
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival

author:Xiao Liu Chi is not fat

On the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar, people believe that this day is the day when the dragon raises its head, so it is called "Dragon King Festival".

The ancestors believed that every year there was a saying of "several dragons curing water", this year is the year of decoction, it is a dragon to cure water, the ancestors believed that the dragon hibernated in winter, and by February 2, it was the day when the dragon woke up and raised its head. Since ancient times, dragons have been a symbol of good luck in the eyes of our nation, so every February 2, people must eat dragon food to "invite the dragon home" to bless their prosperity this year.

February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival

NO.1 Fennel pork dumplings

  • Prepare the minced pork belly, add minced ginger, chopped green onion, salt, chicken powder, monosodium glutamate, thirteen spices, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, a little sugar, beat the eggs, stir in one direction, beat the meat filling gum, so that the minced meat is not loose.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Wash a handful of cumin, chop and place in the minced meat, drizzle with sesame oil and stir well. Sesame oil can lock in the moisture of the filling, so that the meat filling tastes, tender and does not come out of water.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Thin around, thick dumpling skin in the middle, wrap it into dumplings according to your own technique, put an appropriate amount of filling on the dumpling skin, fold the dough sheet in half, put it at the mouth of the tiger, squeeze the thumb hard, and the dumplings are wrapped.
  • After boiling water, add the dumplings and gently push with a spoon to prevent sticking to the pan. Cover the pot, cook for 2 minutes on medium heat, pour a little water into the water after boiling, repeat the operation three times, the taste of the dumplings is more muscular, not easy to break the skin.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • The dumplings are all floating, and the fragrant and delicious fennel meat stuffed dumplings are ready. Serve with vinegar or chili oil, and then bowl noodle soup to make the original soup.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival

NO.2 Braised pork

February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • The pork belly is done with a spray gun to do a laser hair removal, the purpose is to destroy the sweat glands inside and remove the odor in the hair eyes. Just blister and yellow, scrape with a knife, wash and cut into large pieces of meat four centimeters square.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Cool the cut meat cubes in a pot under water, put cooking wine, and slowly heat to force the bleeding water. Cook for about two or three minutes and it will be out of the pot. Rinse with clean water and set aside to drain.
  • Braised pork wants to taste fragrant but not greasy, and does not deform when stewing, and frying is quite critical. Heat the oil in a pan, pour in the meat pieces when the oil temperature is 50% hot, stir frequently over medium-low heat, and bring out the oil in the fat meat, while keeping the meat pieces square. The fried slightly browned can be taken out of the pan for later use.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Leave a little base oil in the pot, with rock sugar and white sugar. Slowly stir-fry over low heat until juiced. One of the biggest characteristics of Mao's braised pork is that you can't put soy sauce, and all colors depend on the color of sugar. Simmer until jujube red, start bubbling and add water immediately.
  • Heat oil in a pot, add green onion, garlic and ginger slices to fry until fragrant, and pour the pork belly into it. Two star anise, a few fragrant leaves, a piece of ginger, and a piece of cinnamon are enough. Bring out the aroma of the ingredients, put in a few dried chili peppers to enhance the flavor, scoop in a spoonful of sugar color, and turn the color evenly. Don't look at the color is not obvious now, the stewed thief is rosy and beautiful.
  • Pour a can of beer along the edge of the pot to add flavor. Add a little salt to increase the bottom taste, scoop in a few spoonfuls of water, bring to a boil over high heat, transfer to a casserole, simmer over low heat, and heat until natural.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • After an hour, pick out the large ingredients, then sprinkle a handful of soul garlic in it, and simmer the aroma over a high fire. The soup at the bottom of the pot is sticky, and the meat pieces are boiled until shiny, and then it is out of the pot.

