
【Popular Science】What is the world's popular ChatGPT?

author:White sugar Curry

At the end of 2022, ChatGPT was officially launched, and in just 5 days, the number of registered users exceeded 1 million.

As of February 2023, ChatGPT has surpassed 100 million monthly active users, making it the fastest growing consumer app in history.

What exactly is ChatGPT? 】

ChatGPT, full name Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a new artificial intelligence technology-driven natural language processing tool launched by OpenAI, also known as a chatbot program.

【Popular Science】What is the world's popular ChatGPT?

The function of ChatGPT is not only to interact with the user's chat, it can also help the user complete the work of document drafting, video production, script generation, code writing and so on.

【Popular Science】What is the world's popular ChatGPT?
【Popular Science】What is the world's popular ChatGPT?

But sometimes ChatGPT gets stumped

Baidu, Alibaba, Microsoft, Amazon and other domestic and foreign technology giants have taken various positive actions in the field of AIGC technology represented by ChatGPT, including carrying out technology research and development, increasing investment in artificial intelligence and developing related businesses. The function of ChatGPT is not only to interact with the user's chat, it can also help the user complete the work of document drafting, video production, script generation, code writing and so on.

For now, ChatGPT is still in a gradual phase, as Sam Altman, co-founder of OpenAI, said: "I'm glad people love ChatGPT, but it's not a great, full-featured product, it's just that the product contains tremendous value, so people are willing to put up with it." ”

"It's really an exciting time, but I think it's still too early to get to the inflection point [of AI development]."