spreading by cracking the game

Search engine results

For example, click on an ad of a malicious website and download a normal program file:

ChromeLoader is spreading by cracking the game

Malicious website advertising

It is easy for users to mistake VHD files for game-related programs, and the files in a VHD are shown below. All files except the Install.lnk file are hidden, so regular users will only see the Install.lnk file.

ChromeLoader is spreading by cracking the game

The file in the VHD

LNK file will run the properties.bat file, and the script will call the tar command to extract the file to the specified directory.

ChromeLoader is spreading by cracking the game


The file contains benign files and malicious JavaScript .js files related to node-webkit (nw.js). ), run by nw.exe and reference the data written in the package.json file for loading.

ChromeLoader is spreading by cracking the game

properties.bat runs the data.ini file and the videos.exe file generated after extraction. The former is a VBS script that creates a shortcut to videos.exe in %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\.

ChromeLoader is spreading by cracking the game


The videos.exe file contains the nw.exe file, which can reference package.json to run the script file specified by the main function. In this example, the start.html file is specified, which contains the obfuscated malicious JavaScript file.

ChromeLoader is spreading by cracking the game


Eventually, the videos.exe file executes the malicious JavaScript code in start.html to download the ChromeLoader. ChromeLoader is an ad-based malware that performs malicious behavior through Chrome extensions, stealing browser credentials and tampering with browser settings.


Recently, there has been an increase in malware using disk image files, and attackers often disguise malware as cracking games and programs. Users must be extra careful when executing files downloaded from unknown sources. Security researchers recommend that users download the software from the official website.





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