
Domestic drama 100 big rotten terriers

author:Hit the south wall without turning

1. No matter what kind of wine the martial arts drama hero drinks, he will shout after drinking: good wine!

2. Women dressed as men, men dressed as women will never be recognized.

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3. The Japanese in the anti-Japanese drama are all eight levels of Chinese, but their mother tongue can only speak eight square tooth road.

4. Chased and killed by a group of officers and soldiers, casually find a bush on the side of the road and successfully hide.

5. The rich second generation will always yell at their parents: This is not the life I want!

6. The protagonist of a martial arts drama falls into a hole and accidentally obtains a martial arts cheat.

7. The people in the East Factory are bad people!

8. Xian Xia dramas must have Shu Mountain.

9. Fairy dramas must have fox demons.

10. The male and female protagonists who trip together will definitely kiss each other.

11. Women in the harem miscarry every day.

12. When the male protagonist is willing to fall, the female protagonist is always a slap in the face, and then the male protagonist is awake.

13. Amnesia when the head hits.

14. Once the idol drama has a terminal illness, it deliberately runs away from its boyfriend or girlfriend!

15. Daughters and mothers look exactly the same, and sons and fathers look exactly the same.

16. After the male and female protagonists of the costume drama lie down on the bed, the camera will close-up the burning candles and flames.

17. Eunuchs were the emperor's closest friends.

18. With a veil, it will not be recognized, even if it is a transparent veil!

19. The fortune teller's words will surely come true.

20. When the protagonist is going to die at the execution site, he must leave people under the knife.

21. After a quarrel, a wave of the taxi says there is.

22. "You listen to me!" ”

"I don't listen I don't listen I don't listen!"

23. "Who is the murderer?" ”

"My killer is..."

(Died before he could finish speaking)

24. Girls who want to vomit never know that they are pregnant, they must say to the person next to them: You have joy!

25. Embroidery close-up must be tied to the hand.

26. Cut vegetables close-up must be chopped hands.

27. There is also the bad news that the heroine hears, no matter what she holds in her hand, she will definitely snap and fall to the ground.

28. The character doesn't call the doctor before he dies, just shouts: Don't die!

29. At the climax of the last episode, the bad guy thief's heart is not dead, and the female protagonist will definitely block the knife and gun for the male protagonist.

30. There is a white cloth when coughing, cough after looking, wow, a pool of blood!

31. It will rain if you kneel long!

32. Pass by at the elevator door, pass by at the intersection, pass by at the airport, and pass by in various places.

33. When the police catch the thief, the big old man shouts "Stop! Don't run! ”

34. Eavesdropping is bound to touch the debris and expose yourself.

35. Ancient brothels were called Yihong Courtyard.

36. The two are very much in love, and they must not get the approval of their parents.

37. When the descendants of zhongliang or heroes flee for their lives, they can always be saved wherever they flee, and those who save them will not end up well in the end.

38. There is a mysterious woman in each Qinglou, who maintains noble sentiments and does not conform to the world, is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and many men who come to see each other want to meet and do not receive guests.

39. Vegetative people always move their fingers first when lying in bed to wake up.

40. No matter how strong a person is, he will faint after hitting the back of his neck.

41. When sad, it always rains in the sky.

42. The vicious gangsters shoot at our heroes with machine guns, and the bullets follow the heels of our heroes, but they can't catch up with the heroes.

43. Super Poison and Unique Secret Weapon are both from the Western Regions.

44. Lifting the hijab generally does not see the face you want to see.

45. "Let's go!" ”

"No, I'm not going, I'm going to go together!"

46. When men and women mainly kiss, they are always interrupted by unexpected things.

47. When dying, the person next to you will say: You will be fine. The result is dead.

48. When important secrets are told, someone can always hear them through the walls.

49. The titles of powerful courtiers, whether eunuchs or princes, are nine thousand years old.

50. When you are hit by a car, it must be a beautiful slow motion.

51. The man raised his hand and swore: If what I say is half false, then the heroine must put a finger on the man's mouth and say: No, I believe I believe.

