
Cai Tianfeng's case affects TV series! The "eating soft rice" story went bankrupt, and many celebrity artists couldn't believe it

author:Ward Hanzong

Wen – District Hanzong

Cai Tianfeng, a 28-year-old celebrity in the Hong Kong fashion industry, was murdered by the family of Kwong's ex-husband, who even brutally dismembered Cai Tianfeng's body in order to hide their eyes and ears, and also cooked his body into broth in an attempt to destroy the corpse. After the news was exposed, it shocked the entire Chinese society. The appalling plot of Cai Tianfeng's case made Hong Kong people unbearable, and unexpectedly, it also affected the TV series with the plot of "poor husband with rich wife". Many Hong Kong netizens posted articles asking TV stations to tell the TV series "Love Home Happy Express" that tells the plot of "poor men with rich wives", and stop promoting "husbands rely on their wives and are expensive". Netizens directly pointed out that the theme of the drama is inappropriate, and the rich girl falls in love with the poor boy, which is suspected of insinuating the famous lady Cai Tianfeng.

Cai Tianfeng's case affects TV series! The "eating soft rice" story went bankrupt, and many celebrity artists couldn't believe it

Netizens protested that the screenwriter loves to write rich women with poor men and "eating soft rice" stories, especially dissatisfied with the storyline of the character "Send Water Hui" Xu Jiajie in the play falling in love with "Miss" Lin Shumin, netizens even said: "Combined with the Hong Kong celebrity case, I advise all girls not to find family conditions too far apart, because you will never know how dark and sinister people's hearts are, this is the source of marriage misfortune, don't be blinded by the TV series, think that there is really a so-called "rich fairy tale", it is all nonsense"

Wangfuxiang refers to the ability to rely on the noble face of the wife, and the wife will greatly help and improve the husband in all aspects. This kind of woman has a big heart, a wide range of friends and helpfulness, a careful mind, can help her husband tide over difficulties, beauty in people, but also a symbol of longevity, so this kind of people also have the metaphor of "Shoutang", smart plus high life, husband and son filial piety, good life is also. But the celebrity Cai Tianfeng was the opposite, and the case of her dismemberment and cooking shocked the Chinese world.

In addition to being a director of two companies, Choi Tianfeng also holds a number of properties, conservatively estimated that the family property may be 100 million yuan, and she alone holds a high-rise unit in Mancton Hill, Lai Chi Kok, which has a market value of about 45 million yuan. Abby and her ex-husband have two children, aged 8 and 10 respectively, and although their marriage broke down, Cai Nui still takes good care of her ex-husband's family, reportedly taking care of the family's life and employing her ex-husband's brother as a personal driver. Cai Tianfeng's ex-husband and ex-husband's father and brother deliberately sought a family property of 100 million yuan and actually murdered for money. This is very different from the "Love Home Happy Express" episode in which a rich girl falls in love with a poor boy and happy love.

Cai Tianfeng's case affects TV series! The "eating soft rice" story went bankrupt, and many celebrity artists couldn't believe it

In fact, the former uncle who was also accused of murder with Cai Tianfeng's former father-in-law, after the news of Cai Tianfeng's ruthless murder came out, the social network site was turned out by many netizens, on the former uncle's social networking site, the last post was to share a photo of Moutai in October last year, in which the message was as high as 900, each of which was full of the anger of netizens, "I saw that the former uncle originally liked to show off his wealth, but these materials are all Cai Tianfeng for you to enjoy, the whole family is a bad seed, without her your whole family ordinary people, good intentions have no good reward", "Remember to be tough after entering (prison), don't die so early, you will suffer" "I don't know him but I feel ashamed to be followed (followed) by him".

The police further found Cai Tianfeng's head in the two pots of broth found at the scene, and what is even more incredible is that red and green radishes can also be seen in it. The well-known forensic doctor Gao Dacheng speculated that the murderer may have added radishes to "hide people's ears", and it would not be suspicious when he lost kitchen waste, and Gao Dacheng speculated that the murderer should have planned to destroy the corpse and make it impossible to identify the deceased, but this is a very meaningless thing, because the mitochondrial DNA of the body can be detected even if it is boiled for three days and three nights. After the news spread, many netizens felt dumbfounded and cruel, and some Hong Kong people did not dare to cook red and green radish rib soup again.

Hong Kong physician Jiang Guanyu posted on Facebook after seeing Cai Tianfeng's news that he could suddenly understand what Buffett said: "Make friends, you can't have 'poor people'", "That poor is not a popular poverty, but you must be careful of the 'parasitic upper' poverty, he asks you, like a parasite will not care about your safety, but also want your life." Jiang Guanyu pointed out that many people in the society claim to be weak, but they are not really weak, "conflict with you, or can't meet his endless needs after approaching you, the same will eat people without spitting bones", so make friends and communicate with people should try to choose complete and stable people.

Cai Tianfeng's case affects TV series! The "eating soft rice" story went bankrupt, and many celebrity artists couldn't believe it

Celebrity Cai Tianfeng was brutally killed by her ex-husband's family, the terrible incident shocked the society, many celebrity artists could not believe it, Hong Kong eldest sister Wang Mingquan recently attended the event to talk about this matter, she sadly said: "How can such a thing happen in such a good society in Hong Kong!" Guo Fucheng's wife Fang Yuan, who was in love with Cai Tianfeng in the past, also spoke out in grief many days after the case, "My heart is extremely sad, and I still can't accept this at this moment!" The heart is so sad that it is beyond words, there are only a thousand whys? The heartache has not yet calmed down! Pray for rest. , and Kwok Fucheng also left a message and forwarded it on Weibo, writing the 4 words "pray for rest".

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