
Remind you: women notice these 4 major abnormalities, most of them are premature ovarian failure

author:Medica Media

Women who want to stay healthy should pay attention to ovarian maintenance, because the ovaries can secrete enough estrogen to keep the endocrine stable. However, if there is an incorrect habit to accelerate premature ovarian failure, a variety of adverse consequences to bear, including often staying up late, nutritional deficiency, always negative emotions, and not exercising, these conditions will make the ovaries scrapped in advance. So, what are the abnormal symptoms in women that indicate premature ovarian failure?

Remind you: women notice these 4 major abnormalities, most of them are premature ovarian failure

1. Menstrual abnormalities

Most women enter menopause at the age of 45 to 55 and no longer menstruate, which is a manifestation of decreased ovarian function and reduced estrogen secretion, which is the process of natural aging.

But if you are less than 40 years old and no longer menstruate, indicating premature ovarian failure, should be treated as soon as possible, after the formation of incorrect living habits, ovarian function declines, in advance will no longer produce enough estrogen, the effect is that the endometrium can no longer be regularly shed, so women will not menstruate in advance, too early into menopause has an impact on the body. Finding this change should be paid attention to, actively recuperating for health problems, and paying attention to ovarian protection.

Remind you: women notice these 4 major abnormalities, most of them are premature ovarian failure

2. The condition of the skin deteriorates

Under the influence of premature ovarian failure, many women's skin condition will deteriorate, and when the organ functions well, the secretion of estrogen is sufficient, which can maintain endocrine stability, thereby effectively anti-aging. Young people have smooth and delicate skin, wrinkles, less pigmentation, and less prone to noticeable dark circles.

However, in the process of declining ovarian function, hormone secretion changes, and it can be seen that the aging of the body accelerates, and the skin condition will deteriorate, which is obviously different from young women and people with good ovarian maintenance. Usually, you should observe more changes in your skin and deal with them in time if there are abnormalities.

3. Bone pain

Premature ovarian failure is not a small problem, some people have a certain part of the joints, bones often have pain, and this reason is related, but most people's first reaction in local pain is arthritic lesions, may be some arthritis in the development, but actually lead to bone pain causes more, some people are premature ovarian failure affecting estrogen secretion caused.

In addition to regulating endocrine, sufficient estrogen secretion can also promote calcium absorption, but after premature ovarian failure, the secretion of this hormone is small, calcium absorption capacity becomes poor, calcium deficiency may occur, and bones and joints will usually be painful in many parts after bone density decreases.

Remind you: women notice these 4 major abnormalities, most of them are premature ovarian failure

4. Large mood swings

Negative emotions often occur, originally very calm, a person who treats people leniently, has large mood swings in a short period of time, is always easy to get angry, and even has a decline in sleep quality, sweating inexplicably during sleeping, these characteristics are related to premature ovarian failure.

The aging process of this organ affects endocrine, endocrine dysfunction, mood usually changes, characterized by easy tantrums, sometimes unexplained irritability. With these particular mood changes, ovarian health problems should be suspected.