
Kindergarten must recite ancient poems

author:Teacher Ma reads

Keep reading every day,

Long-term persistence, formation of habits, accumulation of quantity, qualitative leap, knowledge reserves will gradually be enriched, improve communication and expression skills

Listen to yourself, give yourself confidence and gain strength

Reality and knowledge to improve emotional intelligence

With daily perseverance, you will find that your vocabulary has increased,

Expression skills improve, chats become smooth, and are recognized

Subtly improve their language organization skills and communication skills

Kindergarten must recite ancient poems
Kindergarten must recite ancient poems
Kindergarten must recite ancient poems
Kindergarten must recite ancient poems
Kindergarten must recite ancient poems
Kindergarten must recite ancient poems
Kindergarten must recite ancient poems
Kindergarten must recite ancient poems

The best time to accumulate memories is in the morning,

Don't waste your time

Let children develop the habit of reading in the morning,

Let the child have the best memory,

Accumulate a lot of knowledge through morning reading

The benefits of morning reading, only by knowing, can be done

Beneficial for the development of the right brain. Can change the child's personality. Experience the value of debate. Good for boosting self-confidence. Excite the nerves of the brain. Good for memorizing material. Formation of perceptual abilities. Improve writing skills

Bedtime reads relieve anxiety and stress

Not only helps sleep, but also keeps you in

Quiet nights have some thoughts, and live more depth.

More like a bedtime story, let your impetuous heart quiet for a moment in the busy day, healing the soul and thought-provoking,

After reading it, it will help you sleep more safely and steadily!

Keep your eyes open and your feet moving

You'll find everything you need.