
There are also several kinds of fire, blindly going to fire is harmful to the body, teach you to get the right fire!

author:Shangyang Chinese Medicine Dr. Wan

In the spring, some partners will have sores in the mouth and tongue, foaming at the corners of the mouth, dry and itchy throat, constipation, etc., which we call "fire". But do you know what type of these "fires" are? It is effective to go to the fire of the symptomatic "fire source", do not blindly go to the fire.

Many people feel that they are "on fire" and buy some gunpowder to eat, but the actual effect is not obvious. How to bring down the fire depends on where the source of the fire is. Traditional Chinese medicine divides the fire into heart fire, liver fire, stomach fire, lung fire, kidney fire, etc. according to the source, and the symptoms of fire in different positions are different, and the treatment methods are also different. Today, I will analyze and analyze for you, what kind of fire is the fire in your body?

There are also several kinds of fire, blindly going to fire is harmful to the body, teach you to get the right fire!


Solid heart: irritability, short urine, sores in the mouth and tongue, swollen and painful gums

Heart weakness: hot flashes and night sweats, insomnia and dreams, hot hands and feet, flushing of cheeks

The formation of heart fire is mostly due to poor emotional will, and excessive pressure leads to five hearts turning into fire, causing heart fire, which is what we often say "anxious to get on fire". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bitterness is in the heart, and for people with a strong heart, you can eat more bitter foods on weekdays, such as bitter melon, andrographis, lotus seeds, etc. Heart solid fire can be used ox yellow clear heart pills, which can clear the heart yang real fire; Heart deficiency fire can use the Heavenly King Heart Supplement Pill, which can cure yin deficiency and lack of blood, nourish blood and calm the spirit. Daily medicinal meals, you can also use lotus seed soup to remove the heart fire, whether it is virtual fire or real fire is effective.

Composition: lotus seed, gardenia, rock sugar

Efficacy: Lotus seeds can nourish the mind and calm the mind, clear the heart and fire; Gardenia pouring fire to remove troubles, clear heat and moisture. Both of them return to the Heart Sutra, which can clear the heart and fire, and also have the effect of lowering blood pressure.


Symptoms: dry and swollen eyes, headache, dizziness, frequent tinnitus, bitter mouth, dry throat, short temper, easy anger, irregular menstruation in women.

Liver fire is mostly a hot image of liver yang hyperactivity, mostly caused by excessive emotional ambition and greasy diet, liver yang fire, liver meridian heat. This is what we call "anger on fire". Liver fire is strong, eat more light diet, and drink more water, eat less fatty foods, you can use gentian diarrhea liver pills to clear the liver fire. Goji chrysanthemum tea can be used daily to help drain liver fire.

Efficacy: Goji berries and chrysanthemums have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, clearing the liver and brightening the purpose, and can clear the liver fire. In addition, people who often stay up late and use their eyes excessively are also applicable.

Stomach fire

Symptoms: acid reflux heartburn, stomach swelling pain, dry mouth, bad breath, severe odor, dry stool, red and yellow urine, frequent thirst, toothache bleeding.

Stomach fire is caused by the invasion of heat and evil in the stomach, mostly related to being in a humid and hot environment, and also related to a spicy and greasy diet and frequent drinking. So stomach fire is usually "eaten". Stomach fire is strong, pay attention to clear the stomach and cool blood, you can use beef yellow stomach clearing pills to relieve stomach fire and pass the intestines. Honeysuckle tea can be used daily to help clear heat and detoxify.

Efficacy: Honeysuckle into the stomach meridian, cold, can eliminate stomach heat, remove stomach fire. The diet is spicy and greasy, and you can drink some honeysuckle after meals. It can not only clear stomach heat, but also dissolve oiliness.

Lung fire

Solid lung fire: dry cough without phlegm or thick yellow cough, sore throat, red tongue moss yellow, mouth and tongue sores

Lung deficiency fire: dry cough less phlegm or thin cough sputum, dry mouth and pharynx, red tongue and less moss, five hearts upset and hot

Lung fire is mostly related to external wind and heat. Whether it is real fire or false fire, there will be dry cough, less phlegm, dry mouth and dry throat. The real fire of the lungs is too hot, burning the lung network, to eliminate the real fire, you can use beef yellow lung pills; Lung deficiency fire for lung yin deficiency, yin and yang imbalance, to nourish lung yin, you can use yin nourishing lung pills. Chuanbei stewed pears can be used daily, which can not only clear the lung fire, but also nourish the lung yin.

Method: Peel the pear, cut off the top quarter of the pear, dig out the pear, and turn it into a bowl; Pour the pear with water and rock sugar, cover the pear, and steam in a bowl for 1 hour.

There are also several kinds of fire, blindly going to fire is harmful to the body, teach you to get the right fire!

Efficacy: Chuanbei and Sydney both enter the lung meridian, with phlegm and cough, heat dissipation and knotting effects.

Kidney fire

Symptoms: loose teeth, nighttime toothache, sore waist and knees, weakness in lower extremities, hot flashes and night sweats, dizziness, hair loss, weakness of breath

The kidneys are generally not prosperous, so the kidney fire is generally caused by yin deficiency, mostly due to insufficient energy in old age, or overwork, resulting in the internal generation of virtual fire and disturbed fluid. Can be used Zhibai Dihuang pills, for heat injury jin liquid, yin fluid deficiency. Daily yam and goji berry porridge can be used to nourish kidney yin.

Efficacy: Yam and goji berries have the effect of fixing the kidney, and have a good effect on those with insufficient kidney essence and kidney yin deficiency.

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