
The fruit that looks like a green mango is "highly poisonous in the world", and those who eat it by mistake can be killed within 6 hours

When you see the fruit in the picture, I believe that many people's first reaction is green mang. However, this is actually not a green mango, but a highly toxic fruit, after eating a few bites within 3-6 hours, it will be poisoned and die immediately. Therefore, we must be careful about this fruit and avoid accidental consumption.

The fruit that looks like a green mango is "highly poisonous in the world", and those who eat it by mistake can be killed within 6 hours

The fruit, called the lemon fruit, is the fruit of the lemon tree that grows in the southwest region of India. The lemon tree is also called the "suicide tree" and the "murder tree". It is said that in India, fifty percent of plant poisonings are inseparable from this tree. Among them, many children are eaten by mistake because of the shape of the lemon fruit resembling a mango, which eventually leads to tragedy.

The fruit that looks like a green mango is "highly poisonous in the world", and those who eat it by mistake can be killed within 6 hours

It is reported that at the customs gate in Henan, the police once intercepted a packet of lemon tree seeds. It is understood that tourists mistakenly brought it back as a mango seed. Fortunately, the police found out in time, otherwise I don't know how many people would have died.

The fruit that looks like a green mango is "highly poisonous in the world", and those who eat it by mistake can be killed within 6 hours

So how to distinguish between green mango and lemon fruit? First of all, it can be distinguished from the suit color. The flowers of the lemon fruit are white, and after the blossoms are one by one, while the flowers of the mango are gray, and the flowers bloom in clusters, which is essentially different from the flowers of the lemon tree.

The fruit that looks like a green mango is "highly poisonous in the world", and those who eat it by mistake can be killed within 6 hours

In addition, we can also distinguish between the two by smelling the smell. Xiaobian knows this, do you know other ways to identify? In short, cherish life and stay away from the lemon fruit.

The fruit that looks like a green mango is "highly poisonous in the world", and those who eat it by mistake can be killed within 6 hours