
Allergy ≠ sensitivity, don't be silly and can't tell the difference!

author:Yan Jusheng's diary
Allergy ≠ sensitivity, don't be silly and can't tell the difference!

The following skin problems you were shot for several

1. Redness

2. Itching

3. Stinging

4. Sensation of heat

5. Rash

6. Tight and dry

7. Acne

8. Swelling and exudate

Spring can be said to be the peak period of skin allergy and sensitivity, many Jimei skin has the above problems, but there are always many beauty seekers who can't tell the difference between "allergy" and "sensitivity", just say that their barrier is damaged, in fact, there is some misunderstanding of the damaged barrier, it can't carry everything!

Allergy ≠ sensitivity, don't be silly and can't tell the difference!

Be sure to identify sensitivities ≠ allergies

The difference between allergy and sensitivity

The concept is different

Skin allergy is a kind of skin inflammation, which is an allergic reaction caused by external allergens, mainly refers to the redness, itching, wheals, peeling, etc. caused by external contact with certain allergens.

Sensitive skin refers to a state of hyperreactivity that occurs in the skin under physiological or pathological conditions, mainly on the face, producing symptoms such as burning, tingling, itching and tightness.

Allergy ≠ sensitivity, don't be silly and can't tell the difference!

The factors caused are different

Allergic irritant: Allergens can be divided into four categories: contact allergens, inhalation allergens, ingestion allergens and injectable allergens.

Sensitive stimuli :

(1) Physical factors: such as seasonal alternation, temperature changes, sun exposure, etc.;

(2) Chemical factors: such as cosmetics, cleaning products, disinfection products, air pollutants, etc.;

(3) Iatrogenic factors: such as topical irritating drugs, local long-term large-term external glucocorticoids, some laser treatment postoperative, etc.

Allergy ≠ sensitivity, don't be silly and can't tell the difference!

Allergy and sensitivity features

Features of skin allergies

(1): The onset is rapid, and the allergen can be reduced or eliminated after elimination;

(2): There are obvious genetic predispositions and individual differences.

Features of sensitive skin

(1): It looks like thin skin and obvious redness on the face (dilated capillaries).

(2): The skin is easy to redden, the general temperature changes, too cold or too hot, the skin is easy to redden, heat.

How to deal with allergies and sensitivities

How to deal with allergies

If you want to reduce the occurrence of skin allergies, everyone must! Certain! Be sure to stay away from the source of the allergen, after identifying the allergen, stay away from the allergen, which is the most effective way to prevent the occurrence and development of allergic symptoms. Usually patch testing can help identify the source of a contact allergy.

In addition, everyone should also pay attention to regular cleaning of home hygiene in daily life, pay attention to window ventilation, maintain a smoke-free environment, stay away from plush toys and pets, and regularly wash and dry clothes and bedding; Pay attention to your diet and choose alternative foods; Carefully check the food instructions to avoid accidental ingestion; Wear a mask when going out to avoid mosquito bites; Avoid overwork and colds; Be careful with skin care products and medications, unused skin care products should be tested on the skin behind the ears and used all over the face after no risk.

Allergy ≠ sensitivity, don't be silly and can't tell the difference!

If allergies have already occurred, medication, desensitization therapy, etc. can be used.

How to deal with sensitivity

Develop good skin care habits in daily life, because sensitive skin is accompanied by different degrees of skin barrier damage, hydration + moisturizing + sun protection is the basic principle of repair, and at the same time, everyone chooses non-irritating repair products in daily skin care, do not over-clean, reduce the number of makeup;

For sensitive skin, you can also choose medical beauty projects to improve, such as red and yellow light, which can comfort the skin and repair the skin barrier; Sensitive skin can also use low-energy photorejuvenation to improve skin redness, enhance skin thickness, repair barriers, improve pigmentation, etc.

Allergy ≠ sensitivity, don't be silly and can't tell the difference!

All in all, sensitivity and allergy are two completely different concepts, and the two can exist at the same time, when these two symptoms occur, we must seek medical attention in time to determine whether it is allergic or sensitive, so that we can better prescribe the right medicine and return the skin to a healthy state.


Allergy is a human immune response, will not resolve immediately, has specific allergens, and will not use any irritants to be allergic, and is innate, can not improve can only avoid contact.

Sensitivity is a neurosensory response that is immediate because of exposure to various stimuli or damage to the barrier, which can be improved by reducing the concentration of the stimulus and removing the irritant or repairing the barrier.

At the beginning, allergic and sensitive skin may be similar, but it will soon feel different – the itchy symptoms of an allergic reaction are much more severe than those of sensitivity.

Allergy ≠ sensitivity, don't be silly and can't tell the difference!

Regarding sensitivity, in addition to congenital poor tolerance, most of the causes may be impaired skin barrier, which are manifested very clearly:

1. Transepidermal dehydration, very dry skin, peeling, dry itching. The oil skin will obviously dry and oily in the same area, because the sebaceous glands secrete oil while the stratum corneum cannot retain moisture, and it will feel oily and dry.

2. Use skin care products, even if it is not very irritating, it feels intolerant and tingling; When high temperatures, changing seasons, and using new products, the skin will become red and unstable.

Is redness a sensitivity/allergy?

Not necessarily. The very fine capillaries in the dermis layer, when it needs a lot of blood or nutrients, it will expand to meet the demand, but sometimes it cannot regulate the expansion and contraction well, and red blood streaks appear.

There are many reasons for it:



There will be no effect on the skin



Plateau or elevated temperature, normal skin reaction


There is inflammation of the skin

Capillaries need to transport a large amount of anti-inflammatory factors, causing them to dilate and cause redness



Immune response to allergens


Alcohol causes

Alcohol itself is not highly sensitized, but it will dilate the capillaries, so redness and redness will occur

Skin care must first find out whether it is sensitive or allergic, so as to prescribe the right medicine, otherwise the cycle is difficult to do well, especially if the allergy is serious, it may cause irreparable damage to the skin!