
Do you still believe this? Stop being fooled by "eight glasses of water"!

author:Kidney tonifier said

Hello friends! Welcome to the "Kidney Supplement Says" channel, I am your old friend Datonian.

Do you still believe this? Stop being fooled by "eight glasses of water"!

Many topics such as "misunderstanding" and "refuting rumors" in life come from the wrong understanding of experience and word of mouth. Today we talk about the fashionable eight glasses of water.

In my outpatient clinic (nephrology), I often hear patients say: I drink a lot of water, at least eight glasses of water! Kidney disease aside, even if you are healthy, drinking eight glasses of water a day is a misunderstanding.

Do you still believe this? Stop being fooled by "eight glasses of water"!

The recommendation to drink 8 glasses of water a day comes from a 1945 recommendation by the National Research Council's Food and Nutrition Committee, which recommends encouraging adults to consume about 64 ounces of water per day, referring to the total daily water intake, including water in all foods and beverages. Later, it was misunderstood that you should drink 8 large glasses of water every day.

So we must have a concept, that is, the fruits and vegetables we eat, and even noodles and rice are water, not to mention rice porridge, fruit juice yogurt, milk tea drinks, etc., these water should be counted.

Do you still believe this? Stop being fooled by "eight glasses of water"!

So how much water should we need? Depends on a variety of factors, such as:

1. Age: Studies have shown that people aged 20-50 have a strong metabolism and need more water intake, and with age, organs degenerate, metabolism slows down, and the amount of water required is relatively reduced.

2. Gender differences: Men have less fat than women (fat does not need too much water), and more muscle tissue (muscles need more water), so men need more water than women.

3. Labor or working environment: Needless to say, large labor, physical activity, and high working environment can lead to an increase in the body's demand for water.

4. The influence of eating habits: In some areas, the taste of salty and spicy, high sugar and high calories will aggravate thirst.

Of course, we don't have to miscellaneous to calculate whether the amount of water we drink in a day reaches eight glasses of water, it is not necessary. There is no need to "force" yourself to drink water to meet the standard, the human internal environment is a sophisticated system, with a certain ability to self-regulate, as long as we pay attention to daily life not to deviate too much, the general problem is not big.

Do you still believe this? Stop being fooled by "eight glasses of water"!

How to tell if you have enough water every day?

One is to judge from the color of urine, healthy urine color should be light yellow, if the color is darker can be considered as lack of water, if the color is light indicates excessive water.

The second is thirst, thirst, indicating that the brain tells us to drink water. Then some diseases, such as uremia or fasting patients, thirsty, but can not drink more water what to do, you can try lemon or hawthorn, orange peel soaked water gargle, remember to gargle, not drink.

Returning to the problem of kidney disease, some patients think that drinking more water to promote urination and detoxification can prevent the kidneys, which of course has no scientific reason. Or follow the above mentioned, moderate stop, drinking too much water may increase the burden of metabolism, increase the burden on the heart and kidneys, but do more harm than good.

As for dialysis patients, because of the loss of residual kidney function, urination has not reached the role of "detoxification, regulation of acid-base electrolyte balance", and even most patients have basically no urine, at this time the human drainage function mainly relies on feces, skin breathing, etc., the amount of drainage is limited, at this time can not drink more water, otherwise aggravate edema, affect cardiopulmonary function, affect the next dialysis of dehydration, blood pressure, etc.

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Well, let's talk about this today, I wish you health and peace!