
Spring keloids are painful and itchy, exactly why

author:Dermatologist Xu Kai

On February 2, the dragon raised its head, everything was a new beginning, spring returned to the earth, everything was revived, and the "scars" on the body seemed to wake up, and began to have obvious pain, itching, and some even severe enough to affect normal life, why is this?

Spring keloids are painful and itchy, exactly why

Environmental and climatic factors. Spring breeze piercing, enough to see how much the spring wind affects the human body, in addition, the air is dry, moisture is easy to lose, and the skin follows a certain water balance principle, the skin in the lack of water will be supplemented with oil, keloids are not the physiological structure of normal skin, easy to lead to sebum accumulation, over time, there will be an inflammatory reaction at the scar, stimulating the keloid to appear painful itching feeling.

Spring keloids are painful and itchy, exactly why

Sebaceous cyst infection. The aforementioned accumulation of sebum is easy to occur cystic lesions over time to form sebaceous cysts. In this case, it is often easy to lead to local tissue edema and hyperemia aggravation of the scar, and there will be obvious pain and itching at the scar, and even discharge and pus may occur.

Spring keloids are painful and itchy, exactly why

Improper care. Scar patients know how important daily care is, and doctors repeat it when they come to the clinic. If you scratch with your hands or touch and rub improperly, it will cause the itching at the scar to worsen, and in this case, it is still unbearable to continue scratching, which will cause a vicious circle and eventually stimulate the enlargement of the scar. Diet should also be paid attention to, try to avoid spicy food and alcohol, otherwise it will lead to scar connective tissue inflammation, and there will also be itching.

Spring keloids are painful and itchy, exactly why

The cause of the scar itself. In fact, many keloids themselves will grow larger and larger, fibroblasts in the secretion and proliferation, will produce some histamine to stimulate the peripheral nerves, itching, the stronger the itch, indicating that the keloid growth rate faster.

Spring keloids are painful and itchy, exactly why

When keloids are itchy, they are really torturous, and you can pat them through clothing instead of scratching with your hands, or relieve them by washing them with warm water or cold compresses. However, in order to fundamentally relieve itching and repair scar tissue, you also need to go to a professional hospital to cooperate with treatment.