
From "no entry for outsiders" to "welcome", Sanya's environmental protection facilities are open to the public

author:Sanya News

On the occasion of the arrival of "July 1st", Sanya City held the first public opening activity of environmental protection public facilities in 2020, inviting 30 citizens from all walks of life to visit the Hexizi Station of Sanya Air Monitoring Station, Hongsha Sewage Treatment Plant, and Everbright Environmental Protection Energy (Sanya) Co., Ltd. Domestic Waste Incineration Plant, so that everyone can further understand environmental protection, support environmental protection, participate in environmental protection, and enhance their awareness of environmental responsibility.

From "no entry for outsiders" to "welcome", Sanya's environmental protection facilities are open to the public

The public visited the Hongsha Sewage Treatment Plant in Sanya City. Photo by reporter Hu Yongjun

"After visiting this monitoring station, I finally know how the air quality is monitored!" Citizen Ms. Liu said. According to reports, Sanya Air Quality Automatic Monitoring Station Hexizi Station has a total of three floors, the first floor shows the basic information of the monitoring station and how to judge the air quality standards, indices and related information. The second floor is a monitoring room, in order to ensure the accuracy of the data, outsiders are not allowed inside, can only be visited through glass. The third floor is an open facility, several pipes are connected to the second floor, from which air is pumped into the second floor, and finally monitoring data is obtained. Sanya has 6 automatic environmental air monitoring stations, of which Hedongzi Station and Hexizi Station have 2 monitoring points as state control points, and the other 4 monitoring points are distributed in Haitang Bay, Luhuitou, Yalong Bay and Creative New City.

In the domestic waste incineration plant, the delegation watched the special video of "Environmental Protection Facilities Open to the Public", and under the leadership of the explainer, through visiting the central control room, production workshop, garbage crane control room, etc., to further understand the waste incineration treatment process, but also to recognize the importance of garbage classification; in the Hongsha sewage treatment plant, everyone has visited the central control room, coarse grid station, sedimentation pond, aeration biological filter and other sewage treatment facilities, and has a preliminary understanding of the process of sewage treatment.

From "no entry for outsiders" to "welcome", Sanya's environmental protection facilities are open to the public

Members of the public visited the domestic waste incineration plant of Everbright Environmental Protection Energy (Sanya) Co., Ltd. Photo by reporter Hu Yongjun

"In the past, I did not complain less about the surrounding environmental protection facilities and urban sewage and garbage treatment facilities, feeling that they all have safety hazards, through today's visit, I found that they are actually not terrible." In the past, I had the impression that the domestic waste incineration plant was dirty and smelly, but it was completely unsentimental here, on the contrary, the environment was very beautiful. Mr. Wang, a citizen, said that he was particularly relieved to learn about each process in the treatment of environmental protection facilities through the activity.

"Environmental protection public facilities are open to the public, so that the enterprise environmental protection facilities factory area from 'outsiders are exempted' to 'welcome', so that the people truly feel that the ecological environment work is closely related to their own lives." It is hoped that the city can continue to work the difficulties of ecological demonstration creation, create more channels and ways for everyone to understand the ecological environment and participate in it, and work together to improve the environmental quality of the city. The relevant person in charge of the Sanya Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment said that the initiative to invite the public to understand the construction and operation of environmental protection facilities such as air monitoring stations, urban sewage, garbage treatment, and medical waste treatment is intended to establish a benign interactive relationship between the ecological environment department, environmental protection facility units and the public, so that the public can eliminate panic and reduce resistance in their personal experience, stimulate the public's awareness of environmental responsibility, and gather the ecological consensus of the whole society, so as to drive more people to participate in the ecological environmental protection work of Sanya City.

It is reported that the activity open to the public was hosted by the Sanya Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, and the Sanya Environmental Information and Education Center and the Sanya Environmental Protection Association.

Source: Sanya Media Rong Media Reporter Hu Yongjun Photo Report

Editor: Intern Sun Qi

Review: Jia Yuanping Yu Jingjing