
The "proposals" of deputies and committee members cannot come out of their mouths

author:A native of Zhejiang at Xi'an Jiaotong University

2023年全国两会召开在即,想到了年年在两会期间各位代表、委员的奇葩提案,果然今年也不出大家‬所料‬。 Xiong Shuilong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, and full-time deputy director of the Motions Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, intends to submit a proposal suggesting that the "weekends" be adjusted in a timely manner, and that the system of "every three days off" be implemented on a pilot basis.

The "proposals" of deputies and committee members cannot come out of their mouths

In the view of member Xiong Shuilong, the implementation of the "weekends" in the past 30 years has been unfavorable to the Chinese people to carry out commercial tourism activities, resulting in the phenomenon of going out in groups on holidays, and bringing problems in transportation, scenic spots, catering, and other aspects. With the easing of the epidemic, the phenomenon of tourism "blowout" will become more serious in the future, so he suggested: pilot the implementation of the "every three days off" system on weekly holidays, that is, three days off every other week, so that people can spend happily.

The "proposals" of deputies and committee members cannot come out of their mouths

针对‬他‬的提案‬有‬网友‬吐槽‬还是‬先把双休落实了再说‬吧‬,有‬媒体统计,大陆‬超过60%的私企,连‬实行‬快‬30年‬的双休都‬无法‬真正‬落实‬,哪‬还‬奢望‬‬一周‬休三‬天,更‬何况大部分‬人缺点的‬不是‬时间‬,而是‬钱‬。 试想‬现在‬高企的房价‬、孩子‬的教育‬、医疗‬的‬支出‬已经把‬几‬代‬人压得喘不过‬气来了,哪有‬心情‬去‬旅游、消费? ‬那些‬周末‬经常‬能够‬去‬消费‬的永远‬是‬二‬八‬定律‬的前‬部分‬人,脱离‬人民‬群众‬实际‬的‬提案‬跟‬那些‬“高高在上‬经常‬鼓吹‬拉动‬消费‬”的‬专家‬有‬啥‬区别‬? 就像跟‬那个‬引起‬大家‬共愤‬的‬清华‬大学‬的杨‬教授‬提出‬的“关于‬医保‬个人账户‬”的奇葩‬言论‬一样。 看看‬网友‬的评论‬就‬知道了‬。

The "proposals" of deputies and committee members cannot come out of their mouths
The "proposals" of deputies and committee members cannot come out of their mouths

This can't help but remind people of the previous compulsory marriage inspection system, one will cancel and then implement, let's not say whether the system is reasonable, but repeatedly, can only show the sloppiness of our policy decision-making level, the formulated policies as a child's play, and when everyone sees more, they are tired of it, and it is not surprising that they cause everyone's disgust.

However, there were also suggestions from the deputies, which were unanimously applauded by everyone. The proposal by NPC deputy Zhao Wanping to extend the Spring Festival holiday takes into account the interests of the vast majority of the people, and it is logical that it resonates.

The "proposals" of deputies and committee members cannot come out of their mouths

The Spring Festival is a day for everyone to reunite after a hard year, and it is Chinese New Year's Eve inevitable that everyone will return to their hometown at about the same time and cause traffic congestion. People's congress deputies themselves represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, not the interests of a small number of people! The deputies and members should go down to the grassroots level and do more research, and the people should not "come with their mouths open and pat their heads" proposals. Only when it is approved by everyone can a good proposal live up to the supreme honor of "deputies and committee members."