
Should you stay away from garlic if you find lung nodules? Doctor: If you want your lungs to be healthy, refuse them

author:Dr. Li Yuxiang

Generally speaking, lung nodules refer to the induction of lung nodule diseases classified as organ system granulation neoplastic diseases, the cause of the disease is not very specific, the high incidence age is generally between 30-60 years old, women with lung nodules probability is about 2 times higher than men.

Should you stay away from garlic if you find lung nodules? Doctor: If you want your lungs to be healthy, refuse them

If you suffer from lung nodules, should you stay away from garlic?

If you suffer from lung nodules, the doctor recommends that the best treatment plan is to follow the doctor's advice to take drugs, if you want to better regulate the body, fundamentally care for lung health, avoid the inflammation of nodules, but also from the diet.

And garlic is a spicy condiment, will it aggravate the nodules? Does it increase the risk of cancer?

In fact, suffering from lung nodules is not necessarily unable to eat garlic, any food consumption will also cause a burden on the body, moderate consumption of garlic is also good, it can maintain the stability of human endocrine, so daily intake of a little garlic is good for your body and mind.

Should you stay away from garlic if you find lung nodules? Doctor: If you want your lungs to be healthy, refuse them

Doctor: If you want your lungs to be healthy, refuse them

1. Spicy and stimulating food

Common spicy condiments in life are peppercorns, pepper, black pepper, etc., such condiments should be detoured, avoid them, so as not to aggravate the nodules, and for spicy and stimulating foods we should also detour, such as spicy hot, hot pot, fried meat, etc., but also to avoid, such foods after eating too much will also aggravate the condition, leading to the occurrence of lung cancer disease.

Should you stay away from garlic if you find lung nodules? Doctor: If you want your lungs to be healthy, refuse them

2. Pickled food

It is recommended to suffer from lung nodules, please stay away from pickled food, pickled food is made by high temperature smoke, in the production process will inevitably have carcinogens produced, a large amount of protein and nutrients are destroyed, which will also produce fat, excessive consumption will also cause fat accumulation in the body, resulting in obesity. After ingesting too much, it is easy to increase the burden of blood circulation and aggravate the condition to a certain extent, so please stay away from pickled foods, nodules may dissipate faster.

Should you stay away from garlic if you find lung nodules? Doctor: If you want your lungs to be healthy, refuse them

3. Greasy food

After repeated frying of meat food, as well as after high temperature cooking, it will be beautiful and delicious, and the taste buds can be greatly satisfied after ingestion, but it has caused a great burden on the body, especially the vascular tissue, the body will accumulate such fat, can not be metabolized, and it is very easy to cause obesity.

Not only that, if patients with nodules eat greasy and high-fat food for a long time, it will cause endocrine disorders, hinder the dissipation of nodules, and in severe cases, there will be the possibility of cancer, so patients with nodules should also eliminate excessive intake of such foods, eat more foods that are beneficial to the body, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, to help reduce the burden on the body.

Should you stay away from garlic if you find lung nodules? Doctor: If you want your lungs to be healthy, refuse them

If patients with pulmonary nodules want to better control the onset of lung disease, or eliminate existing lesion tissues and relieve the pain brought by lung nodules, then it is recommended that in the daily diet process, you should pay attention to the combination of scientific nutrition, and reasonably supplement some winter gan and western lung nutrition, which contains up to ten kinds of anti-inflammatory and dispersed ingredients. If patients with pulmonary nodules supplement some winter ganxi from time to time, improve lung function, help the lungs repair damaged cells, and gradually restore the function of the lungs to a normal level.

Should you stay away from garlic if you find lung nodules? Doctor: If you want your lungs to be healthy, refuse them