
The child's liver is "full" with fat! Doctor: Feeding the child fat is not ideal!

author:Weinan Medical Network

Is your child's liver healthy? However, many children's livers are "full" with fat!

The child's liver is "full" with fat! Doctor: Feeding the child fat is not ideal!

Many children's livers are "full" with fat!

On February 13, 2023, Hong Tianpei, director of the Department of Endocrinology of Peking University Third Hospital, published a blockbuster study in "Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism", assessing the burden of liver diseases associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mainland China in 2005~2019. The results showed that the prevalence of fatty liver disease in mainland China has increased significantly over the past decade, especially in children/adolescents.

The child's liver is "full" with fat! Doctor: Feeding the child fat is not ideal!

According to meta-analysis data, the overall prevalence of fatty liver in mainland adults was 29.9%, and the incidence of fatty liver was 5% or 56.7% per 1000 person-years. The prevalence of fatty liver increased by 10% in 10 years.

Sampling from 9 provinces showed that 9% of children/adolescents had fatty liver, the prevalence of fatty liver in children/adolescents in Liaoning Province was as high as 23.8%, and the prevalence of fatty liver among obese children/adolescents was as high as 57.6%~71.7%.

The child's liver is "full" with fat! Doctor: Feeding the child fat is not ideal!

Why did I suffer from fatty liver at a young age?

Tian Mingda, a pediatrician at Peking University Shougang Hospital, introduced in an article published on the pediatric channel of the medical community that the prevalence of fatty liver in children, especially obese children, has become an increasing prevalence in children, especially obese children, and the prevalence of fatty liver in obese children around the world can reach 23%-77%, which has become the most important chronic liver disease affecting children's health after viral hepatitis.

The child's liver is "full" with fat! Doctor: Feeding the child fat is not ideal!

Health Times Graph

In a 2016 sample survey in Beijing, the average detection rate of fatty liver in the obese group among 2286 children reached 34.1%.

"Non-alcoholic fatty liver" is the most common childhood liver disease caused by obesity, which is very harmful, can cause insulin resistance and cause type 2 diabetes, can also cause hypertension, cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, retinopathy, vitamin D deficiency, low bone density, obstructive sleep apnea, etc.

The child's liver is "full" with fat! Doctor: Feeding the child fat is not ideal!

Feeding the child fat is harming the child!

We always hear the older generation say: "Children grow fat, blessed", "Big fat boy, white fat body is good", "It is a blessing to be able to eat, children eat more, it's okay" "White fat children, is to raise well"...

In fact, such a concept of parents harms children!

Obesity is the motivation for all kinds of chronic diseases, which is the same for adults and children!

Fan Jiangao, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, said in an interview with a Health Times reporter in 2017 that generally speaking, the process of obesity is first "fat to the liver", then "fat to the waist", and finally the overall weight is overweight, becoming a veritable fat person.

And "fat to the liver" is not a good thing, if not stopped, there will be such a law:

Fatty liver→ steatohepatitis→ liver sclerosis→ liver cancer

Cai Haodong, chief physician of the Department of Hepatology at Beijing Ditan Hospital, once shared such a set of data in Health Times:

A number of studies have shown that about 0.5%~1% of fatty liver and 2.8% of steatohepatitis patients will develop liver cancer after about 20 years. Once non-alcoholic fatty liver develops into cirrhosis, the incidence of liver cancer will increase to 4%~27%.

Eating fat as a child will not only harm liver health, but more importantly, it may also bring more harm to the future!

Source: Health Times