
The well-known domestic idol female singer was announced as "Lao Lai", and netizens said that the former company deliberately ruined her future

author:Reverse growth of Guangzhou 40 plus

#影视杂谈 #

Hot search No. 1! Actress into "Lao Lai" was "limited in height"! I respond

The well-known domestic idol female singer was announced as "Lao Lai", and netizens said that the former company deliberately ruined her future

February 28

#黄婷婷被纳入失信被执行人 #

Climbed to the top of the hot search

The well-known domestic idol female singer was announced as "Lao Lai", and netizens said that the former company deliberately ruined her future
The well-known domestic idol female singer was announced as "Lao Lai", and netizens said that the former company deliberately ruined her future
The well-known domestic idol female singer was announced as "Lao Lai", and netizens said that the former company deliberately ruined her future
The well-known domestic idol female singer was announced as "Lao Lai", and netizens said that the former company deliberately ruined her future

黄婷婷于著名的国内女团SNH48出道选举中获胜出道,同期的还有著名的女爱豆有赵嘉敏、鞠婧祎和李艺彤,这次主要源于黄婷婷于2019年12月,黄婷婷单方面宣布与其‬所属‬的‬丝芭解约,经法院‬审理后‬判定‬黄婷婷‬应该‬负‬全责,并且‬要‬支付‬违约金给‬丝芭‬公司‬。 但‬判决书‬下来后‬,黄婷婷‬既不‬上诉‬请求帮助也‬不‬支付‬法院‬判罚‬的‬罚款。 一个‬92后的‬女‬爱豆‬,有‬能力‬还‬罚款‬,却‬拒绝‬执行,这‬就是‬黄婷婷‬前公司‬发‬的公告‬大概内容‬,而‬从她‬个人‬回应‬来看‬,她‬依旧‬对‬前公司‬有‬怨言‬,有‬网友‬力挺‬黄婷婷‬这次‬真的是被‬其‬公司‬有意‬而‬为之‬:“纳入失信被执行人和限高是两回事,这个公司这么做是故意毁人前途的! An unequal contract to the artist. I can give you a way to live or not, but you can't find a way to live on your own. That's pretty much what it looks like. Some netizens also told the inside story: "Looking back at those previous breach cases, unprofitable brokerage companies will use warm water to boil frogs to force artists to default and then earn liquidated damages, and many artists will be recruited!" ”支付违约金350万元,这‬实在‬对于‬一个‬知名度‬不高‬的‬女爱豆‬来说也是‬天价‬了吧‬! 原本‬该‬公司‬还要求‬金额‬达‬1000万‬,后‬法院‬依法判定‬为‬350万‬,所以‬要‬想以‬选秀‬入‬圈‬的‬少男少女们‬真的‬要‬好好学习合同‬法‬了‬!

The well-known domestic idol female singer was announced as "Lao Lai", and netizens said that the former company deliberately ruined her future