
A chubby girl, crossing into the Tang Dynasty, will it be the color of the country? I'm afraid I think too much!

author:Little young people watch dramas

I'm sorry to tell you that it won't! Because the Tang Dynasty has never been fat for beauty, saying that the Tang Dynasty took fat as beauty is just a conclusion drawn by modern people from some calligraphy and painting works!

So why is it said that the Tang Dynasty did not take fat as beauty, let's analyze and analyze.

The Tang Dynasty can be roughly divided into four stages: Early Tang, Sheng Tang, Middle Tang, and Late Tang. The early Tang Middle Tang and the late Tang are not fat for beauty, which has been reached in the academic community and is no longer explained.

Now the controversy is Sheng Tang. Speaking of which, we have to mention the beauty of the Tang Dynasty: Yang Guifei. A true benchmark for Tang Dynasty beauty. And Yang Guifei is a slightly chubby figure, doesn't this mean that the Tang Dynasty took fat for beauty? You look down.

A chubby girl, crossing into the Tang Dynasty, will it be the color of the country? I'm afraid I think too much!


Both the New Book of Tang and Zizhi Tongjian have descriptions of Yang Guifei's figure, and they both use the same word: Fengyan,

And in the "Kaiyuan Tianbao Relics" described: "Concubine has a flesh" so it gives the world today an illusion that Yang Guifei is a fat man! But the authors of these books are all descendants, and they have never seen the true face of the noble concubine, so it is doubtful!

The records in the Book of Tang are different, and Yang Guifei in the "Legend of the Long Hate Song" is: slender and moderate; In Bai Juyi's "Long Hate Song", "the waiter lifts up the petite weak", the petite powerless description is also Yang Guifei, it is enough to see that Yang Guifei is not a fat beauty, but a moderate figure and bumpy! And there are historical records that Yang Guifei can sing and dance, you think about a 300-pound concubine dancing, can Emperor Xuanzong be willing to watch? Do you like to watch for you?

A chubby girl, crossing into the Tang Dynasty, will it be the color of the country? I'm afraid I think too much!


From the coffin of Yang Yuhuan found in archaeology, we can also infer his height and weight before his death, about 1.65 meters tall and 60 kilograms, definitely dressed thin, undressed and fleshy plump beauty.

During the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism developed rapidly, and the Dunhuang murals are estimated to be influenced by the image of Buddhist bodhisattvas. The treasure is solemn, plump and rich!

Our modern people's requirements for the body are too harsh, in order to maintain weight and do not hesitate to diet, we should really learn to learn the aesthetics of the Tang Dynasty, not overweight, maintain your body through exercise, and ensure good health!

The last song is for everyone: "Bye bye donut bubble tea instant noodles, hot pot rice large plate chicken take it away and take it away, you're welcome......... Burn my calories! ”

A chubby girl, crossing into the Tang Dynasty, will it be the color of the country? I'm afraid I think too much!

Come on, cheer up