52. The female protagonist flew in front of the male protagonist and threw herself on her knees: Daddy, if you want to kill him, kill me first, I have his flesh and bones!

53. "I have a sentence here, I don't know when to say it?" ”

(Usually this sentence will be said)

54. No matter how expensive the car is, there are no airbags.

55. The male and female protagonists must be enemies before they become boyfriend and girlfriend.

56. The secretaries of the overbearing president are all comics + god assists.

57. In the costume drama, he obviously speaks Mandarin, but he says: Listening to the accent of the guest officer does not seem to be a local.

58. When many people are watching, the protagonist can always squeeze to the front.

59. The antidote in costume drama is always a dan medicine, there is no liquid.

60. The last trick to stop the enemy is to hold the leg, and the result of the leg hug is generally a heroic sacrifice.

61. The person you are looking for is across the road, looking at each other, and then there is a car driving by, and the person is gone!

62. If the female protagonist bathes in the wild, she will definitely be seen by the male protagonist passing by.

63. The heroine of the ancient drama died, and was usually placed on a boat covered with flowers.

64. When asked, "Do you want to hear the truth or lie?", everyone chooses to listen to the truth.

65. When you see a loved one asleep on the couch, you usually take off your clothes and put them on her, and then she wakes up.

66. If there is a shot of fishing, it is usually two people talking, and at the end of the conversation, there will definitely be a fish.

67. If there is a shot of playing chess, it is usually two people talking, and at the end of the conversation, there will definitely be a person who will win the game.

68 The third party wants to break up the original pair, and the usual method is to deliberately let one party see that they are intimate with the other party.

69. Sneaking home at night will surely be discovered.

70. The ashes should be sprinkled into the sea.

71. The female protagonist was bitten by a snake in the wild, and the male protagonist will definitely use his mouth to take drugs for her.

72. When practicing in retreats, there are usually major events that occur.

73. A new supporting character appears, and generally what happens (and the case) below is related to him.

74. Before the Great War, it is common for a crush to give away amulets

75. When climbing a mountain, you will always step on a rock and slide downhill.

76. There is a stone stele outside the mysterious place that reads "Trespasser Dies", but it is generally okay to go inside.

77. It is often surprising that an important sentence is not reacted to at once, and then read it again.

78. When running away and fighting, you will generally mess up the stalls that pass by.

79. The rich second generation usually does not like the beautiful temperament and rich female second, but likes the poor and not very good-looking character and flawed female one.

80. The first words to wake up after fainting are always: water.

81. Those who have been saved will certainly help at critical times in the future.

82. After poisoning someone else's wine, you will stare at someone else while they drink.

83 Good sisters will definitely tear up.

84. Good brothers will certainly kill each other.

85. The usual character of domestic dramas: the male second is a warm man, and the female second is a slut.

86. The process of emotional line of reality dramas: acquaintance→ communication→ (mating) → breakup→ find spare tires→ recombine→ get married→ have children (honeymoon)

87. Those who wash their hands and do not dry after this ticket will eventually die.

88. A good and upright man will produce a traitor.

89. To save a loved one tends to run out of true qi.

90. The director of academic affairs in youth films is usually a villain.

91. When the male protagonist is about to kill the villain, there is suddenly no bullet in the gun.

92. When an important person dies, the camera will surely flash back to his life in black and white.

93. Men and women who love each other in college in youth films must not come together after graduation.

94. Family drama must compete for inheritance.

95. When the plane is going to fly away, it will definitely catch the flight at the last minute.

96. People with birthmarks on their bodies must have stories.

97. In the TV series, you can get on the train to the platform and follow the train!

98. Captain, I'm out of bullets. Captain, I don't have any bullets anymore. TMD fought with the devil, and put on the bayonet. Then the devils will also be very cooperative with the bayonet fight.

99. A saying that Japanese devils often say: You Chinese have a common saying.

100. Slap the corners of the mouth and bleed.