
How much money does Wakan have? After reading it, my jaw dropped

author:Long does not grow old

How much property did Lord Hejunhe, known as the first corrupt official of the Qing Dynasty, have? Why he is said to be "rich and enemy", today we will find out.


There are 3,000 houses, 8,000 hectares of land, 42 silver shops, 75 pawnshops, 60,000 taels of red gold, 1,000 taels of pure gold ingots, 56,600 silver ingots of 100 taels, 9 million silver ingots, 58,000 yuan of foreign money, 1.5 million wen of making money, and 1.5 million wen of copper money. Jilin ginseng more than 600 jin, jade ruyi more than 1200 handles, pearl hand string 230 strings. 10 large pearls and 10 large rubies. There are 40 large sapphires, 40 tables of silver bowls, 11 coral trees more than one meter high, a total of 14,300 silk satin, 20,000 plates of woolen beeps, 550 pieces of fox skin, 850 pieces of mink skin, 56,000 pieces of thick and fine skin, 361,000 pieces of bronze and pewterware, 100,000 pieces of precious porcelain, 24 beds of gold eight treasure pits, 460 seats of Western clocks, 7,000 pieces of good clothes for the four seasons, 606 family members and 600 women. Equivalent to 1.1 billion taels of silver.

How much money does Wakan have? After reading it, my jaw dropped
How much money does Wakan have? After reading it, my jaw dropped
How much money does Wakan have? After reading it, my jaw dropped

The above picture is from the Hundred Schools Forum

How much is 1.1 billion in silver? What is the concept? 这里举个例子:当时的清政府每年的国库收入7000万两,换算一下‬,11亿两白银‬相当于清朝政府15年的国库收入。 二而‬和珅‬从政‬也‬不过‬25年‬。 可见‬,其称‬其‬“富可敌国‬”好不夸张‬。

So, is Hekan's property all embezzled? Non also. Where do these huge assets come from, if you are interested, please follow me, like it, let's talk about it in detail next time.

How much money does Wakan have? After reading it, my jaw dropped

Wakan image

How much money does Wakan have? After reading it, my jaw dropped

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