
In spring, it is better to eat less meat than coriander often, which is fresh in accordance with the season, nutritious and healthy

author:Private kitchenette

When the sun rises after the beginning of spring, we should eat more warm and cold ingredients. It is said that spring coriander is spicy and warm, and eating in spring helps restore yang, can strengthen the stomach and eliminate food, diuresis and laxation, sweat and disperse cold. When it comes to coriander, people who like to eat love it, while those who don't like it can't smell it. Let's share with you the delicious method of a coriander, if you like it, collect it quickly!

In spring, it is better to eat less meat than coriander often, which is fresh in accordance with the season, nutritious and healthy

Bracken can play an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, upper respiratory tract infection and intestinal infection has a certain effect, but also has a laxative effect, bracken also contains carcinogens, excessive consumption will increase the probability of esophageal cancer, stomach cancer.

Bracken contains brackenine, which is a strong bacteriostatic active substance, which has good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects on a variety of bacteria in the body. In particular, E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus can be killed, so bracken can be used to treat diseases such as upper respiratory tract infections and intestinal infections. In addition, bracken is also rich in fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation. Some of the ingredients contained in bracken can also play a role in dilating blood vessels and lowering blood pressure.

Sautéed bacon with bracken


1. Soak the bracken in warm water in advance, clean it, blanch it in boiling water for about 5 minutes, and then take it out and go through clean water

If you can buy fresh bracken, you can omit this step

After that, cut into pieces of about 3 cm and set aside

2. When blanching bracken, fry the bacon in a pot over low heat, and wait for the bacon to come out of the oil, the original white grease becomes golden brown, and the edges can be rolled up and fished out

3. Continue to heat the oil to 6 heat, fry the chives and stir-fry the bracken segments, and then add the fried bacon

Add a spoonful of Pixian bean paste, drizzle a small spoonful of soy sauce to color, mix well with a small spoonful of sugar, add an appropriate amount of stock, dry over high heat, and finally add appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste and taste

The bacon itself has a salt flavor, and the addition of bean paste and soy sauce should be in moderation, and if you feel that the taste is heavy, soy sauce and salt can be omitted

Using a little stock can make the dried bracken taste better, and the final taste is more intense, and if there is no stock, you can replace it with water, and the amount should not be too much, 2-3 tablespoons will do

If you make it with fresh bracken, it is recommended to add the right amount of green pepper, it will taste very fragrant and appetizing, and if you can buy Zhaotong sauce from Yunnan, it is the best

It should be noted that this is a dish with a high fat content, so the portions should be appropriate.

In spring, it is better to eat less meat than coriander often, which is fresh in accordance with the season, nutritious and healthy

Chinese toon

In spring, it is better to eat less meat than coriander often, which is fresh in accordance with the season, nutritious and healthy

Efficacy and action

Strengthens the spleen and appetizes, diuresis and detoxification, health and beauty

Toon is rich in nutrition, containing calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and other ingredients, with the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing, diuresis and detoxification, health and beauty.

1. Strengthen the spleen and appetize: Toon is a seasonal famous product, containing volatile aromatic organic compounds such as toonin, which can strengthen the spleen and increase appetite.

2. Diuresis and detoxification: Toon has the effect of clearing heat and moisture, diuresis and detoxification, convergence and solidity, and can be used for long-term diarrhea, intestinal hemorrhoids, blood in the stool, leakage and other diseases.

3. Health and beauty: Toon contains vitamin E and sex hormone substances, which have the effect of delaying aging, can lubricate the skin, and is a good food for health and beauty.

In spring, it is better to eat less meat than coriander often, which is fresh in accordance with the season, nutritious and healthy


Ingredients: eggs, toon heads

Seasoning: cooking oil, salt, corn starch


1. Beat the eggs thoroughly and set aside;

2. Rinse the toons and put them in boiling water, and take out water to rinse after one minute;

3. Squeeze the toon water and cut it into fine pieces;

4. Mix a small spoonful of corn starch in the toon powder;

5. Put the minced toon into the egg liquid and stir well;

6. Heat a pan with cold oil, pour in the egg liquid, turn on medium heat, fry until golden brown on both sides, break with a spatula to get out of the pan.


1. Add a little corn starch to the toon, one can remove the excess water inside, and it can increase the viscosity of the egg liquid, so that the fried toon scrambled eggs will not disperse the egg and toon;

2. After the egg liquid is poured, remember to use medium heat, the high heat will make the egg liquid scorch, and do not turn the egg liquid, you can pick up the pot, turn the pot, let the egg liquid flow around, so that you can fry the finished egg skin;


Blanch water. The nitrates in toons are harmful to the human body, and they are not blanched, and the taste is also bitter. When blanching, first blanch the toons to remove dust and impurities from the surface. Blanch in a new pot of hot water, preferably at a temperature of about 80 degrees, and then add a little salt. Not only can the bitter taste be removed, but this nitrate can also be eliminated.

In spring, it is better to eat less meat than coriander often, which is fresh in accordance with the season, nutritious and healthy

Spring shoots have a light and tender taste and are rich in nutrients. It contains sufficient water, rich plant protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other essential nutrients and trace elements, especially fiber content is very high, regular food to help digestion, prevent constipation function. Therefore, spring shoots are a nutritious delicacy with high protein, low fat, low starch and crude fiber.

Stir-fried meat with spring shoots


1. Slice bamboo shoots, slice meat, place fat meat separately, marinate lean meat with sugar, salt, oil, dark soy sauce and starch for half an hour, and crush garlic.

2. Heat the pot, no need to put oil, put the bamboo shoots into the pot, add a little salt, stir-fry for one minute.

3. Put a little oil in the pot, cook until 4 hot, put the fat pork in and fry until the oil is slightly out, put in the garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, put the marinated meat slices in and fry until the meat is white.

4. Pour the bamboo shoots into the pot, add raw soy sauce and stir-fry well.

In spring, it is better to eat less meat than coriander often, which is fresh in accordance with the season, nutritious and healthy

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