
He had climbed to study but was optimistic and self-motivated, and the disabled students realized their college dreams

author:Quanzhou Net

He had climbed to study, but he was optimistic and self-motivated, and he was the first in his class to arrive at school every time

Students with disabilities have fulfilled their college dreams

Quanzhou network on August 30 (reporter Chen Minghua Guo Fangrong wen / photo) only 57 days after birth, Lin Zhihao of Taoyuan Village, Dongtian Town, Nan'an City, because of high fever, lost consciousness of the lower limbs, and has been accompanied by a wheelchair since then. Although his body was crippled, his spirit was strong, and his mother could not move on his back, so he climbed into the classroom by himself; he moved slower than others, and he went out early, and every time he was the first in the class. In the 12 years of study, he has worked much harder than ordinary people and gained a lot of love. Now, he can finally share his hard-won achievements - admitted to Xiamen University of Technology this year.

He had climbed to study but was optimistic and self-motivated, and the disabled students realized their college dreams

Lin Zhihao's growth is inseparable from the care of all walks of life, and the grid members in the village (second from the right) also visited on the same day.

He had climbed to study but was optimistic and self-motivated, and the disabled students realized their college dreams

My son is about to enter college, and my mother is still not at ease with his independent life.

Thanks to my classmates, they all took good care of me

After entering Taoyuan Village, winding along the path, the reporter came to the gate of Lin Zhihao's stone house. Lin Zhihao operated the electric wheelchair he had just received the night before and was donated by the caring people of Taoyuan Village, and warmly greeted the reporter with his mother and grandparents.

"I was admitted to Xiamen University of Technology, but in fact, my goal was Jimei University, which was 5 points worse." Talking about the schools admitted, Lin Zhihao smiled and said: "It's okay, the university can continue to work hard." He was admitted to the Financial Engineering major at Xiamen University of Technology with a score of 547 points in the history category this year.

It is unimaginable that such an optimistic and sensible person has suffered from disabilities since he was a child. He suddenly had a high fever when he was 57 days old, and although the doctor improved after visiting the hospital, it recurred, and it did not help to send him to the hospital for treatment. Eventually, his legs were impaired and he was unable to walk. Experts have visited the home to diagnose that his nerves are atrophied and his legs will not continue to develop.

Despite this, he still faces life positively and optimistically and studies hard. Due to the abnormal performance of the middle school entrance examination, he failed to enter the favorite Nan'an No. 1 Middle School, and attended the Pengfeng Middle School affiliated to Quanzhou Normal College in high school, and his results always ranked in the top ten of the class.

"The teachers and classmates in the class knew that I was in a special situation and took good care of me." "They would help me with my school bag, pour water, buy things, and my classmates had a good relationship with me." Talking about the teachers and classmates he met since he was a child, Lin Zhihao was full of gratitude, and he had never suffered discrimination because of his special situation. "This time, three classmates were admitted to Xiamen University of Technology with me." He told reporters that in the second semester of his junior year of high school, he had been bored with school because of his unstable math scores, and it was also the encouragement and support of his classmates that made him persevere.

Grateful mother To let the mother worry less

Lin Zhihao can achieve today's results, in addition to self-reliance and self-improvement, but also has an inseparable relationship with the careful care of his mother Yan Qiuhan. My father usually worked outside the home, and in addition to taking care of the burden of taking care of him and his brother, my mother also had to go to the field to grow grain and vegetables to subsidize the family.

"I get up at 5 a.m. every morning to make breakfast for my two little ones and prepare lunch in advance. In the afternoon, when school is out, first pick up the younger brother who left school early, and then run a trip to pick up the older brother. "Yan Qiuhan said that before Zhihao went to the third year of junior high school, due to the inconvenience of her legs and feet, she needed to carry her back to the classroom to go to school." After going to the third year of junior high school, he really couldn't move his back, so he could only let him climb on his own. ”

"As long as the children read seriously, the adults will be fine if they work hard." Yan Qiuhan constantly stressed to reporters.

"I'm the first in my class every time." Zhihao is very grateful to mom. In the 12 years of schooling, he has never been late and has left early. When the classroom was on the first floor in his freshman year, his mother took him to the door of the classroom on a motorcycle. At the beginning of his sophomore year of high school, the classroom was changed to the fourth floor, and he insisted on climbing into the classroom with his hands every day. "When I met someone who wanted to help me, I refused, and I wanted to exercise on my own."

Seeing that his mother had been taking care of the family for many years, Lin Zhihao was distressed and secretly vowed to be admitted to college. His mother's efforts were not in vain, he realized his college dream this year, and his younger brother, who is about to enter the third year of junior high school, has good grades.

Talking about his son's imminent departure to Xiamen to go to university, Yan Qiuhan is still not at ease. Lin Zhihao is optimistic: "I have mastered some basic skills in life, and it is time to learn to be independent." I will try as much as I can to make my mother worry less. ”

I am grateful to all walks of life for going to college and I want to work harder

When the reporter came to Lin Zhihao's home, it happened that Lin Shugui, a grid member in charge of the area in Taoyuan Village, also visited the door.

"The village and all sectors of society take good care of us." Yan Qiuhan said that taoyuan village cadres would visit Zhihao at home from time to time and care about his health and study. When Zhihao was in junior high school, under the arrangement of the school, he applied for a disability subsidy from the Disabled Persons' Federation, and he could get a subsidy every year to help reduce the burden on his family. Not long ago, the staff of the Quanzhou Disabled Persons' Federation and the relevant departments of Nan'an also came to visit Zhihao at home.

For the help of people from all walks of life, Lin Zhihao said gratefully: "When I go to college, I will work harder to change my fate and repay the society through learning." ”