
Example 14 - Merge multiple cell data, Example 15 - Lookup by text to insert empty rows

Example 14 - Merge multiple cell data, Example 15 - Lookup by text to insert empty rows

Example 14 - Merge multiple cell data

Private Sub CommandButton Merge Data _Click()

'Merge symbol cannot be empty

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets ("Interface")

Dim mergetext As String

If . Cells(4, "C"). Value <> "" Then

mergetext = . Cells(4, "C"). Value


MsgBox "Please enter merge symbol"

Exit Sub

End If

'Merge area cannot be empty

Dim mergerange As String

If . Cells(7, "C"). Value <> "" Then

mergerange = . Cells(7, "C"). Value


MsgBox "Please enter merge area address"

Exit Sub

End If

'Clear the original result area

. Cells(10, "B"). Value = ""

'Combine data

Dim itemcell

Dim mergeresult As String

For each itemcell In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data to be merged"). Range(mergerange)

If itemcell. Value <> "" Then

If mergeresult <> "" Then

mergeresult = mergeresult & mergetext & itemcell. Value


mergeresult = itemcell. Value

End If

End If


. Cells(10, "B"). Value = mergeresult

End With

End Sub

Example 15 - Insert empty row by text lookup specified column

Example 14 - Merge multiple cell data, Example 15 - Lookup by text to insert empty rows

Private Sub CommandButton insert _Click()

' Determine the workbook name, the worksheet name is not empty

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets ("Interface")

If Trim(. Cells(2, "C"). Value) = "" Or Trim(. Cells(6, "C"). Value) = "" Or Trim(. Cells(10, "C"). Value) = "" _

Or Trim(. Cells(18, "C"). Value) = "" Or Trim(. Cells(14, "C"). Value) = "" Or Trim(. Cells(14, "D"). Value) = "" Then

MsgBox "Parameter cannot be empty"

Exit Sub

End If

On Error GoTo processing error

' Define variables

Dim wbname As String

Dim shname As String

wbname = Trim(. Cells(2, "C"). Value)

shname = Trim(. Cells(6, "C"). Value)

Dim matchcolumn As Long

Dim startnum As Long

Dim stopnum As Long

matchcolumn = Trim(. Cells(10, "C"). Value)

startnum = Trim(. Cells(14, "C"). Value)

stopnum = Trim(. Cells(14, "D"). Value)

Dim matchtext As String

matchtext = Trim(. Cells(18, "C"). Value)

End With

'Processing forms

With Workbooks(wbname). Worksheets(shname)

'Circular judgment (reverse)

Nothing to

For i = stopnum To startnum Step -1

If . Cells(i, matchcolumn) <> "" And . Cells(i, matchcolumn) = matchtext Then

. Rows(i). Insert

End If

Next i

End With

Workbooks(wbname). Save

MsgBox "Processing Complete"

Workbooks(wbname). Activate

ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized

Workbooks(wbname). Worksheets(shname). Activate

Workbooks(wbname). Worksheets(shname). Cells(1, 1). Select

Exit Sub

Processing error:

MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub