
France's mysterious and strange "murderous magic mirror": it kills at a glance, and scientists dare not easily study it

author:Little L commented

If a mirror can kill people if it is seen, then this kind of mirror is a good killing tool, and in France, there is a mirror that has killed 38 people, and as long as everyone has seen this mirror, it is directly the brain hemorrhage and directly dies, and why does this mirror have such an ability, then look at it and die? What about the mysterious French Murder Mirror? Let's take a look.

France's mysterious and strange "murderous magic mirror": it kills at a glance, and scientists dare not easily study it

France's 271-year-old "magic mirror" has killed 38 people since its birth, and anyone who looks into this mirror will die of brain hemorrhage, but no one has been able to explain the real reason for its mysterious death! Not long ago, Russian scientists proposed a completely new interpretation——— this mirror may hide some kind of energy that has been accumulated for hundreds of years, and it is this release of this energy that kills people.

France's mysterious and strange "murderous magic mirror": it kills at a glance, and scientists dare not easily study it

The mirror, which was warned not to be collected, was shipped in 1743, and Louis Alper was the name of the mirror maker and the first victim. The craftsman who had been a mirror all his life suddenly collapsed in the workshop two days after making this mirror. After examination by the doctor, he died of cerebral hemorrhage. The death was treated as an accident. The mirror was then sent to the store and began its long bloody journey.

France's mysterious and strange "murderous magic mirror": it kills at a glance, and scientists dare not easily study it

Many scientists believe that the mirror is like a magnet, with a strong adsorption capacity, it can adsorb toxic evaporation, and increasingly accumulate in its mirror surface. It may be these reasons that Europeans still have a superstition that it is best not to look in the mirror when they are sick, because the toxic substances exhaled by the patient will stop on the surface of the mirror and evaporate, and if inhaled by healthy people, it will cause adverse effects.

France's mysterious and strange "murderous magic mirror": it kills at a glance, and scientists dare not easily study it

Some Russian scientists speculate that the "magic mirror" may have been purged countless times over the centuries, so it is unlikely that it will be fatal for such a reason. They deduced that mirrors not only adsorb tangible chemicals, but also invisible energy. No matter how many times it is cleaned, these "information" cannot be washed away, and the mirror has a certain memory ability. After research, experts boldly speculated that if the conditions are suitable, the mirror may radiate the previously preserved information again, and these energies will have a serious impact on human beings.