
"This cat is entangled in the stomach of wire in Beijiushui, can anyone save it?" On foot round trip 6 km mountain road, well-wishers came...

author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily

Peninsula All Media Reporter Wang Tian

On February 26, a series of videos of "rushing to the North Kowloon Water Scenic Area to save cats" attracted much attention on the Internet, in which the cat's abdomen was entangled with wire, and his mental condition was not good, and the protagonist of the video recorded every detail from "online help" to "rescue". 7 videos, netizens witnessed the kitten from a life hanging by a thread to a new life. The reporter contacted the protagonist of the video, Ms. Zhang (pseudonym), who mentioned in the interview that in order to save the little white cat, she walked 6 kilometers round trip without feeling tired, and she also shared with the reporter that in the past period, she had rescued the same cat 6 times...

"This cat is entangled in the stomach of wire in Beijiushui, can anyone save it?" On foot round trip 6 km mountain road, well-wishers came...

The white cat was successfully rescued

Cross mountains and seas

Walk 6 km round trip to rescue white cats

"This cat was entangled in the stomach of iron wire in Laoshan North Jiushui, can anyone save it?" On February 26, a video posted by Qingdao citizen Ms. Zhang attracted the attention of many netizens, in which the white kitten quietly crouched on a stone, its abdomen tightly entangled by a thin and sharp wire, because it was covered by hair, it was impossible to see how the cat was injured. Some netizens in the comment area sent their concern, and some regretted that they could not come to the scene to carry out rescue because of the distance. At noon on February 27, Ms. Zhang updated a news on social platforms, showing a woman wearing protective gloves and carrying a small iron cage walking on a mountain road. "We are ready to go to the rescue, now go up the mountain, and strive to save the cat!" Ms. Zhang said breathlessly in the video.

Sure enough, 6 hours later, Ms. Zhang updated the video again, and the kitten wrapped around the abdomen of the wire had been successfully rescued, the wire had been removed, and the kitten was diagnosed by a pet doctor, and the kitten was fine.

Ms. Zhang told reporters that in fact, she and her neighbors are really "warm-hearted", and they will feed stray cats on time in the community on weekdays, but now they can't sit idly by when they see kittens in difficulty. "Our neighbor went to Beijiushui to climb the mountain on Sunday, saw this kitten wrapped in wire, and when he came back, he asked me if I could go together to rescue it. Ms. Zhang said.

"This cat is entangled in the stomach of wire in Beijiushui, can anyone save it?" On foot round trip 6 km mountain road, well-wishers came...

The white cat is wrapped in wire

On February 27, Ms. Zhang and her neighbors got up early, prepared protective gloves, cat cans and capture iron cages in advance, and drove from Ms. Zhang's community to Beijiushui, a total of half an hour. Can it be successfully captured? Is it seriously injured?

At about 11 o'clock in the morning, Ms. Zhang brought a full set of "equipment" to start the "cat hunting journey". Ms. Zhang said: "Because the scenic area can't drive in, my neighbors and I can only park our car in front of a small hotel, from the hotel to the self-fetching pool where the little white cat is, a total of 3 kilometers, the weather is still relatively cold, the mountain road is steep and steep, walking down is indeed more tiring, but thinking of the situation of the little white cat is not very clear, so we can only step up and rush to the self-picking pool as soon as possible." ”

After arriving at the self-picking pool, Ms. Zhang prepared tools and waited for the little white cat to appear, and half an hour passed, it seemed that all the kittens appeared, but the little white cat did not appear. Ms. Zhang opened the cat cans she brought and poured them in the front, middle and back areas of the capture cage, and continued to "wait for the rabbit".

"At that time, I also asked some traders on the other side of the pool, saying that I saw this little white cat a while ago, and some shopkeepers said that the wire on its body has been carried for 4 days, and we are really anxious to wait for this cat, worried about running empty, mainly because I don't know how its injuries are and how long it can live."

Ms. Zhang told reporters that probably because of hunger, not long after the can was poured out, the little white cat "came looking for taste." Looking for the distribution footprints of canned meat, the little white cat gradually walked into the iron cage, Ms. Zhang closed the cage tightly, in order to take care of the panic of the little white cat, Ms. Zhang will carry a cover cloth with her and cover it around the cage. "I almost thought I couldn't wait for it, after the successful capture, we are also studying whether we can remove the wire by itself, but the little white cat seems to be frightened, and there is no way to determine how its injuries are, so it is more appropriate to decide to send it to a pet hospital for treatment."

Carrying the little white cat from the self-picking pool to the parking area, Ms. Zhang once again crossed a 3 kilometers.

"This is also an adult cat, in fact, it is quite heavy, and it is a little tired to walk 6 kilometers round trip, but the thought of successfully rescuing the kitten, any exhaustion has disappeared, it should be a mountain climbing to distract itself!" Ms. Zhang said with a smile during the interview.

