
The dual-core still beat the Warriors 6 of 23, and the thick eyebrows post-game interview had deep meaning, and the famous note said that the West would play the Suns

author:Chief Assistant to the Cabinet of Nepal

The All-Star Game is over, and the second half of the NBA game officially begins:

The Nuggets beat the Cavaliers 145-109, and Jokic once again slammed a 20+ triple-double.

The Celtics beat the Pacers 142-138 overtime, with double prospect Tatum and Brown each taking 30+10.

The Lone Ranger beat the Spurs, and Irving and Doncic combined won for the first time, each taking 20+

Harden cut 30+7+7, teamed up with Embiid, and defeated Morant's Grizzlies in a big comeback.

The dual-core still beat the Warriors 6 of 23, and the thick eyebrows post-game interview had deep meaning, and the famous note said that the West would play the Suns

当然‬,这些‬都是‬开胃菜‬,主菜‬是‬湖人主场迎战勇士。 勇士最近4场比赛输掉3场排名跌出西部前八,而‬湖人‬上一场‬找到了‬阵容‬答案‬,势必‬想要‬连胜。

比赛开始‬,湖人先发‬制人‬,首节‬中段‬的‬一波‬9-0攻势占据主动,随后‬又在首节末段送出7-0的攻势取得8分优势。 但是‬,湖人‬队‬的‬拉塞尔‬因‬脚踝扭伤退出了比赛。


第三节湖人多点开花‬,统治‬比赛。 单节净胜12分,一举将‬分差‬拉开到‬15分‬。

The dual-core still beat the Warriors 6 of 23, and the thick eyebrows post-game interview had deep meaning, and the famous note said that the West would play the Suns

末节开局八村塁暴走‬,连得‬8分,湖人再次‬送出15-2的攻势将分差拉大至26分,彻底锁定‬比赛。 最终,湖人124-111大胜‬勇士拿下比赛。

数据‬统计‬方面‬:此战‬之后‬,湖人28胜‬32负,依然‬排名‬西部‬第‬13‬。 詹姆斯投篮‬20中‬5,拿到‬13分9板8助。 戴维斯12分12板2帽,比斯利暴‬砍‬25分3板3断。 替补出场‬的‬八村塁14、班巴10+13、施罗德13分6助、里夫斯17分4助、沃克10分,真是‬全民‬皆兵‬。

The dual-core still beat the Warriors 6 of 23, and the thick eyebrows post-game interview had deep meaning, and the famous note said that the West would play the Suns

勇士‬队‬胜率‬跌破‬5成‬,29胜‬30负‬。 Klay 22 points, 2 boards and 2 steals, Poole 16+4, Kuminga 10 points, 3 boards and 5 assists, Looney 10 points and 15 boards. 此役,追梦格林‬投篮表现辣眼,多次被防守人放空。 他出场24分45秒,10投3中,只‬得到6分11篮板5助攻1抢断1盖帽,正负值为-7。

在今天的比赛中,排在湖人前面的5个季后赛‬竞争对手‬,有4个输掉了比赛:雷霆、开拓者、鹈鹕和勇士,仅爵士赢球。 真是‬可喜可贺‬!

赛后著名‬詹‬黑‬Skip点评了湖人:“没有了威少且补强新援后的湖人比之前强了三成,他们最后23场将会取得17胜6负并打进附加赛。 I wouldn't be surprised if they play the Sun. ”


The dual-core still beat the Warriors 6 of 23, and the thick eyebrows post-game interview had deep meaning, and the famous note said that the West would play the Suns

教练‬哈姆则‬‬表示,湖人在交易截止日前的操作是一剂强心针。 在交易截止日前,湖人送出毒瘤‬威少、纳恩、贝弗利等人,得到拉塞尔、比斯利、八村塁、班巴、范德比尔特等实力‬悍将‬。

“我们‬的‬新阵容、新组合,真的‬很棒‬,我‬很‬喜欢‬他们‬。” 安东尼-戴维斯非常‬兴奋‬地‬说道,看来‬是‬对‬威少‬不满呀‬。