
Play a pain! "Let's Play" added voice actors

author:Guangdong North Gate

Let's Play Games (あびあそばせ) is a Japanese manga work originally written by Ryokawa Ryokawa, published by Shirazumisha and serialized in Young Animal #23, 2016, and is scheduled to air in July 2018. Yesterday (April 27th), 10 voice actors were added to this game, so let's take a look.

Play a pain! "Let's Play" added voice actors

The TV anime "Let's Play The Game" is based on the manga of the same name by Suzu Ryokawa, and the TV animation decision was published in Young Animal On The 3rd of 2018. The animation was produced by Lerche, supervised by Seiji Kishi, yuko Kakihara in charge of the series, Keiko Kurosawa in charge of character design, and Yuu Kino as deputy supervisor. Previously, the official has released the voice actress Ofe Honda Hanako CV of the 3 heroines: Higashi Kimino, Olivia CV: Riga Nagae, and Kazumi Nomura: Yomi Ohara. The additional voice actor lineup is as follows:

Former Duo: Ryutaro Catfish

Student President: Inoue Nohana

Miss Oka: Kanazawa Mai

Agrippa: Kei Toda

Blue Sky Plover: Yugi Bi

Dr. Higuchi: Ryoko Maekawa

Mr. Jinan: Yasuki Tsuruya

Mr. Takayanagi: Mitsuki Saiga

Kentaro Honda: Kashimura Koshin

Narrator: Akira Izawa

"Let's Play The Game" tells the story of Olivia, a beautiful blonde girl who grew up in Japan and does not speak English at all, and the three junior high school girls who are serious, intellectual, and can't speak English at all, and the three junior high school girls who are cheerful but can't become the current double ponytail girl Huazi created the "Game Research Society"? The super cute, funny, hilarious JC girl comedy is now open!