NO.3 Steamed shrimp custard

February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Prepare 4 eggs, shrimp, egg tofu. How can you steam a delicate honeycomb-free custard? Let's talk about it to you today.
  • Beat all the eggs in a small plate, add some salt, chicken powder, and put less white vinegar to remove the fishiness, stir until there are no small particles. Pour in warm boiled water, the amount of water is about 1.5 times that of eggs. The temperature of warm boiled water is not easy to overheat, about 35 degrees. Too much water to steam out does not form, too small to steam out the egg will be old. Stir as you pour, and keep beating the eggs into dense bubbles.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Then use a colander to filter out the bubbles and filter them into a shallow plate. Don't let the egg liquid finish and pour half of it. Leave half unused for the time being.
  • After the water boils, put the egg liquid on the grate, cover a plate on it to prevent water vapor from flowing in, cover the pot and steam for 6 minutes, and steam the eggs first. Take advantage of this time to remove the tofu from the bag and cut it into round slices.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • After the egg soup is set, put the tofu rings around the plate, and then filter the remaining egg liquid onto the egg tofu, put it in the pot and continue to steam for 6 minutes, this time we boil the shrimp.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Drizzle some oil in the water to brighten the color, drizzle some cooking wine to remove the fishy, put the shrimp under warm water, the shrimp will be cooked in 2 minutes, take it out and put it in cool water to cool down. After the egg custard is steamed, put the shrimp on top of the custard, pour light soy sauce and sprinkle some chopped green onion.

NO.4 Raw fish fillet

February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Black fish has few bones, directly change the knife, along the spine, the fish meat on both sides is sliced down, the fins are cut off, and the province is blackened. The fish bones are cut into segments and used for hanging soup for a while. Then beat the thorns off the side of the fish and take out the flesh against the skin.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Fillets of fish, fillets must be as thin as paper, because the fillets are not in the pan throughout the whole process, and they are cooked as soon as they are hot. The fillets are immediately soaked in ice water for half an hour, one is to remove the blood water, and the other is to keep it fresh.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Heat the oil in the pot, slide the pan first and then add cool oil, the hot pan cold oil is not easy to stick. Put the fish bones in and fry it, the soup stewed is thicker and whiter, and after it is slightly yellow, put some green onion and ginger slices to continue frying, and break the fish bones, it is easier to stew out the nutrients inside. Add cooking wine to remove fishy, pour into half a pot of boiling water, and simmer in cold water until it is not white. Simmer over high heat until the fish broth is thick white.
  • After simmering for 20 minutes, like milk, pour it out, and then use the bone residue inside to leak again, be sure to keep the soup fresh and pure, continue to heat it, add some garlic slices to enhance the flavor, add salt, chicken powder, a little pepper to taste. The main drink is the umami of the fish soup itself, and the seasoning is less than more.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • The fish soup must be boiled, roll for a while, let the temperature go up, and beat it if there is foam. Then take advantage of this boiling, immediately start the pot and pour the plate, and then pour the fish fillets into it, and the pink and tender fish fillets immediately ripen when they touch the hot soup and become snow-white. The dish is ready.

NO.5 Dry pot cauliflower

February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • First cut the cauliflower into small florets, and when cutting, follow the stem, otherwise it is easy to scatter. Cut some onion slices, green and red peppers, and match the color to enhance the flavor. Cut some slightly fatter slices of meat, and the lard will come out after a while, and the dish will be more fragrant.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Boiled to 40% of the hot oil, spoonful by spoonful poured on the cauliflower, so that it can ripen quickly without worrying about greasy. After the cauliflower is slightly greened, slide the cut green and red pepper onion one piece, pour five or six spoons of oil, and put it aside to control the oil.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • The ingredients are oiled in advance, easier to fry, easy to maintain crispness and color, leave the bottom oil in the pot, put the meat slices in it to simmer, put the green onion, ginger, garlic, dried chili pepper into a piece of stir-frying, drizzle some cooking wine along the side of the pot to remove fishy, add some old soy sauce to color, and fry the color evenly.
February Erlong raised his head, did not forget the old tradition, and prepared these dishes for the family banquet, the Red Fire Dragon King Festival
  • Then pour in all the side dishes, turn on high heat and stir-fry, add spicy fresh sauce, light soy sauce, chicken powder, white sugar to taste, salt does not need to be put, the salty taste of light soy sauce is enough. After stir-frying the pot to taste, immediately out of the pan, shredded onion bottom, and scoop the fried cauliflower into it. Ready to serve.