After a one-hour drive down the mountain, the little white cat was silent in the cage, seemingly afraid or curious, and Ms. Zhang cautiously got along with the little life, hoping that it would be safe. Ms. Zhang introduced that the little white cat after coming to the pet hospital seems to have spirituality, not "noisy", the doctor carefully removed the wire wrapped around its body, and after examination, it was found that the little white cat's abdomen was only strangled with a red mark, which was not a big problem. "If the wire is removed a few days later, its life will be gone, how much money is spent is really secondary, and how small a life is a life."

At the end of the video, Ms. Zhang "returned the little white cat" to the mountains, brought anti-inflammatory drugs and canned meat, and instructed the nearby traders to help take care of them.

Respect and cherish

Gave a cat 6 lives

Ms. Zhang told reporters that in terms of the number of rescues, I don't know how many little white cats are, before she had sterilized 15 stray cats, took the black cat in the community to see a doctor, helped the "difficult birth" rhubarb to seek medical treatment, and adopted the child born to rhubarb.

Having been retired for two years, feeding the stray cats in the community on time and on point every day has become Ms. Zhang's "job", and cooking cat rice for cats has also become Ms. Yun's daily interest. "Carrots, potatoes, beef, chicken, fish, chicken liver, and all kinds of calcium powder, vitamin B and fish oil, this is my exclusive recipe for making cat rice, vitamin B cats must eat, can prevent stomatitis." Ms. Zhang introduced to reporters that now the family has adopted 3 kittens, of which "rhubarb" can be described as "ill-fated", and the story of Ms. Zhang and rhubarb seems to start from her moving into this community.

"This cat is entangled in the stomach of wire in Beijiushui, can anyone save it?" On foot round trip 6 km mountain road, well-wishers came...

Rhubarb and the "daughter"

"About 2019, I saw a pregnant yellow cat in the community, with a big belly, I paid special attention to it at that time, and took photos, and then after a long time, I found that the cat still had a big belly, and I muttered in my heart, in fact, the cat can give birth more than 70 days pregnant, because it is fed every day, and it has established a sense of trust, and I sent the pregnant yellow cat to the hospital."

Ms. Zhang said that after sending her to the hospital, doctors confirmed that Rhubarb was pregnant with six kittens, but due to the problem of uterine reversal, it was difficult to deliver and could only undergo a caesarean section. After Rhubarb successfully gave birth to a kitten, Ms. Zhang, who had never had a cat, turned into a "moon sister-in-law" and took care of Rhubarb's confinement. "Rhubarb gave birth to 6 cat cubs, in order not to let them continue to wander, except for one more naughty kitten, I gave away the other 5, hoping that they could all live a well-fed life. The one who stayed in my house was just a 'little girl', and she was really bad in appearance, but very cute. Ms. Zhang said.

Two months after giving birth to the cat cub, Rhubarb returned to the community to continue living, and a few days after he wanted to "return", Rhubarb's body had problems again. Ms. Zhang told reporters: "Rhubarb's butt was injured, and after being sent to the hospital, it was diagnosed as a ruptured anal gland, and I had to undergo surgery, I couldn't see death without saving it, and after the operation, I took Rhubarb home to take care of it for a long time." ”

"This cat is entangled in the stomach of wire in Beijiushui, can anyone save it?" On foot round trip 6 km mountain road, well-wishers came...

Rhubarb and the "daughter"

Since then, the fate of Ms. Zhang and Rhubarb seems to be "entangled", and every escape of Rhubarb is inseparable from Ms. Zhang's care.

After Rhubarb returned to live in the community, he encountered many problems. On the first day of the new year, her palm was injured, and we went to several hospitals to take her to check the surgical bandage, and a few days later, we found that she had severe stomatitis, and she had to be sent to the hospital to have all her teeth extracted. Later, Rhubarb's body did not know what liquid was sticky, the burn was serious, and the bones had been injured, and I was sent to the hospital for surgery twice, and I saved Rhubarb a total of 6 times, that is, in the last time I realized that it has no teeth and is so docile, it may need to live normally in a family. ”

Ms. Zhang joked that she gave Rhubarb 6 lives, and now Rhubarb lives in Ms. Zhang's home with his "daughter" and the stray cat Diandian. Ms. Zhang shared the intimate daily life of rhubarb and her "daughter", and the rhubarb in the photo is chubby, naughty and cute.

"Rhubarb was diagnosed with lung cancer last year and has been taking targeted drugs and I will not give it up." Ms. Zhang said slowly in the interview that she cherishes the life of rhubarb, and also cherishes the life of every animal, and their life deserves to be respected and cherished.

"This cat is entangled in the stomach of wire in Beijiushui, can anyone save it?" On foot round trip 6 km mountain road, well-wishers came...

Rhubarb treated in hospital