
Why do dog-licking relationships occur frequently in the pulling circle?


I don't know if you have paid attention to the state of lara friends around them when they are in love? Will you often feel that the friends around you will kneel and lick the other half, no matter what the other party does wrong, whether the other party is beating or scolding, will choose to forgive her unconditionally, will take the responsibility on themselves...

The difference between licking a dog and loving?

It is no problem to be good to the other half, and the other party is a girl, so we know each other's difficulties better, and many times we also choose to understand what the other half does, but we must understand that love is a matter of two people, as long as one party does not love or deteriorates, then it cannot be called "love";

So back to the title What is the difference between licking a dog and loving? In fact, these two things are very easy to understand, love can make the other half feel your sincerity, your concern, you are really managing this relationship with your heart, if the other half is also the same feeling for you, she will also pay for your relationship and not just want everything;

Licking the dog is to have one party unconditionally agree to any request of the other party, whether it is reasonable or not, she will be happy for the other half to meet, the other half will not be happy and moved because of your actions; only think that you are a tool person, you can bring me what I want, so I want to be with you;

Two feelings are actually very obvious, one is pathological, the master-servant relationship does not obey and threatens you to break up;

One is a healthy relationship, where two people can progress together for the future, set common goals, and help each other;

Why do dog-licking relationships occur frequently in the pulling circle?

Can a dog licker find himself licking a dog?

People have a dirty side, some people are the more they can't get the more they want, and when she really gets it one day, she feels bored, many people who like to lick the dog are also in such a state of mind, like others have a bad attitude towards her, they don't answer her love, and even involve interests only because the other party wants me to borrow and buy you back, if you don't satisfy you, you will be unhappy, unhappy you will no longer pay attention to me ~ and so on;

In fact, they themselves are not unaware of their own state, and in the pain and happiness swing left and right, the pain is that she feels unfair has been paying, happy that the other party has responded to arouse her interest;

I believe that if the friends around you have this kind of dog licking behavior, you will also tell her to her face not to do this, what is the harm of doing so? As friends, we are often afraid that our friends will be hurt, so we want to stop this behavior before being hurt, but the result? The other party may pretend to listen but still has not changed, so the answer is obvious, the person licking the dog actually knows what his behavior represents, and also knows what the future will be, but she is not willing, unwilling, so there is no way to put it down;

Why do dog-licking relationships occur frequently in the pulling circle?

Any relationship has its own mode of getting along, this model is the need for both of you to run into the result, if at the beginning you choose to humble to communicate with the other half, then the other half will not respect you, the acquaintance between girls and girls is not easy, girls are a sensitive animal, often have inferiority psychology, and the group in the circle is not particularly much, so many people may choose to bow their heads in the relationship, the reason is because they are afraid of losing it and there is no way to meet better;

So as a member of the circle, Xiao L still recommends that you ji friends maintain a relationship to have good results, don't lose it until you find out that it was the behavior you did before that caused the other party to become more intense, you can't stand to propose a breakup at this time, to this point it is very passive, Xiao L hopes that all of you can meet the one you like "she", and also hope that you and "she" can work together to finally have a good ENDING!

Why do dog-licking relationships occur frequently in the pulling circle?