
Before the onset of stroke, the body will have 6 common symptoms, which need to be paid attention to, and timely examination cannot be delayed

author:Let's talk about popular science

You may not know that on average, a Chinese dies from a stroke every 16 seconds.

Stroke is arguably the number one killer in China and the number one cause of Chinese life loss.

Before the onset of stroke, the body will have 6 common symptoms, which need to be paid attention to, and timely examination cannot be delayed

What's more frightening is that stroke has long been not only the patent of the elderly, in the mainland 15~49 years old young and middle-aged, stroke is also one of the main causes of death.


Why do I have a stroke?

A stroke is also called a stroke. Its essence is a sudden lesion of the cerebral blood vessels, which in turn causes damage to the function of brain cells. Stroke includes cerebral infarction, which is the blockage of cerebral blood vessels for various reasons, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to cells; Intracerebral hemorrhage, that is, the rupture of cerebral blood vessels, will also affect the function of brain cells. Both can cause nerve damage and dysfunction. Depending on the location and extent of brain lesions, patients experience a variety of symptoms. These diseases are prevalent in China and are a common cause of death in Chinese.

There are some high-risk groups and risk factors for stroke. If we put cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage together, the following conditions are prone to stroke: high blood pressure (the most important factor), high blood lipids, diabetes, coronary heart disease, advanced age, male sex, smoking, drinking, unhealthy diet (such as a high-salt diet), lack of exercise, obesity, tension and anxiety, air pollution, family history, and previous strokes.

Other rare causes, such as some cerebrovascular dysplasia, pathogen infection, autoimmune diseases, genetic diseases, etc., can also cause sudden cerebrovascular lesions and require further examination to be clear. In some patients, the cause is not easy to detect.


Before the onset of stroke, the body will have 6 common symptoms, which need to be paid attention to, and timely examination cannot be delayed

1. Constant yawning and lethargy

Under the influence of other factors, yawning and drowsiness may be a pathological reaction, especially for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is likely to be a precursor to ischemic stroke, and yawning will generally occur frequently about 1 week before stroke.

2. Changes in personality and behavior

Changes in personality and behavior may also be a precursor to stroke, such as people who are usually more cheerful suddenly become less verbal, and people with mild temperaments suddenly become irritable.

In addition, there may be short-term mental decline and become unknown to people, which may be related to the location of brain infarction, which is vascular cognitive damage and should be paid attention to.

Before the onset of stroke, the body will have 6 common symptoms, which need to be paid attention to, and timely examination cannot be delayed

3. Numbness or weakness of the limb on one side of the sudden

If the internal carotid artery system on one side has insufficient blood supply, and the sensory center of the cerebral cortex is affected, abnormal sensations such as numbness of the opposite limb will occur. If your numbness in your limbs lasts for ten minutes and does not ease, remember to go to the hospital in time!

4. Dizziness

Middle-aged and elderly people stroke precursor, will repeatedly appear instant dizziness, suddenly feel dizzy, vision rotation, a few seconds after a return to normal, may be transient ischemic attack, commonly known as a precursor to stroke, should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible to prevent stroke.

5. Sudden blackening in front of your eyes

Sudden blackening in front of the eyes, unable to see things, and completely returning to normal after a few seconds or tens of seconds, this situation is mostly caused by cerebral ischemia caused by retinal ischemia, which is a major signal of stroke.

6. The base of the tongue is hard

Many patients in the acute stage of stroke will suddenly feel that the base of the tongue is stiff, the tongue is enlarged, and the speech is not clear, and it is also necessary to be vigilant about the occurrence of stroke.

Before the onset of stroke, the body will have 6 common symptoms, which need to be paid attention to, and timely examination cannot be delayed


The golden treatment time for stroke is 4.5 hours

For stroke patients, time is the brain and time is life.

The golden treatment time for stroke is 4.5 hours. Once this time is exceeded, the opportunity for intravenous thrombolysis is missed, and only intravascular thrombectomy can be done.

Once an acute stroke occurs, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible, especially the golden 3-4.5 hours to the hospital, the hospital will apply the most effective treatment methods, so that the patient can get the most effective treatment and obtain the most effective effect.


How to prevent stroke in daily life?

Before the onset of stroke, the body will have 6 common symptoms, which need to be paid attention to, and timely examination cannot be delayed

The first point: control blood pressure

Long-term uncontrolled hypertension leads to an increased risk of atherosclerosis, an increased inflammatory response to the vascular endothelium, and an increased risk of vascular plaque and rupture.

For every 20 mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure, the risk of stroke increases by 27.7%, and for every 10 mmHg increase in diastolic blood pressure, the risk of stroke increases by 13.8%, so active and effective control of blood pressure is the first point to prevent stroke.

The second point: healthy eating

Long-term unhealthy diet will lead to an increased risk of atherosclerosis, healthy diet, require us to be low salt, low oil and low sugar, gradually increase the proportion of coarse grains, reduce a certain amount of fine grains; Increase the proportion of fruits and vegetables;

Strictly control fried foods, high-salt foods, fatty foods; Control pigs, cattle and sheep and other red meat, meat per person per day red meat does not exceed 70g, white meat about 70g, try to focus on aquatic products, if there is no aquatic products to poultry, supplement appropriate dairy products, eggs, nuts, etc.

The third point: regular exercise

Sitting for a long time without exercise is a huge harm to the human body, studies have shown that long-term sedentary inactivity, may bring harm close to the disadvantages of smoking, sitting for a long time will lead to obesity, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease risk significantly increased.

Before the onset of stroke, the body will have 6 common symptoms, which need to be paid attention to, and timely examination cannot be delayed

Number four: stay away from tobacco

The impact of smoking on cardiovascular disease is self-evident, smoking 1~2 cigarettes a day, the risk of cardiovascular disease death increases by 1.9 times. Smoking 3~5 sticks a day, the risk of death from heart and blood diseases increases by 2 times. < 75% of 50-year-old myocardial infarction patients smoke, and studies have shown that smokers have myocardial infarction 10~11 years earlier than quitters or non-smokers. Smoking increases the risk of myocardial infarction by 7 times compared with non-smokers.

Number five: maintain a healthy weight

Obesity has become an independent problem, can even be said to be a disease, at present, 50% of people over 18 years old in mainland China are overweight or obese, obesity will also increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and various diseases.
