
Seeing the evolution of the fetal face, pregnant mother: every place grows in places I didn't expect.

author:Flowering pomegranate er

From the beginning of knowing that she is pregnant, many pregnant mothers will fantasize about what the baby in her belly will look like. Is it better to be like mom, or like dad, who is good for eyes, and who is good for nose and mouth.......

After looking at the evolutionary process of the fetal face, pregnant mother: Awesome, every place grows in places I didn't expect.

Seeing the evolution of the fetal face, pregnant mother: every place grows in places I didn't expect.

I thought that the place would grow into eyes, but I never expected that it would end up growing into a nose. And a pair of moving big eyes are silent in the corner, silently secretly forming.

Some people even think that the face of the fetus is like a monster in the early stage of development, slowly growing into a "pig", and finally developing into a cute baby, which is simply amazing!

In the GIF, it can be found that the shape of the fetus's nose and mouth is very complicated, at first separated from the left and right, and then slowly fused. In the process of fusion, once an accident occurs, the fetus will form a cleft palate or cleft lip.

Everything changes at any time, and the development process is too thrilling, so the pregnant mother does not imagine who the child is like at this time, as long as it is intact and healthy birth!

Data show that there are about 5 million deformed children born in the world, an average of one every 5~6 minutes, while the congenital malformed children in the mainland are as high as 80~1.2 million. As the most common facial deformity, the incidence of cleft lip and palate in mainland China is 1.8‰. According to the survey, one in every 700~1000 newborns has such problems.

Such a huge data, is it shocking, pregnant with a healthy baby is the wish of every family, let's understand the fetal formation process and preventive measures!

The critical period for the formation of your baby's appearance

Seeing the evolution of the fetal face, pregnant mother: every place grows in places I didn't expect.

The critical period for the formation of your baby's appearance is 1-3 months.

During this process, if there is a problem with the division of the fetus's plate-shaped organ cells, it will lead to the appearance of a cleft lip or palate, and if it is smoothed in the person, it indicates that fetal alcohol syndrome may be present. Therefore, the first three months after pregnancy are especially important for the formation of the baby's appearance, such as the anastomosis of the lips is on the 36th day of fertilized eggs, before which if stimulated, cleft lip and palate may occur.

In the early trimester, cells will rapidly divide and differentiate, initially forming various organs of the body, if the baby's growth and development is disturbed by the outside world at this time, it is likely to cause fetal malformations, not only facial deformities, but also likely to lead to mental retardation.

The period of fetal organ formation:

In general, in the ninth week of pregnancy, the "little things" in the stomach become a real fetus, and the embryo with five senses has been formed, about 25 mm long, so it can be called a "fetus" in the true sense. Before 12 weeks of pregnancy, the overall organ development of the fetus has been complete, and the general fetal malformations are mainly formed before this.

For fetal congenital malformations, need to be checked in time, early planning, there are many mothers in the early trimester neglect the importance of pregnancy testing, in the very late will find that the fetus has malformations, if the fetus is large, then choose abortion is very dangerous.

Three important screening for deformity

Seeing the evolution of the fetal face, pregnant mother: every place grows in places I didn't expect.

During pregnancy, there are three main chances of identifying fetal abnormalities.

1. At 11-18 weeks of pregnancy, the pregnant mother needs to do NT and measure the thickest part of the anechoic transparent layer under the skin of the fetal neck through B-ultrasound to assess whether the fetus may have Down syndrome. Down screening, which tests the blood of a pregnant woman to determine whether the fetus has neurological or chromosomal malformations. High-risk findings require further noninvasive DNA screening or amniocentesis diagnosis.

2. At 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, four-dimensional ultrasound is mainly used to see whether there are abnormalities in the external organs and internal organs of the fetus. It can also perform stereoscopic imaging of the head and face of the fetus, which can clearly display the state of the eyes, nose, mouth, jaw and other states, which can assist doctors to directly diagnose congenital malformations of the fetus, including surface malformations, visceral malformations and head and facial malformations, and determine the precise position of the fetus in the uterus. Therefore, the examination of four-dimensional color ultrasound is an important screening for fetal malformations in the second trimester.

3, in the 28-32 weeks of pregnancy can be screened, fetal urinary digestion and nervous system, if it exceeds this time it is difficult to make up, this time if the fetus is found to be malformed, and then do labor induction surgery, the fetus and adults are very cruel.

