
Children's whimsy

author:Tsubaki is a bit well-behaved

#家长百问百答 #

Children's whimsy

When I was very young, I always had some strange behavior, such as digging a hole in the middle of the yard under the influence of watching TV or something, and then finding a box, packing all the things I thought were memorable and burying them in the soil, dreaming of opening them up in ten or twenty years. It's a pity that at that time, my grandmother didn't understand my thoughts, and when I swept the floor, I found it dug up, and I saw the box and still thought, how is this the same as the box I buried [cover my face] [cover my face]

I will also bring a square stool on rainy days, put it under the eaves, and sit on the stool with an umbrella, dreaming that this is my small home, a small nest belonging to me, and I don't need too much space [croak] Now I think it's funny at that time, but unfortunately this is my childhood that I can't go back to.

I don't know if the child is with me now, and there are always some wonderful ideas.

Children's whimsy

He would collect boxes of various shapes to hold some stones that he thought were gemstones. In the eyes of his friends, it is a garbage-like thing, and in his heart, it is a treasure.

Children's whimsy

He also likes to pick up all kinds of leaves, find his mother's knife, and pretend to be a little adult to cook for his favorite mother. It is also necessary to hold his field in particular, and it must be said delicious [cover face] [cover face]

Children's whimsy

He would often squat on the ground to study the little ant, and would ask me if the little ant had a good friend, and did his good friend like to share delicious and fun with it?

Children's whimsy

He would also squat outside the holly tree and ask me, Mom, this primeval forest that doesn't look like Lilliput, such a large area of trees, can the people of Lilliputi cross the past? Can I go in and help Her Royal Highness the princess of Lilliput?

Children's whimsy

He will raise a group of toy pets, take care of them to sleep, get up, eat, take them out in turn, whenever a friend falls them, he will let them be careful, in the eyes of others is a toy thing, in his eyes is the most important partner. He will build beautiful villas for his little pets. Haha, even I want to shrink and live in it [Cover face] [Cover face]

Children's whimsy

Since entering the hearts of children, I know how soft and loving their hearts are, and gradually, I seem to see the shadow of my childhood from him, and some of the past stories that I have forgotten have slowly returned to my mind.

So, dear friends, when your child is in a daze, don't interrupt him, maybe he is building his own villain kingdom. When your children are in a hurry, crouch down and take a closer look, don't rush them, maybe they are studying how the scientists of the Ant Kingdom are doing scientific experiments!

The child's whimsy is endless, don't be the giant who interrupts the thought!