
Creative Morning Exercise Exhibition "Lion Fun"

author:Quanzhou Net
Creative Morning Exercise Exhibition "Lion Fun"

The morning exercise incorporates movements related to the Lion Formation

Creative Morning Exercise Exhibition "Lion Fun"

Creative morning exercise "dance" up

Creative Morning Exercise Exhibition "Lion Fun"

Children holding lion's sticks

Creative Morning Exercise Exhibition "Lion Fun"

Mini-games related to lions

Quanzhou Net, February 21 (Reporter Chen Shiqi/Wen Shishi Jinshang Second Center Kindergarten/Photo) With a burst of cheerful music, the cute babies either run around the field with lion-waking sticks, or hold lion umbrellas to line up and step, or shake the little lion's head to the beat, imitating lion dance probes, raising feet, jumping, dancing circles and other actions... In recent years, according to the characteristics of children of different ages, combined with the culture of Lucuo Lion Formation, the No. 2 Center Kindergarten of Jinshang Town, Shishi City, has arranged a series of creative morning exercises full of lion fun to promote children's physical development, let them develop the habit of loving exercise, and form a healthy, happy and positive mental outlook.

"The kindergarten is located in Lucuo Village, Shishi City, which is also the birthplace of the national intangible cultural heritage Lucuo Lion Array, and the teachers 'use local materials' to integrate this characteristic traditional culture into the design of children's morning exercises." Xie Shanya, a teacher from the Second Central Kindergarten of Jinshang Town, Shishi City, said that since July 2021, the kindergarten has begun to design Lion Array morning exercises. In order to make the morning exercise more "grounded", the teachers spent a lot of time collecting materials. In addition to focusing on learning the culture of the Lion Formation of Lucuo and studying the formations, equipment, soundtracks, etc. related to the Lion Formation, many teachers also went to the local Lion Formation Martial Arts Museum to learn the boxing techniques and movements used in the performance of the Lion Formation with professional coaches. Through the "polishing" of the collected and accumulated lion array materials, and conducting many studies and arrangements from music, movements, formation arrangement, equipment and other aspects, last year, the kindergarten also gradually formed three sets of kindergarten morning exercise results with the cultural characteristics of Lucuo Lion Formation, such as "Meng Lion Funny" in the small class, "Shenqi "Lion" Foot" in the middle class, and "Lion to Run" in the large class.

In the view of teacher Xie Shanya, it is the addition of a lot of creative choreography and design related to "lion", which is both interesting and playful, and the morning exercise has been welcomed by the children after the promotion, and has further stimulated the vitality and passion of the children's sports. The "Cute Lion Fun" morning exercise, designed for kindergarten children, not only adds the characteristic prop of the round red lion umbrella in the marching session, but also integrates a number of "Lion Fun" games that meet the age characteristics and interests of kindergarten children, such as "Lion King Running Exercise", "Lion Dance Lion Dance" and "Lion Imitation Exercise". According to the growth characteristics of middle school children, the morning exercise of "Shenqi "Lion" Foot" is designed according to the growth characteristics of middle school children, while joining the "running formation" in the Lucuo lion formation, it also adds interesting lion exercises, so that children can follow the children's song "Space Lion" and imitate space lions to take off, clap their hands, point stars and other actions. In the morning exercise of "Lion to Run" designed for children in the kindergarten section, the running exercise is combined with the butterfly array and centipede array in the Lucuo Lion Array culture, and also adds sparring, boxing, stick art and other Lucuo Lion Array martial arts movements.

"Based on the developmental characteristics of children, the three sets of lion array morning exercises combine traditional cultural elements of southern Fujian, while exercising, children can also feel the charm of traditional culture in a strong lion array atmosphere." According to Wang Chunmiao, the director of the kindergarten, morning exercise is an important part of the daily life of the kindergarten, which plays a unique and important role in mobilizing children's emotions for a day's activities, developing children's basic movements, and strengthening their physique. The characteristic morning exercise integrated into the Lucuo Lion Formation culture allows children to enhance their physique and experience happiness, and they can also learn the precious spirit of loving and daring to win, guarding the family and defending the country in the traditional Lion Formation culture.