
The actor of "Zhong Ah Si" in "Crazy" was deleted due to drug-related scenes I apologize: I accidentally ate it because of cervical spine pain

The TV series "Crazy" starring Zhang Yi, Zhang Songwen and other powerful actors has come to an end, and with the fire of the TV series, there have also been many hot topics, and even a lot of controversy, among which the actor who played "Zhong Ah Si" in the play has been reported for drug use before, so netizens do not understand why the crew will use drug-related personnel to "star" and why they did not make a back tune.

In everyone's doubts, the crew of "Crazy" quickly responded and summed it up as: the actor Hanxiao did not use his real name to submit his resume, but changed his name "Han Pujun", as a special actor he only filmed for one day, the drama party will delete the relevant clips of drug-related actor Han Pujun, zero tolerance for drug-related activities, and will also protect legitimate rights and interests through the law.

After the official of "Crazy" issued a statement, the actor smiled and issued a long apology at 3 a.m. on the 12th, saying that drug use has happened for more than ten years, and every day is spent in regret, because he was born in a military family, and his parents also told him to be a good person since he was a child, and he has done this for so many years, but the ghost made God take a wrong step and fell to pieces.

Hanxiao also explained the reason for taking drugs in the first place, saying that he was punished by mistake because of unbearable pain in the cervical spine and unclear understanding of new drugs, so he accepted the punishment of administrative detention for several days, and also thought about ending everything, but thought of his elderly mother, good wife and young children, as the only man in the family, he must live strongly, and spend the rest of his life desperately washing the stains on his body, even if he knows how to wash it.

In the article, Hanxiao also apologized deeply to the crew, apologized to all friends who liked the drama "Crazy", apologized to all friends who had supported and loved him, and apologized to all the police who were fighting on the front line of drug control, wrong is wrong, full of guilt, the rest of his life will do his best to be a good son, a good father, a good husband.

In addition, Hanxiao also said that he has been actively cooperating with every urine test for more than ten years, just want to prove his innocence, and have always insisted on doing public welfare, doing his best to help others, so many years also just want to live an ordinary life, through efforts to shield the small family from the wind and rain, and acting is his job, and thank the teachers who gave the job opportunity.

From the smiling post, you can feel that he really recognized that he did wrong, the apology is true, and he has been determined to repent of his mistakes for so many years, and most netizens have also accepted his apology, but also clearly expressed the hope that he will change careers and not continue to be an actor, you can try to go behind the scenes or try other professions, after all, the bottom line does not allow a trace of trespassing, wrong is wrong, and it is not appropriate to continue to appear on the screen.

In addition, there are a small number of netizens questioning and laughing posts, especially he mentioned that the reason for the original drug use was cervical spine pain to eat by mistake, looking back at the original report, the police found a variety of drugs in his home, he himself revealed that Xie Dong instigated him to take drugs, when he wrote a song to Xie Dong to listen, because he was a little sleepy, Xie Dong let him take a sip, just this mouthful of laughter did not sleep for three days, has been in excitement.

Therefore, Hanxiao was not mistakenly eaten because of cervical spine pain, nor was he unclear about the new drug, he knew that Xie Dong gave him drugs when he took drugs, but he did not refuse, and he smoked it when he knew that it was drugs, and touching the bottom line was indeed not worthy of forgiveness, not to mention that he is still lying to cover up the facts.

At that time, Hanxiao publicly apologized for the drug-related incident through the program, hoping to be able to be a person again, and his wife Gao Shan, who was five months pregnant, suffered a miscarriage because of the blow too much, and this matter was quite sensational at that time.

After apologizing publicly with a smile, his wife Gao Shan left a high-profile message in the comment area, saying that he felt the struggle, pain and regret of his husband with a smile over the years, and also thanked him for the ease he brought to the family with a strong smile, and will walk hand in hand for the second half of his life in the future, in Gao Shan's heart with a smile is a kind and honest man, is the backer of her and her daughter, the family will always be together, and smile and kindly call her wife to respond.

Gao Shan also replied to netizens: "There is no meaning of whitewashing, and it can't be washed at all, as a wife hopes to give him a little warmth at this moment", it can be seen that the relationship between the two is still good, Gao Shan is also a producer now, and it must be because of such a smile that he has the opportunity to appear in so many dramas again.

One wrong step, one wrong step, not all mistakes can be forgiven with a word of sorry, after all, the bottom line has been touched, as netizens said, it is really inappropriate to appear on the screen again, leaving the stage to return to the family to be a good husband, a good father, a good son, in fact, it is quite good.

I also believe that after this matter is reported, no one will easily invite Hanxiao to star, after all, no one dares to take such a risk, and I hope that more actors will take it as a warning and don't do things that they regret.

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