
Is eating mushrooms better than meat? Learn about the 4 advantages of fungi in 1 minute!

author:Dietitian Vivi

We all know that fungi are good for the body, and many parents will consciously increase the intake of some fungi in their children's daily diet. So do you know what are the benefits of giving fungi to children? How to avoid the phenomenon of fungal poisoning that we are worried about in daily life?

Is eating mushrooms better than meat? Learn about the 4 advantages of fungi in 1 minute!

What are the nutrients of mushrooms?

Dietary fiber

The protein of fungi food is higher than that of vegetables, but in general, there is no meat food high fat, high cholesterol, and fungus food is also rich in dietary fiber, 100 grams of fungi food contains about 2 grams of dietary fiber (the average adult should consume 25 grams of dietary fiber per day).

Low fat

Common fresh mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, mouth mushrooms, and enoki mushrooms are about 30kcal/100g, and the fat content is less than 0.5%, which is very suitable for weight loss.

Is eating mushrooms better than meat? Learn about the 4 advantages of fungi in 1 minute!


Vitamins are nutrients that need to be consumed every day, and B vitamins, which are relatively weak for vegetables, can be very rich in fungi. Eating 100g of fresh mushrooms can probably meet 20% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B1, 30% of the recommended amount of vitamin B2 and 25% of the recommended amount of niacin (also called vitamin B3).

At the same time, mushrooms are one of the few foods containing vitamin D, especially children who are in the growth and development cycle can eat more fungi to help promote calcium absorption~

Is eating mushrooms better than meat? Learn about the 4 advantages of fungi in 1 minute!

Where does the deliciousness of fungi come from?

The umami taste of fungal foods comes from the glutamic acid of the food itself, which is a non-essential amino acid, that is, a substance that the body can produce on its own.

Mushroom foods release this natural umami taste after cooking, so using only a small amount of fungi can enhance the flavor and taste level of the entire dish. In addition to fungi, tomatoes and corn are rich in glutamate.

Is eating mushrooms better than meat? Learn about the 4 advantages of fungi in 1 minute!

In the cold season, eat more mushrooms?

Rheumatic diseases, cardiovascular disease, blood pressure problems, and psychiatric disorders (such as seasonal affective disorder, SAD) cause the highest mortality during the winter months, and studies have shown that people with SAD often have low levels of vitamin D (VD), and common treatments include light therapy or selective serum reuptake inhibitors (associated with VD). When the mushroom is exposed to ultraviolet light, it produces a large amount of VD.

Is eating mushrooms better than meat? Learn about the 4 advantages of fungi in 1 minute!

(1) Mushrooms are rich in ergosteroids, which are the precursor form of ergocalciferol (vitamin D2);

(2) When the mushroom is sunbathed for 15 minutes, its vitamin D2 content can be increased by 20 times, reaching 30% of the recommended daily intake;

(3) Most people have low VD levels in winter, or lead to seasonal affective disorder, susceptibility, severe illness and death;

(4) Lion's mane mushroom is rich in neuroprotective agent egg nest mycin, the lectin of oyster mushroom has strong anti-tumor activity, and ergothioneine rich in porcini mushroom exerts antioxidant activity in brain, bone marrow, eyes and other tissues.

Is eating mushrooms better than meat? Learn about the 4 advantages of fungi in 1 minute!

It's all mushrooms, what's the difference between wet and dry?

Generally speaking, fresh mushrooms taste better than dried ones, but there are exceptions, such as shiitake mushrooms. During the drying process of shiitake mushrooms, the guanylate conversion in the body will be greatly increased, which is the meaning of shiitake mushrooms that are more delicious.

To explain it in layman's terms, if you stir-fry and shabu, fresh mushrooms are more superior. If there is a certain demand for soup flavor such as soup, dry goods have certain advantages.

Is eating mushrooms better than meat? Learn about the 4 advantages of fungi in 1 minute!

Give children mushrooms, how to make children love to eat more?

・Stir-fried mushrooms in the garlic pastoral garden


Zucchini, mushroom, enoki mushroom, Xiuzhen mushroom, carrot, cooking oil, garlic, salt, high sugar, corn starch


1. Hydrate zucchini, mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, Xiuzhen mushrooms and carrots in water. ,

2. Boil the pot red, put oil, stir-fry the garlic until fragrant, add all the ingredients and stir-fry slightly, then add salt (over 3 years old), chicken broth, boil and add corn starch.

Is eating mushrooms better than meat? Learn about the 4 advantages of fungi in 1 minute!

・Rice stewed with mushroom sausages


Rice, water, sausage, shiitake mushrooms, salt, sugar, oyster sauce, light soy sauce


1. Wash the prepared rice, put it in the rice cooker, pour in a spoonful of olive oil and stir well

2. Slice the sausage, spread the vegetables on the rice, stir the salt, sugar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and oyster sauce with a little water, pour it into the rice cooker, add water to the ingredients, and simmer until the rice is ripe

Is eating mushrooms better than meat? Learn about the 4 advantages of fungi in 1 minute!

There are many ways to do mushrooms, if there are other favorite cooking methods you can leave a message below to share with Vivi, and finally remind everyone that if you want to eat mushrooms, it is a regular market purchase, roadside mushrooms, even if they look familiar, they cannot!

Bought fresh mushrooms, try to eat within a day or two, if the mushrooms appear mucus and odor, indicating that there have been microorganisms multiplying, do not eat anymore~


[1] "Nature Sub-Journal: Eat More Mushrooms to Survive the Winter" enthusiastic daily newspaper

[2] "Don't eat poisonous mushrooms!" Aren't ordinary mushrooms fragrant? 》 Dr. Lilac

[3] Are Mushrooms Better Dried or Fresh? A Few Questions About Mushroom Nutrition" by Dr. Lilac

[4] "Food that is delicious and not fat really exists!" It's okay to show off a plate~" nutritionist Gu Zhongyi

Personal introduction: Dietitian Vivi (Zhu Yuwei), China's first batch of registered dietitians, returnee nutrition master, national first-level public nutritionist, vice chairman of the Infant Food Professional Committee, member of the Maternal and Child Science Group of China Popular Science Writers Association, 1 million + fans on the whole network, focusing on spreading international mainstream popular science knowledge such as maternal and infant parenting, nutritional food and education. Welcome to follow me in the headlines and various platforms~