Causes of fetal malformations

Seeing the evolution of the fetal face, pregnant mother: every place grows in places I didn't expect.

Genetic factors

The quality of sperm and eggs directly affects the growth and development of the fetus, especially when chromosomal abnormalities are more likely to cause fetal malformations. Therefore, it is also necessary to check the chromosomes before pregnancy.

Viral infection

In general, viral infections such as rubella virus, meganeurokine virus, and toxoplasma virus are the most likely to cause fetal malformations. Of course, some influenza viruses and the like may also cause fetal malformations.

Rubella virus, meganeurokine virus, toxoplasmosis virus, and herpes simplex virus are all four eugenics tests that need to be tested. Therefore, when preparing for pregnancy, do a good job of the four eugenic examinations, inject good antibodies or cure and then get pregnant, which can effectively prevent fetal malformations.

Bad mood of expectant mothers

It has been reported that 24% of children with developmental abnormalities are related to negative emotions in pregnant women, indicating that poor mood in pregnant women can cause high terage rates. Excessive fatigue or joy and sorrow during pregnancy. Poor rest and mental depression will affect the combination of eggs and sperm, and excessive fatigue will make the fetal brain insufficient oxygen supply and affect fetal development.

The expectant mother had a high fever

High fever, which refers to a fever of more than 39 degrees. Influenza virus infection is mostly accompanied by high fever, and high fever may cause congenital malformations in the fetus. If the mother has a history of hyperthermia in early pregnancy, it will affect the development of brain tissue, show mental retardation, and poor learning and response ability. This mental retardation cannot be recovered.

Of course, fetal malformations caused by high fever are also related to the sensitivity of pregnant women to high fever and other factors. If it is a common cold, there are no symptoms of high fever, and there is no effect on the fetus.

Chemical substances

Chemical pollution, such as lead, mercury, etc., formaldehyde, etc. are common teratogenic sources, long-term exposure to such substances can easily lead to fetal growth retardation, nervous system and intellectual disabilities. This contamination is commonly found in building upholstery materials, pesticides and industrial wastewater. However, the poisoning of such chemicals is caused by the accumulation of a long time, and pregnant women do not need to worry too much.

Daily nutrition and dietary factors

Generally speaking, as long as the diet is balanced, friends who are not picky eaters and partial eaters will rarely have fetal malformations caused by dietary reasons. The fetal malformations caused by nutritional deficiencies found so far are folic acid deficiency fetal neural tube malformations known to pregnant women. Thus, pregnant women start taking folic acid at least 1 month before pregnancy and up to 3 months of pregnancy.

In addition, malnutrition caused by partial eating, picky eating, and anorexia can lead to the deficiency of various vitamins or trace elements, and can also lead to the occurrence of various malformations such as neural tube malformations. If malnutrition causes anemia, fetal malformations can occur when moderate to severe anemia lasts longer.

Bad habits

If there are pregnant mothers or fathers-to-be who smoke, drink, stay up late, and like to take a long time in hot baths, these bad habits will increase the risk of fetal malformations.

Especially if the pregnant mother drinks a lot of alcohol, it is easy to lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, microcephaly, mental retardation and special appearance. A large number of studies have shown that exposure to tobacco and alcohol during pregnancy will increase the chance of a baby suffering from cleft lip and palate, and for the health of the baby, mothers must stay away from tobacco and alcohol. In addition to not smoking and drinking, pregnant mothers should also pay attention to stay away from second-hand smoke, do not smoke in the family, and pregnant mothers should not go to places where people smoke.

Drug factors

The impact of drugs is still relatively large, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is generally not recommended to take drugs, even if there are special circumstances to take drugs, it is also under the guidance of a doctor to use some drugs that determine that there is no effect on the fetus, otherwise it is likely to lead to fetal malformations.

And sometimes too much use of some hormonal drugs before pregnancy, or use of some teratogenic drugs, the impact on the fetus is also great, must pay attention. At the same time, pesticides, chemicals, etc. may cause teratogens, and care should be taken to avoid excessive contact with these items.

Therefore, for the health of the mother and baby, it is very important to have a timely prenatal examination during pregnancy, and every time the pregnant mother goes to the hospital, items such as urine sample, weight, abdominal circumference and uterine height, and listening to fetal heart movements are inevitable routine examinations. The main purpose of these tests is to monitor the condition of mother and baby, get through pregnancy and welcome a healthy baby.