
"Poor" still uses "poor"? See what advanced expressions there are!

author:Brother Biscuit's road of struggle

When we think of the word "poor," the first thing that comes to mind is "poor," which means "poor, poor; poor."

Let's take a look at the example sentences:

Most of the world's poorest countries are in Africa.

Most of the poorest countries in the world are in Africa.

He came from a poor immigrant family.

He comes from a poor immigrant family.

"Poor" still uses "poor"? See what advanced expressions there are!

Next we share some other expressions:

"Impoverished" means "abject poor, very poor"

We have to do something to improve the impoverished areas of the city.

We must act to improve the poor areas of cities.

Then we share a slang:

"Not have a pot to piss in" very poor (informal)

"pot" refers to the pot, "piss" refers to urination, which is funny to say, literally means too poor to afford a urinal. Haha, didn't expect such interesting slang.

Let's create a sentence:

Any help we can offer them will be appreciated. They don't have a pot to piss in.

They would be very grateful for any help we provided, they were so poor that they were jingling!

"Poor" still uses "poor"? See what advanced expressions there are!

Finally, let's share another common saying:

Live below the breadline means living below the poverty line, and "breadline" refers to the poverty line

If a person, live below the breadline, then she/he, like the picture above, can only eat something that is not nutritious like instant noodles every day.

Many people without jobs are living on the breadline.

Many people who do not have jobs live below the poverty line.

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The original author of this article is spoken English by Cake Brother, and may not be reproduced without authorization!