
The two items "condom and sanitary napkin" appear in large numbers on the Sichuan-Tibet line, what is the use?

author:Pocky sees the world

Nowadays, more and more young people are eager to go out and see more, and want to see the world they have never seen before. When it comes to the most popular tourist routes in recent years, Tibet is definitely on the list. Although some people often develop physical discomfort due to altitude sickness after entering Tibet.

But when I see the scenery of Tibet, everything in my body, fatigue will disappear, and I am glad that I am here. On the route into Tibet, many people will choose National Highway 314, and on the road into Tibet, tourists will also enjoy different scenery.

The two items "condom and sanitary napkin" appear in large numbers on the Sichuan-Tibet line, what is the use?

Surprisingly, there is garbage everywhere on National Highway 314, and the vast majority of them are condoms and sanitary napkins.

1. The beautiful 314 Sichuan-Tibet Line; Before stepping into Tibet, it has been known as a wonderland on earth by many people, especially National Highway 314. It is understood that the starting point of National Highway 314 is Urumqi and the end is Hongqilap, which has a total length of 1948 kilometers.

The two items "condom and sanitary napkin" appear in large numbers on the Sichuan-Tibet line, what is the use?

Walking on this road, you can see the unique scenery of different parts of the city, and we can go all the way up the Pamirs, which is a picturesque view. Especially on the Sichuan-Tibet Line, if you enter by car, it is good to say that you will not see too much garbage on the side of the road.

But if you are cycling or walking, you can often see a variety of condoms and sanitary napkins on the side of the road. So why are these situations happening? This has to be said for those who choose to travel on foot or by bike.

The two items "condom and sanitary napkin" appear in large numbers on the Sichuan-Tibet line, what is the use?

Many people also wonder, are these people who travel to Tibet so open? You know, in our traditional thinking, these two things are taboo.

Second, condoms and sanitary napkins are especially numerous; First of all, let's talk about condoms, which are rarely taken out for discussion, especially for some people with traditional ideas, and their faces will turn red when they hear this word. But in fact, everyone really wants to be crooked, and the role of condoms in the Sichuan-Tibet line is to facilitate life.

The two items "condom and sanitary napkin" appear in large numbers on the Sichuan-Tibet line, what is the use?

Because the Sichuan-Tibet Line is relatively cold and the air humidity is relatively large, many people's mobile phones and compasses are prone to failure, so everyone chooses to use this item, but also to ensure the safety of mobile phones. There is also a suit on the outside of the shoes, which can largely avoid the shoes from getting wet.

At the same time, condoms can also store water in case of danger, ensuring that there is no danger caused by lack of water in the body. It's actually a sanitary napkin, because many people want to walk the Kawazo Line on foot, but because the road is often very hard, if you walk for a long time, you are likely to hurt your feet.

The two items "condom and sanitary napkin" appear in large numbers on the Sichuan-Tibet line, what is the use?

In order to make the feet more comfortable, many people will also make their own smart use of sanitary napkins as insoles and put them in shoes. At the same time, for some cyclists, if the sanitary napkin on the thigh pad will reduce the friction with the saddle, reducing physical pain.

It can be said that these two items are not what everyone imagined, but they are better convenient for everyone's life. However, because the quality of individual people is not strong, after using these two items, they will be thrown on the side of the road, causing a great burden to the local environment.

The two items "condom and sanitary napkin" appear in large numbers on the Sichuan-Tibet line, what is the use?

Especially when the wind is blowing, if the garbage cannot be collected in time, then it will be everywhere, which increases the difficulty of local sanitation work.

3. How to mitigate altitude sickness when traveling on the Sichuan-Tibet Line? A large number of people will have altitude sickness after suddenly arriving at the plateau, the main manifestations are: dizziness, breathlessness, rising body temperature, purple lips and fingers, and even bleeding from the nostrils.

The two items "condom and sanitary napkin" appear in large numbers on the Sichuan-Tibet line, what is the use?

The best way for people with altitude sickness to alleviate is to reduce the fear of altitude sickness, because plateau is a place that many people have never touched, and after a little reaction in the body, fear will occur, which will lead to altitude sickness becoming more and more serious.

For those who enter the plateau for the first time, you must pay attention not to walk fast, let alone run, and do not do strenuous exercise. Also avoid smoking and drinking, and don't overeat when it comes to eating. Another point is not to take oxygen immediately after altitude sickness, so that the body can adapt as much as possible.

The two items "condom and sanitary napkin" appear in large numbers on the Sichuan-Tibet line, what is the use?

Otherwise, it is likely that oxygen will be inseparable throughout the plateau period. If tourists develop altitude sickness after entering Tibet, mild symptoms can be adapted by self-regulation, but if it is serious, be sure to seek medical attention in time. For some people suffering from contact diseases and colds, these people are not allowed to enter Tibet.

4. Summary; Tibet is known by many people as a sacred place on earth, where you can not only see the blue sky and the vast earth, but also see the white mountains and lakes, and many people say that after coming to Tibet, the whole person's soul has been purified.

The two items "condom and sanitary napkin" appear in large numbers on the Sichuan-Tibet line, what is the use?

However, because Tibet is located on a plateau, many people who have never touched the plateau often feel physically uncomfortable when they first come here. If the body has a serious reaction, everyone must not force themselves and leave as soon as possible. What do you think about the garbage that can be found everywhere on the Sichuan-Tibet Line? Welcome to leave a message to discuss and share.