
Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations

author:01 Xinwen

Abstract: From a globe with a history of nearly 100 years, look at the rise and fall of history and vicissitudes.

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While scavenging, he opened a blind box and found a globe from the 1920s to the 1930s, revealing the rise and fall of the country and the historical changes in the past hundred years.

East Asia

Poor and weak China is being bullied by the great powers, and the border governments in the southwest have no time to take care of the puppet Manchukuo in the northeast, which is always reminding the Chinese people not to forget their home on the Songhua River in the northeast.

Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations

At this time, the greatest threat to this eastern power came from its immediate neighbors. The Japanese Empire had included its overseas colonies from South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands in the north, to the entire Korean Peninsula and the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, and finally to Taiwan in the south, and even the United States had to label the Japanese mainland and its ingenious lands with the same color on the globe.

Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations

Outside China's northwestern frontier, a now-defunct country has left some traces on the globe: the Republic of Tuva. As the only autonomous republic in the former Soviet Union composed of indigenous peoples, small countries and widows will eventually disappear.

Southeast Asia, bordering southern China, was now becoming farmland, mines and plantations of the old imperialist countries.

Britain controls Myanmar and all of Malaya, and Singapore is the crown jewel of Southeast Asia. The French also established French Indochina colonies centered on Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and Vientiane.

In order to control the spice trade and gain wealth, Indonesia is being brutally oppressed and exploited by the Dutch, and even the Red Creek massacre, the Ambon massacre and the Banda Tu Island have occurred in history.

To the north of Dutch Indonesia, the territory and government of the Philippines were also controlled by the United States until decades later.

Surrounded by these imperial colonies, although Thailand is still struggling to maintain its independence, it finally has a respite.

Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations

South Asia and the Middle East

The globe turns east, the gaze shifts westward, and there is almost only one color in the entire subcontinent, and that is British India, which gave the queen of the British Empire the title of emperor.

This British colony was extensive, including present-day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Burma. At this time, India was still a geographical term, not a clear state entity. In this land of ointment, territories directly controlled by Britain and hundreds of princely states are feeding the last vestiges of the empire with honey and milk.

Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations

Further west, the Middle East was freed from Ottoman Turkish rule not long ago, and some of the countries known today have yet to appear, such as Israel, the UAE and Qatar, which just hosted the World Cup.

Even several countries that have emerged, such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Oman, are still infants, and the borders on the globe are not fully defined.

Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations


Continuing to spin the globe, we finally came to Europe between the two world wars.

At this time, shortly after the end of the First World War, there was still some time before the Second World War. Germany was forced to relinquish part of its territory in the Treaty of Versailles and the Treaty of Saint-Germain, including part of West Prussia being transferred to Poland.

At this time, Poland may be at the pinnacle of its modern history, acquiring not only the Danzig corridor from the former German Empire, but also a considerable territory from the former Russian Empire, including today's western Ukraine, eastern Belarus, and western Lithuania.

At that time, the three Baltic states had not yet been included in the interests of the Soviet Union by the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact. Facing the strongest Poland in history, Lithuania shivered, and even the later capital Vilnius was included in Poland.

As for the parts of the globe on South Germany, Czechoslovakia and Austria, it seems that this is covered by a second layer of maps, presumably made by the Globe Publishing Company for political reasons of the time.

Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations


At this time, it can be described as a country without Africans in Africa, and the entire continent was colonized by large and small powers.

A large area of green in West and Central Africa is French Africa, consisting of the Western African colonies and the French colonies in Equatorial Africa, and more than a dozen countries such as Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Chad, and Gabon today are considered direct territories by France at this time.

Britain's African colonial empire stretched north and south across the continent, from Egypt and Anglo-Egyptian Sudan in the north, to Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika in the Middle East, and finally to Rhodesia and South Africa in the south.

In these areas, the British implemented different colonial policies. In some areas, Britain ruled indirectly, i.e. local traditional chiefs or religious leaders to manage local affairs, while in other areas the British exercised executive and judicial powers directly.

In addition, Belgium ruthlessly ruled the Congo, Portugal controlled Angola and Mozambique, and Spain occupied Spanish North Africa and Equatorial Guinea.

These colonies have now disappeared into history, but they have left the land with long-lasting pain and wounds that have not yet healed.

Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations


At this time, the United States was in the Gilded Age, already ranking first in the world in terms of comprehensive national power, so it could maintain its native territory unchanged for the next hundred years.

The rest of the globe's boundaries of North America and Central America remained virtually unchanged from today. But in South America, national boundaries were markedly different from today's.

Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations

Two vast disputed areas can be seen on the globe, including a territorial dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay over the Chaco region, and a dispute in the Amazon between Ecuador and Peru. The former was won by Paraguay in later generations, while the latter was finally resolved after many wars and international mediation between the two countries in the 40s of the 20th century.

Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations

Oceania and Antarctica

At this time, Oceania, as it is today, consisted of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and numerous Pacific island nations. Most of them were under British power, including Australia and New Zealand as autonomous territories under the British Commonwealth, while places such as Papua and New Guinea and the Solomon Islands were fully colonized by the British.

To the south of Oceania is the wild no-man's land Antarctica. But because the Antarctic Treaty had not yet been signed, different parts of the continent were still claimed or administered by countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and France.

Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations


From the changes in national boundaries on a globe, explore the clues of historical events behind them, and understand the rise and fall of countries in a hundred years. Autumn moon and spring breeze, all in the past.

Rise and Fall: The Rise and Fall of Nations